Even Qi Xuanfeng, who used to be extremely arrogant, is holding his head down at the moment, and even dare not lift his head.

As for xuanhun, he was scared to death, standing behind the crowd shivering, trying to make people ignore themselves.

But in this situation, Xue an chuckled and said in a low voice, "it's true that we should reason with the strong, and we should talk to the weak to eat the weak."

When he said this, Xue an's voice was not very loud. At least Qi Sixiang didn't understand what Xue an was saying.

But it doesn't matter to the four elephants.

At the moment, he said with a smile on his face: "Mr. Xue, I think this is the end of the matter. From then on, I will submit to you. What do you think?"

If we say that the attitude of Qi Si Xiang has caused a commotion.

Now Qi Si Xiang's words will cause an earthquake.

"What? Is the sky fire Protoss going to show submission? Did I hear you correctly Someone said, taking a cold breath.

"Yes, it sounds incredible!" Some people are unbelievable.

"I think this is the wisdom of the clan leader of Qi. After all, Xue an looks too strong. It's a good thing to submit now."

"That's right. In that case, this xue'an will have a step down!"

The crowd began to whisper.

But almost everyone thought that Xue would agree.

After all, Xue an's ten day period in the city of curse was also subject to the obedience of all the powerful families.

Now that his goal has been achieved, he also has steps to go down. How can he disagree?

Even the people of the Taiyin Shenzu thought so. Although Zhong An was unwilling and gloomy in his heart, he finally lowered his head.

In any case, adults have fulfilled their promises. How can they be too demanding?

"Oh? Surrender? " To everyone's surprise, Xue an didn't agree immediately. Instead, he asked with interest.

Qi Si Xiang said with a smile: "yes, since then, my sky fire god family will regard you as the Lord of Tianzhao. What do you think?"

Xue an smiles, smiling as if very happy.

Qi Sixiang also laughed, laughing more happily.

But the next second, the smile on Qi Si Xiang's face froze.

Because Xue an gently shook his head and said with cold words: "I'm sorry, I don't think so!"

Qi Sixiang never dreamed that Xue an would refuse his own request, so he couldn't help being silly there.

Not only he, but everyone in the audience thought he had heard the wrong thing.

However, Qi Si Xiang is worthy of being the leader of Tianhuo Shenzu for thousands of years. He soon regained his consciousness, then took a deep breath and asked in a deep voice, "what do you mean, my lord?"

Xue an said faintly: "it's not interesting. I just want to ask you, is it you who sent someone to do the matter of the Taiyin Protoss? Is that what you can do with a word? "

Zhong An'an and all the people of the Taiyin Protoss trembled at the words.

Zhong An'an, in particular, looked up at xue'an in disbelief.

Because she didn't expect, Xue an still remembered these!

Qi Si Xiang's eyes were full of anger, but he still suppressed himself. He said in a cold voice, "my Lord, it's just a Taiyin deity. What's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what's the matter

Zhong An can't help but say, "Qi Si Xiang, my master's death, it's just like this in your mouth?"

Qi Si Xiang sneered. Although he didn't speak, the meaning was obvious.

Zhong An was angry and wanted to speak.

At this time, Xue an waved her hand, motioned for her to step back, and then he gave Qi four elephants a smile.

"With my hand, I destroyed the Wutong cult and the ancient sword God clan, and then pretended to surrender to me. I want to take this opportunity to harvest the power of the two Protoss, and then try to do it slowly. Am I right? Chief Qi

This words let Qi four elephant complexion slightly change, but spin even returned to normal, ha ha a smile way.

"Mr. Xue, I admit what you said is true, and what's wrong with it? In the divine world, it's just you who cheat me. Fierce Xiao and Bai Tu are stupid, so they die. I can't blame me at all! As for the land they left behind, even if I don't go, there will naturally be someone to harvest it! "

So naked words make a lot of people turn pale.

However, Qi Si Xiang thought that this could not be more normal, and even had nothing to say.

Xue an gave a cool smile and then clapped, "that's good! Unfortunately... "

Xue an's face was cold, "I said clearly at the beginning, when the ten day period comes, those who haven't come will pay the due price! Have you forgotten this sentence? "

Qi Si Xiang's face changed and was about to speak.

Xue an said lightly: "Qi Si Xiang, the ancient sword God clan and the Wutong cult that I just destroyed are enemies, but at least they dare to attack. As for those who play tricks like you It doesn't deserve to be strong at allBoom!

Qi Si Xiang couldn't keep calm at last. A cold light flashed in his eyes, and the tables and chairs in front of him exploded.

Then Qi Sixiang said with a grim smile: "Xue, don't think I'm really afraid of you! I don't think it's the way you do it! But you're so aggressive, you're really toasting and not eating and drinking! "

Xue an laughs, "I don't eat toast, I don't eat penalty wine! I want Just wait to die

Having said that, Xue an didn't wait for Qi Sixiang to react. He directly took a step forward and then punched out.

The power of the fist is like a strong wind.

In the past, the high platform was broken, and the tables and chairs were powdered.

Even the floor was cut deep.

Seeing this scene, some numb people who had been shocked were all stunned.

Then someone murmured in a dull voice: "isn't he a swordsman? How can conjoining be so powerful? "

But under such a powerful blow, Qi Si Xiang was full of arrogance and even did not hide.

Until the fist and body, but see a different color of flame appeared in front of him, and then instantly formed a thin layer of fireworks light curtain.


The fist blows on this layer of light curtain, but only stirs up a shallow ripple.

Then Qi Sixiang burst out laughing, "xue'an, before my fire, do you really think you have a chance to win?"

Xue an didn't speak, raised his hand and blew out a few punches, but the results were the same.

This seemingly weak light curtain, however, has a strong defense.

Xue an's every fist can only stir up ripples in Taoism, and can't shake Qi Si Xiang Fen Fen Fen.

"Xue an, I advise you not to waste your energy! You can't break the curtain of light! " Qi Si Xiang hugged his shoulder and said with a smile.

"Oh?" Xue an slightly raised eyebrows, "do you really think I can't break it?"

Qi Si Xiang nodded arrogantly, "Xue an, it's useless to say anything. In front of me, your fist doesn't work at all!"

Xue'an showed his white teeth and laughed, "can't you use your fist, what about this one?"

With that, Xue an's fingers showed a faint flame, and then pointed out.

This finger is so arbitrary that it doesn't even stir up any momentum.

But with such a light touch, the sky fire light curtain in front of Qi Si Xiang suddenly stagnated, and then.

Pieces are falling apart!

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