The audience could hear the breath of fear in the moment.

Many people were stunned by the scene.

Even Zhong An'an was a little silly, because she didn't know what was going on with this wisp of sword.

Just at this time, I saw this wisp of sword toward the numerous brilliance blocked by many powerful people.

"Stop it!" Qi Sixiang first responded and exclaimed.

At this time, the white figure on one side also recovered from the shock and roared: "chi'er!"

The dead baichi is also a son he attaches great importance to.

The second son, who had already died, was killed by Xue an without exception.

Therefore, he hated Xue an deeply. He didn't need Qi Sixiang to say anything. He jumped to the front and faced the sword. Then he said with a grim smile: "how dare you play a sword in front of my ancient sword God clan and break it for me!"

With that, he roared, and a small sword suddenly appeared in front of him.

The little sword grew in the wind, and instantly turned into a huge sword nearly a Zhang long, and directly connected with the wisp of sword.

Just listen to the sound of gold and iron.

Then I saw that the huge sword had been shaken back more than ten feet away, and the body of the sword trembled slightly, and it was obviously injured.

But the blow also had an effect. After a slight stagnation, the wisp of sword finally broke and finally dissipated into the invisible.

White figure saw the situation and laughed, and then directed at the still firmly blocked Guanghua ferocious voice.

"My sword is a disgrace! There is nothing in the world that can resist its attack. In terms of swordsmanship, no one can match my ancient sword Shenzu! Xue an, you don't want to think what can save you! It's no use, just go on the road

The voice was full of arrogance and joy.

Qi Xuanfeng and xuanhun, who had already mentioned his heart to his throat, could not help but feel relieved.

In any case, it is to eliminate this terrible sword!

Under the joint strangulation of many masters, the destruction of Xue an seems to be just a matter of time.

Can be in a lot of people just put down the heart, just listen to the light of Xue an's smile.

"If you want to kill a famous swordsman, you can't break anything, and no one can match your swordsmanship? I really wonder who gave you the courage to make you so bold? "

"Why did Xue an's face change? Are you still not satisfied? Unfortunately, what can you do if you don't accept it? You are in a desperate situation. You can't get out at all. Ha ha ha

Again, Berto laughed wildly.

In fact, the reason why he is so happy is not only that he can revenge his two sons for being killed, but more importantly, even the leader of the Wutong Shinto cult is also dead!

It was great news for him.

When xue'an is wiped out, the vast Tianzhao God kingdom will be shared by the ancient sword God family and the sky fire god family.

At that time, the ancient sword Protoss will become the most powerful family.

So naturally he was very happy.

But at this time, a cold voice poured a ladle of cold water on his head.

"Who said I couldn't get out? I just want to see what skills you have, but now, it's just that! So The game is over

When the end of the game, four words an exit, but see countless powerful joint blockade of the space showing ripples, the bright light curtain also began to fade.

Then he saw a pair of hands suddenly out, to both sides of a tear.


The light curtain, which is made up of the strength of countless powerful people, is directly torn in two, and the force of counterattack is to fly these strong people out directly.

And when Guanghua is gone, who is the proud young man in white, not Xue an?

These strong people who were shot out let the whole house fly.

Those who survived looked at Xue an with astonishment.

Because they all thought that Xue an would lose this time, but they didn't expect that he would break the blockade so easily.

Zhong An'an and the people of the Taiyin Protoss breathed a sigh. In any case, the best result is that the adults are safe and sound.

At this time, Bai Tu also sobered up, and then his eyes showed a thick fear of color.

He didn't understand why the boy was so strong.

Xue an had a good time to look at his eyes, and then he stopped his eyes on the Liusha sword which was suspended on his shoulder. With a faint smile, "is this the invincible sword you said?"

Bai Tu's eyes grew colder, and those ancient sword gods who were not far away from Xue an's body nodded slightly, and then said in a cold voice, "yes!"

Xue an chuckles and shakes his head: "I take back what I just said. You are not shameless. You are just sitting on the well and watching the sky without insight."It's hard to hear, but Bai Tu doesn't pay attention to it. When Xue an's voice just falls.

Bai Tu suddenly burst out to drink, "hands on!"

At an order, he grasped Liusha and took the lead in chopping out a sword.

And those of the ancient sword Protoss also came up with swords at the same time.

I saw the sword light like snow, covering the whole field.

His strong sword spirit even made the onlookers feel that the hairs on his face had been cut off, and his whole body was hurt by the sharp sword. He could not help but retreat from his face.

However, under the shadow of countless sword lights, Xue an still just gave a cold smile. "Since you ancient sword gods are so confident in their swordsmanship, I'll show you today what is truly invincible swordsmanship!"

Say it.

Xue an raised his eyes, and a powerful sword idea rose from Xue an's body. All the swords that had been cut were dissipated and became invisible.

Baitu and all the ancient sword gods were shaken by this sword.

Especially Berto, he couldn't believe it.

"No How can you have such a strong sword spirit? "

Xue an sneered, "why not? Can only you ancient sword gods use swords? "

Bai Tu's face shows incomparably dignified expression, which is more important for Xue an's fear.

But now he and the whole ancient sword protoss have no way back, only one choice is to kill xue'an.

Otherwise, they may also suffer from extinction.

"Sword array!" Bai Tu shouts in a deep voice.


At a command, all the people of the ancient sword God clan changed their bodies, and then formed a strong Jue sword array.

The eye of array is a white picture.

But see a sword light gathered together, Qi attached to Bai Tu's hand on the handle of Liu Sha.

The sword became more and more powerful.

But Xue an did not have the slightest fear color, but looked with interest.

A moment later, the quicksand sword in Bai Tu's hand has become extremely bright, and then Bai Tu drinks.

"Liu Sha breaks the sky!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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