A group of flesh and blood giants began to take shape, and in an instant, an unhurt fierce cloud appeared in front of everyone.

Then he said with a strange smile at xue'an and Jie: "xue'an, didn't you think of it? I am the real immortal! Ha ha ha ha ha

The fierce Xiao arrogant extremely laughs.

At the same time.

Qi Xuanfeng, the second Shao of Tianhuo, stealthily rushed behind him and made a wink at them.

The strong men of the sky fire god family came forward quietly and began to surround xue'an.

The same is true of the ancient sword Protoss and the Wutong deity.

These three forces formed horns with each other, which trapped Xue an and his party.

Even under the lock of the air engine, the space is slightly vibrating.

See this scene, fierce Xiao is more and more proud and rampant.

"Xue an, you kneel down and beg for mercy, and then offer all your women. I may give you a good time. Otherwise, I will make you understand what fear is." Fierce Xiao extremely arrogant said.

"Oh? Let me understand what fear is? " Xue an cold smile, and then Huoran raised eyes.

"Let's start with you, then

Fierce Xiao learned to be obedient this time. Before Xue an finished, he snorted coldly, "it's really looking for death!"

After that, he flashed and rushed straight over, then reached out and grabbed out with one claw.


The space is like white paper, which is cracked by fierce Xiao's claw, and then it hits Xue an at a very fast speed.

The prestige of the place, even from the near several low strength people directly burst body, spirit and soul are destroyed.

Fierce Xiao's face showed a ferocious smile, as if to see the next second Xue an died in his hands.

That kind of palm pierces the skin, through the scalding blood, the bones and viscera raw pinch burst feeling is so beautiful, even let fierce Xiao excited all over the body in shivering.

But the next second, everything he imagined didn't happen.

Only the strange feeling from the arm.

But see Xue an don't know when has already stretched out his hand, a held the palm that fierce Xiao claps.

Fierce Xiao a Leng, then extremely frightened want to pull out his hand.

But at this time, he was frightened to find that although Xue an's hand was thin, it was as unbreakable as a mountain. In front of him, all the struggle was in vain.

At this time, Xue Anyang began to show a faint smile.

"Do you want to fight with me with this kind of palm technique?"

With that, Xue an shook his hand.

Only listen to a burst of fracture in the crisp sound, fierce Xiao's palm was directly squeezed into a ball of meat mud by Xue an.

The fierce sky sent out a terrible howl.

He loved blood and killing, and he loved to hear people scream.

But what he likes is the feeling that he is the victim and others are the fish.

The feeling of tormenting his opponent and tormenting him to death a little bit didn't want to happen to him at all.

But now the situation has reversed and he has really become a prey, which of course makes him unable to accept.

You is also alarmed to find that although he wants to urge the divine power to repair the palm crushed by Xue an, it is of no help at all.

There seems to be a layer of barrier, the palm of his hand and the body completely cut apart.

He was terrified and then roared, "what have you done to me?"

Xue an smiles. "It's nothing. It's just a little dessert before dinner."! As I said, you are the first course of this killing feast, so enjoy it slowly! Isn't that what you like best

At the same time, he is full of fear of xue'an.

He couldn't understand why the boy, who looked as delicate as a woman, was so cruel when he started.

Even harder than myself!

The key is that when he does these things, his eyes are calm as the sea, and there is even a faint trace of compassion.

This feeling makes him feel like a sinner judged by gods.

This is really unacceptable to him.

Moreover, he knew that if he could not defeat this man, he would not want to be the leader of the five links theology.

Therefore, he suddenly withdrew, flew back dozens of feet away, directly broke off his muddy palms, and then looked at Xue an coldly.

"You are very strong indeed, I admit I despise you! But you also succeeded in angering me! Now, I'm going to show you what it costs to provoke a real strong man! "

Said, see fierce Xiao's eyes suddenly turned into the blood of the monster, and then roared to the sky.

"Demon God is in the world!"


At his command, he saw ripples in the void. Then he saw a demon God with a ferocious ghost crown and a lotus flower flying out of it.Not only that, but also the demon gods one after another.

In an instant, the sky of the sky fire god Xuan was occupied by the dense demon gods.

The evil and powerful breath even makes the whole sky fire god Xuan shake.

"Ha ha ha ha, Xue an, you can let me release all the demon gods worshipped by our sect at one time, which is enough to be proud of! Kill him

The fierce Xiao Yi points to the front.

However, seeing the strong and absolute power of a demon God, he suddenly fell on top of Xue an's head.

At that moment, it was as if Xue an put on a hat made up of countless demon gods.

The breath of so many demon gods combined to form a powerful power, and then locked xue'an firmly and directly.

Where it passes, space breaks, like the sea.

At least the people of the Taiyin Shenzu were forced to the distance by this momentum, but Xue an did not pay attention to these demon gods at all, just gave a cold smile.

"A group of wild animals living in the space gap dare to call themselves demon gods?"

After that, Xue an raised his eyes with a flash of light in his eyes, and a turbulent mind rushed out.


After a dull sound, an invisible mind shock wave spreads out in an instant.

Numerous deity worshippers with shallow accomplishments hummed in silence, which nearly scattered their spirits by the shock wave.

And these thundering demon gods are even more sluggish, and then they give out an unwilling roar, one by one burst out.

In an instant.

All these demons were turned into powder.

The power of counterattack makes fierce Xiao's mouth and nose bleed.

But what made him more intolerable was the fear in his heart.

"No It's impossible! "

He could not believe that the demons and gods on which the Wutong cult became famous and had no future and were not even able to survive one of Xue an's faces, and turned into dust.

But the facts are not changed by human will.

The cry of fierce Xiao was not over, Xue an said lightly: "I'm tired of your dish! Get out of here

With that, Xue an's two palms came out together, and the huge palm shadow directly covered the fierce sky.

Then the two palms suddenly turned, and a huge grinding table appeared in the void.

And fierce Xiao is the object of grinding.

He screamed, burst, and tried to get away in this way again.

But when his body turned into a torrent of flesh and blood, he found that the surrounding heaven and earth had been blocked.

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