
Qi Si Xiang's whole person was also blown back dozens of feet by this huge force. After landing, he opened his mouth and spat out a large mouthful of blood, and then looked at Xue an with unbelievable eyes.

"You What kind of magic did you use? Can you break through my sky fire and hurt me? "

Xue an Wen Yan but just a cold smile, "this may be very difficult for others, but in front of me, it is as easy as the back of one's hand!"

This makes Qi Si Xiang's face more and more gloomy, and then says with pity: "very good! Xue an, you are really not ordinary people. No wonder you can kill the gods of Tianzhao with your own strength, but if you feel that... "

Before the words fell, Xue an's body suddenly appeared on the side behind him, and then he punched out.

Caught off guard, Qi Si Xiang was once again blasted out.

Then Xue an slowly closed his fist, dropped his eyes and said: "my patience is not much, so please talk less nonsense All right? "

Qi Si Xiang stumbled to the ground, and spat out a few big mouthfuls of blood, and then looked at Xue an's eyes, which were full of horror.

Just now Xue an pointed to open his own sky fire light curtain has been enough to surprise him, did not expect that he could be so easy to hurt himself.

You should know that your body has been tempered by nine times of natural fire!

Let alone fists and feet, even ordinary magic weapons can't help themselves.

But immediately, Qi Si Xiang's eyes showed the meaning of killing.

He wanted to stabilize xue'an by delaying his troops, and then settle accounts with him after harvesting the power of the ancient sword Protoss and the Wutong cult.

But in the present situation, we can't do without doing something.

Because this son does not eliminate, will become a great trouble!

What's more, in full view of the audience, he was beaten by Xue an twice in succession. If this face can't be earned back, it will be a real failure.

Thinking of this, Qi Si Xiang's words were as cold as ice, "Xue an, you are looking for death by yourself. You can't blame others! Everybody, do it

At an order.

The earth shakes and the void makes fire.

Including the second young master Qi Xuanfeng, all the Tianhua people had flames on their heads.

These flames are of different shapes and colors.

Some as big as lotus, some as small as gardenia, but without exception, these flames are emitting a strong power.

"It's the flame of the life of the Tianhuo people!" Exclaimed a man of great insight.

At the same time.

All of a sudden these flames rise into the air, and then begin to change their positions in the air at a very fast speed.

See the road of Guanghua, the fire reflects the sky.

After a dizzying change, the flames suddenly stopped.

Then you can see that there are wisps of light between these flames.

In an instant, the flames were all connected to one place.

When the moment of formation, I saw a nearly pure blue fire rising from the sky, where the space was slightly distorted by burning.

Until then, the crowd could see what it was.

Because the flame, which is connected by the brilliance, is clearly the shape of a large array!

"It is It's the divine fire array of the sky fire Protoss Someone's teeth chattered and whispered.

All the people were horrified at the news.

Because this fire array is known as the largest array in the four corners of the world. It is the divine skill of the God family.

Although it is rarely used, it is said that if it is used, there will be earth shaking power.

And now it seems that the great array of divine fire also gathers the cultivation and divine power of all the people of the whole sky fire god family. Its power is so powerful that it is almost unheard of.

At least a lot of people feel that although there is a long way to go from this great fire array, the scorching heat wave seems to scorch their hair and hair, and they can't help but recoil in horror.

At this time, Qi Si Xiang said in a voice full of arrogance and pride: "Xue an, it's your good fortune to die under this kind of magic skill of my family!"

Xue an, however, seemed not to have heard Qi Si Xiang's clamor. Instead, he raised his head and looked at the magnificent Shenhuo formation quietly.

Until a moment later, a smile appeared in the corner of his mouth, and then he said faintly, "do it!"


Everyone was stunned when they heard the speech.

Do it? What's the meaning of this? Did Xue an give up the resistance when he saw that the divine fire array was so powerful?

Zhong An'an was even more startled. His face was full of anxieties and yelled, "my lord...!"

Qi Si Xiang was slightly stunned, but Xuan even laughed, "good, Xue an! It seems that you are also a man of taste. I will reward you with your words! "

After that, Qi Si Xiang raised his hand and pointed to Xue an and said triumphantly, "kill him!"


Just like a volcanic eruption, a great array of fire fell in the sky and ran straight to xue'an.Qi Si Xiang is obviously very afraid of Xue an, so if you don't do it, if you move your hand, you will be merciless.

But Xue an in the face of this attack all over the sky when the flame, not only did not have the color of fear, but slowly closed his eyes.

Under this situation, Qi Si Xiang was more and more proud. He thought that Xue an was definitely seeing the sky fire was too strong, not an opponent, so he simply gave up the resistance.

This is also the common idea of most people in the audience.

A lot of people feel relieved.

In any case, the boy, though extremely tough, eventually died in the hands of the Skyfire Protoss.

Qi Xuanfeng and xuanhun were even more happy.

Especially xuanhun, she can't wait to laugh three times at the moment, but she still forced herself to suppress the excitement in her heart, and then quietly looked at Zhong An'an not far away.

Zhong An'an and all the people of the Taiyin Protoss are extremely ugly at the moment, and even their eyes are full of despair.

But the more so, the more happy xuanhun was.

Hum, do you really think you've climbed a big tree? This is it! When Xue an dies, the end of all of you will be extremely miserable! Xuanhun was full of resentment.

Meanwhile, xue'an's figure has been completely submerged by flames.

The scorching heat wave even baked cracks in the ground.

The crowd retreated.

Qi four elephant Jie Jie said with a strange smile: "Xue an, are you not strong? I'll see how you can turn the tables. "

There was silence.

Zhong An looked gloomy, tears in his eyes.

Even she thought Xue an must die this time.

At this time, Qi Si Xiang turned his head and gave her a grim smile, "clan chief Zhong, what else do you say now? Surrender, I can consider sparing your life! Otherwise... "

However, Zhong An'an did not wait for him to finish. He took a deep breath and said coldly: "don't say it, the Taiyin Shenzu, today will fight to the end!"

Having said that, Zhong An'an raised his sword in his hand, pointed the tip of the sword to the front, and used all his strength to drink it.

"Kill!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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