He was firmly trapped in this "millstone".

At the same time.

As the grinding table rotates, the space is shaken out of the folds.

And the fierce Xiao is the most shrill cry.

"No I'm wrong. Don't kill... "

The sound is faint, and then quickly disappears into the invisible.

All the audience could hear was the delicate sound of the palm grinding the bone.


After three breaths.

The shadow of the palm dispersed.

And then look at the scene, there is no more fierce Xiao figure.

Yes, just a little blood mist floating in the air.

This is the last thing that fierce Xiao has left in the world.

Under the blow of Xue Angang, the spirits of fierce Xiao are crushed.

Although it is very slow to talk about it, it all happened in the time of no more than a stick of incense.

But it was in such a short time that Xue an directly killed the patriarch of Wutong theology, fierce Xiao.

All of us are proud of our achievements.

At the same time.

Xue an looked at Qi Si Xiang and Bai Tu, whose face was changeable. She said with a faint smile, "I've eaten the desserts before dinner. Now, it's your dinner!"

In the face of Xue an's smile, Qi Sixiang and Bai Tu trembled all over, and then they all roared: "let's go together!"

At an order.

Many strong men of the two races and one religion swarmed in, trying to put Xue an to death.

But seeing the way of Guanghua, the prestige is full.

Xue an's body was like a boat in the sea, completely submerged.

"My Lord!" Zhong An'an and the people of the Taiyin Protoss screamed, and then they all rushed up to rescue xue'an.

But at this time Qi Xuanfeng led a group of his men to block the way, and then Jie Jie said with a strange smile: "Zhong An'an, your adult is dead now, and there is no place to bury yourself. Obediently surrender. Maybe I am in a good mood and can let you live a few more days, otherwise today is your death date!"

"Yes! Zhong An'an, don't be wishful thinking, surrender! Although xue'an was fierce, he didn't die in the hands of all the adults in the end? " Xuanhun's "painstaking" exhortation.

Zhong An'an looked at Qi Xuanfeng with a cold face. Then he looked at the proud xuanhun on his face and said, "you are willing to be a dog, but it doesn't mean that others are willing to be a dog!"

"You..." Xuanhun's face changed, and he said: "Zhong An'an, you don't want to propose a toast or not to eat or eat a fine wine, and you are not willing to surrender, but the people behind you may be willing to do so?"

This mysterious soul is obviously stirring up dissension.

But Zhong An can't help but be stunned, yes! What if the people behind him also have a different heart?

Thinking of this, she could not help but turn to look at the people.

However, seeing all the people of the Taiyin Shenzu who came with them, they all bowed together at this moment, "patriarch, we Fight to death

The sound resounded through the whole sky fire god Pavilion, which made the face of xuanhun extremely ugly.

Zhong An'an was also stunned. Then he felt that his nose was sour. He could not help but take a deep breath and said with a broad smile: "good! This is my Taiyin people! "

After that, she slowly pulled out the sword passed on to her by mu GuQing, and said in a cold voice: "Taiyin Shenzu Draw out your sword

With the sound of pulling out the sword, Qi Xuanfeng and xuanhun's faces became extremely ugly.

"Well, I'm so stubborn! Do it Qi Xuan had a cold drink.

Many powerful people rushed into the crowd.

Everyone in the fire god Pavilion felt that the general situation was settled.

Because Xue an has been blocked by numerous powerful people, it is absolutely unavoidable.

As for the Taiyin Protoss, no one pays attention to it.

Therefore, there are more people besieging the Taiyin Protoss than those besieging xue'an. After all, everyone is willing to pinch persimmons.

What's more, the Taiyin Protoss are all pretty women. It's good to get a little cheaper.

At least that's what the people at the front think, but soon they pay a heavy price for their ideas.

We can see that the people of the Taiyin Protoss are standing around with swords, and they don't start in advance.

Until these people had rushed to the front, Zhong An'an suddenly said: "do it!"

At an order.

All the Taiyin people waved their swords, but when they saw the light of the sword like rain, there was a cry.

Those who came up in the first wave of siege were all cut by the sword.

"Forward!" Zhong An'an command road.

The Taiyin Protoss kept their formation and went forward.

Where they had passed, they all recoiled in horror.

Qi Xuanfeng was furious, "waste, a group of waste!"

He was ready to do it himself.

Just then, behind him came the voice of Bai Chi, the ancient sword God."Qi Er Shao, don't be impatient. I'll give this girl to me."

Qi Xuanfeng was slightly stunned, "brother Bai, you..."

"Don't worry. When it comes to playing with swords, we are the ancestors of ancient sword gods!" White Chi full of confidence said, and then greedy looking at Zhong An in the hands of the sword.

He recognized at a glance that this was the sword that mu GuQing relied on before he died.

The quality of this sword was so high that he was so keen on it that he wanted to take it quickly.

So he gave a sneer, and then the whole body disappeared in place. When he appeared again, he had come to Zhong An'an, and then cut him down with a grim smile.

I saw a bright sword light cut down with the momentum of thunderbolt. Its speed was so fast that no one could react.

For this sword, Bai Chi is confident that Zhong An'an will die.

Because he can see at a glance that Zhong An'an's Kendo cultivation is very ordinary.

Sure enough.

But seeing Zhong An's body shaking, although he wanted to dodge, the sword light had already come to her head.

Zhong An's eyes flashed with reluctance.

Did it not change the ending? Forget it, anyway, I've already fought, and I'm dead with no regrets!

Thinking of this, Zhong An'an's face showed a touch of relief.

But it was just when the sword was about to cut off Zhong An'an's head.

A wisp of very inconspicuous sword suddenly flew out of Zhong An'an's head, and then slowly on the white Chi cut this sword.

There was no sound.

There wasn't even any extra movement.

When baichi's sword is faced with this wisp of thin and hairy sword, it looks like the soil meets gold. It can't even resist, and it turns into nothing.

Bai Chi's whole body is shocked. He looks at this wisp of sword and opens his mouth to shout something.

But at this time, this wisp of sword turned into streamer light and passed through his mouth directly.

With a dull sound, baichi's head directly burst a big hole, and the sword flew out of it, and then swept through the air.

All the strong men who besieged the Taiyin Protoss stood still.

The situation stalled for an instant.

All the onlookers were shocked to see what happened.

Only Bai Chi's eyes showed the color of infinite awe and fear. The corners of his mouth moved and wanted to say something. But the next moment, his eyes darkened.

Then his whole life was completely cut off, and his spirits were all destroyed.

At the same time.

A strange and terrifying picture appeared in front of everyone.

However, all the people who besieged the Taiyin Protoss were standing in the same place. All of a sudden, there was a thin blood line in their throat. The bloodstain expanded rapidly, and then in the next moment, the heads of these strong men rose together.

Between the blood splashes, these strong people are also gods and spirits all fall, the corpse two points.

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