
This sword cut straight down, the style and prestige of the prosperous, so that the language has become a little pale.

At least all the people who saw this sword were robbed by it.

Bai Tu's face was full of satisfaction.

Ancient sword Protoss can achieve the name of a powerful family with swordsmanship, which naturally has its own uniqueness.

This sword array is one of the best.

Once used, the swordsmanship of all people in the sword array can be gathered in one person.

That's really God blocking the killing Buddha.

So in his opinion, this sword can definitely kill Xue an!

But the pride on his face had not yet fully bloomed. Xue an looked up at the sword and laughed, "it's interesting, but that's all!"

With that, he slowly raised his hand, as if to block the sword with a bloody palm.

Seeing this scene, many people shook their heads in secret, believing that Xue an should be frightened by the momentum of the sword, which led to confusion.

Otherwise, how can you feel dizzy and want to fight against the fierce sword?

Holding the sword, Bai Tu is more proud and wants to laugh three times.

Because he felt that Xue an must have been at the end of his tether and had nothing to do.

But when everyone thought that the next moment xue'an was going to have blood splashes.

We can see that the sword light which was originally bright like a meteor stopped in an instant.

Everyone was stunned.

Including Bai Tu, the pride on his face disappeared in an instant, replaced by a full face of shock.

Because at this moment, Xue an clamped the light sword with two fingers and could not save it any more.

Before all the sword power in front of Xue an's two slender fingers, all dissipated invisible.

Break the sword with your hand!

This is unheard of.

Bai Tu has never seen it, but he grits his teeth and pulls it back, trying to pull the sword out of Xue an's hand.

But at this time, he found that Xue an's two fingers were like two mountains, which could not be moved at all.

At the same time, see Xue an faint smile, "this strength?"

As he said this, he gently pulled the sword back. Bai Tu felt that a great force suddenly came upon him. His palm was too hard. He just let go of his hand. Then he stepped back a few steps in fear and looked at Xue an.

Not only he, but all the people's eyes are also converging on Xue an's body.

At this time, Xue an held Liusha in his hand, looked up and down at the sword, and then shook his head gently, "the sword is a good sword, but it's a pity The swordsmanship with it is rubbish

After saying that, Xue anchong Bai Tu and the ancient sword God clan's people forest smile.

"Today, I'll show you the real power of this sword!"

With that, Xue an flicked the quicksand sword.

The sound of a sword roar like a dragon chant rings through the whole sky fire god Pavilion in an instant.

Then I saw that the quicksand sword came with the sound of tiny explosions, and the patterns of runes exploded.

Those are the array left by the ancient sword God clan's patriarchs on this Liusha sword.

Although they are very humble, but the superposition of generations can not be underestimated.

The reason why Baitu can control this sword is because of these arrays.

Even he always thought that the reason why the Liusha was so powerful was to a large extent due to the array.

But when Xue an's finger shot broke all the array attached to it, he saw that the light of the Liusha sword was flowing, and it was as bright as a star.

Momentum is soaring, in an instant, more powerful than before.

Then Xue an just nodded with satisfaction, "this just looks like a little bit!"

Having said that, Xue an seems to be careless, and cuts down directly with one sword.

With a stab, where quicksand sword passed, the space was like fragile paper, and a long and narrow crack was cut directly.

This kind of prestige is almost unheard of.

At least Baitu and others have already looked a little silly.

Then Xue an raised his eyes and laughed at them. "Now, let your own sword bear fruit on you!"

After that, Xue an waved.

Liusha sword flies out, and then begins to hover over the heads of the ancient sword Protoss.

"Not good!" Bai Tu exclaimed.

It may be too late, but I saw Liu Sha sword as straight as a dragon.


In the sound of silence, the quicksand sword is like the scythe of death, harvesting the lives of ancient sword Protoss.

The sound of scream, unwilling roar, the voice of begging for mercy resounded through the sky fire god Pavilion.

But none of this helped.

Just a few breaths.

These ancient sword gods were almost slaughtered.

Only Bai Tu with his own strong strength, barely escaped a robbery.But he was also shocked by Xue an's endless means. He had only one idea left in his mind, that is, escape!

So he didn't even dare to look at xue'an, so he turned and ran away.

The speed of sword cultivation is the fastest among all kinds of cultivation methods. In addition, Bai Tu's cultivation is really good. Therefore, when he intends to run away with all his strength, he will escape from the heaven Fire God's Hall almost in an instant.

As long as out of the sky fire god Xuan, the outside world is vast, naturally let me gallop! And when I come back to my tribe, I will try my best to get back this revenge!

Bai Tu's mind Secretly calculated that the speed of his whole body's cultivation accelerated a few minutes.

He's about to leave here.

Xue an stood in the same place and did not move, just a cold smile, "want to go? Do you think you can go yet? "

After that, Xue an waved and drank softly, "go!"

However, seeing the sharp whistling of the Liusha sword, it directly pierced the void in front of his eyes and suddenly disappeared in the original place.

But Bai Tu, who is running with all his strength, suddenly feels his whole hair standing up, and his heart is full of alarm bells. He can't help but stop suddenly.

Just when his figure could stop, the quicksand sword was cut straight down against his nose. With such a close distance, Baitu even felt that his nose was cold, and his skin had been cut by the sword.

Blood gushed out.

However, Bai Tu has no time to take care of these. He has been scared and broken. Now he just wants to get away from Xue an as soon as possible, so he turns around and changes direction and wants to escape.

But this time, before waiting for his speed to rise up, there is another sword in front of him.

Bai Tu was heartbroken, turned and ran, and the result was the same.

In an instant.

Bai Tu is like entering a sword prison, trapped in a square inch, and can't move at all.

At this time, Xue an light smile, "still run?"

Bai Tu was shocked, then slowly turned around and looked at Xue an with a complex look full of fear, anger and horror. After a while, he took a deep breath, "you and I are both sword practitioners. How about letting me go?"

Xue an laughed, then shook his head, "no way!"

Bai Tu's face coagulated, and then he said angrily, "Xue an, don't deceive people too much. You have to forgive people. If you force me to be anxious, you may not be able to get good results." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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