Xue an chuckled, "bullying too much? This word can be said by anyone, but you people are not qualified! And I'm just going to push you hard! Because I want to see it. What can you do for me

Bai Tu's face was blue and white for a while. Then he suddenly looked up and looked at the Qi four elephants in the distance. "Qi clan chief, we and other ethnic groups unite, but now the Wutong cult has perished, and our ancient sword God clan is in danger. Are you so old God watching from afar?"

Although Baitu is self calming, people can still hear the anger in his words.

But in the face of questioning, Qi Sixiang seemed to have never heard of it. He even lowered his head and began to drink tea slowly.

This made Bai Tu's face change wildly. He immediately understood what he was doing and said angrily, "Qi Si Xiang, you bastard! I will not let you go even if I die! "

With that, Bai Tu had already thrown out everything and roared at xue'an, "xue'an, this is what you forced me to do!"

Say, see white figure's face color suddenly begins to be pale, the speed is fast, regardless of the twinkling of an eye, then pale almost transparent general.

Then white figure's face will show extreme pain color, and then with the voice of crying and laughing: "all die for me!"

After that, Bai Tu's body exploded.

However, there was no blood or flesh, because in this moment, all the blood and flesh of Bai Tu turned into a sword, and then it came straight towards xue'an like a torrent.

"Turn your body into a sword!" Someone exclaimed and recognized the famous feat of the ancient sword Protoss.

This move is very powerful, but few people use it, because if it is used, it will lose countless vitality and life, and even may really fall.

But at the moment, the white figure has no way out, so he put all his eggs into play.

A look of approval flashed in Xue an's eyes. "Yes, it's a bit of the spirit of sword cultivation. It's a pity Do you dare to win glory with the sun and the moon with your firelight? "

After that, Xue an stamped his foot lightly, and the void trembled slightly. Then he saw the boundless sword emerging from Xue an's body.

It's so powerful that you can't look directly at it.

"Go Xue an pointed at it, and saw the sword slanting upward, facing the sword light transformed by Bai Tu's body.

The two phases collided, but there was no sound.

However, those swords of Baitu suddenly stopped in the air, and then began to rapidly eliminate in the invisible.

"No! Forgive me, my Lord. I will serve you as the Lord From the void came Bai Tu's voice of infinite fear for mercy.

Unfortunately, Xue an never had any pity for such people.

Because he is very clear that any confession from these people is based on strong deterrence.

If you don't have the strength, then no matter how you beg for mercy, you can only become a joke in the mouth of these powerful people who claim to be noble.

So he just said with a faint smile, "give priority to me? Hehe, do you think you deserve it

Having said that, the sword suddenly rushes wildly, directly encircles all Bai Tu's, and then strangles directly.

But at this time, Baitu hissed and roared: "Qi Si Xiang, you are such a mean person. If I die, you can't be better!"

With that, he saw that all the swords of Bai Tu's body exploded, and the powerful force broke through a small gap in xue'an's encirclement.

Bai Tu was overjoyed, and then turned all his spirits into the sword of heaven. In an instant, he rushed to the four elephants of Qi and killed them.

However, when the sword intention of Baitu rushes to, a pale golden flame suddenly appears around the body of Qi four elephants.

The flame is like peach and plum, but there is nothing to melt.

Bai Tu's last sword was intended to face the flame, but he could only howl bitterly. Then he roared bitterly: "Jinyang Tianhuo, Qi Si Xiang, you mean villain..."

The scream stopped suddenly, and everything was quiet.

But everyone knows that Bai Tu, the head of the ancient sword God clan, has already lost his body and soul.

This also means that the ancient sword Protoss, which once dominated the world, will fall and eventually be swallowed up.

The whole scene was silent, and many people's legs were trembling slightly.

Because the scale of the war is beyond the scope of many people's endurance.

From the beginning to the present, but half an hour's time, has already fallen two big Protoss.

Wutong theology, ancient sword Protoss.

Each one of them is famous and powerful, but it has been destroyed in the sky fire god Pavilion.

How can this not be daunting?

Xue an, as a man of action, is deeply feared by countless people at this moment.

However, Xue an, who has successively destroyed the two gods, makes light of it as if he had done a trivial thing, and then raised his head to smile at the Qi four elephants on the distant platform.

"How was the excitement?"

Qi Sixiang put down his tea cup and got up slowly. Then he gave Xue an a smile, "Mr. Xue is really powerful. Qi admires him!"With that, Qi Si Xiang even bowed to Xue an as a rite.

All the people in Tianhuo Shenxuan are stupid.

What's going on?

Why did Qi Si Xiang, who had just yelled at Xue an, suddenly changed his attitude and became so respectful?

Only some people who are smart in mind seem to understand something, and then they also deeply bow their heads and dare not look again.

But in the face of Qi Sixiang's courtship, Xue an laughed, "admire? What do you admire me for? Have you destroyed two of your allies? "

The sarcasm in this remark will overflow.

However, Qi Si Xiang seemed to have never heard of it. With a faint smile, "the strong in the divine world are respected. They provoke adults and are destroyed. Naturally, they are responsible for their own mistakes. No wonder others are responsible for it!"

"Oh?" Xue'an smiles, "so how do you deal with the sky fire gods? After all The young master of your family died in my hands

This made the atmosphere suddenly tense.

Many people looked at Xue an with frightened eyes. They didn't understand why Qi Si Xiang was so friendly. However, Xue an seemed reluctant and even mentioned the matter.

To everyone's surprise, Qi Sixiang laughed, "my son Hongbo is arrogant. He must have offended adults! So it's a pity, but if he dies, he'll die. "

This speech shocked many people.

Is this still the sky fire Protoss, which has always been known for its ferocity and tyranny?

Why are you so reasonable all of a sudden?

Only Zhong An looked at Xue an's back.

As smart as she is, she naturally understands why.

All because of xue'ana's great strength, even if it is the sky fire god family, they have to bow down for it.

Qi Sixiang is right. In the divine world As expected, the strong are respected! The Taiyin Protoss was bullied by all parties because of their weak strength.

Thinking of this, Zhong An gave a bitter smile, but in his heart he made up his mind to make sure that the Taiyin Protoss would become a powerful clan and not be bullied by anyone.

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