In an instant, the people of the sky fire Protoss were enveloped in flames.

"It's God The fire is coming back Someone extremely difficult swallow saliva to say.

The so-called divine fire backfire refers to the fact that if the divine fire of these clansmen of the sky fire god clan is extinguished, they will suffer a tragic backfire, and even The spirits and spirits are destroyed.

And just now the Shenhuo formation is the original divine fire of all the Tianhuo people.

This is nothing, but who would have thought that Xue an would hold all the magic fire in his hand.

It's like the fire gods are giving their heads away.

This is also the reason why Qi Si Xiang was so frightened.

But the result still failed to stop, leading to all the fire was put out by Xue an.

In the sound of howling and crying, those weak Tianhuo people didn't even hold on to three breaths, and they turned into fly ash directly.

However, the stronger the support time is also longer.

Qi and xuanzi, for example!

At the moment, although they are also devoured by the fire of their own life, they are still supporting with their own cultivation.

But this kind of antiphagy is directly acting on the spirit level, and they can't break it.

Therefore, after struggling for only a moment, Qi Xuanfeng couldn't hold on for the first time.

I saw his shrill cry: "father help me! Father, help me

Unfortunately, Qi Si Xiang, who was once omnipotent in his eyes, is now too busy for himself. Where can he find time to save him.

So after a few shouts, Qi Xuanfeng understood that it was futile.

However, under the great despair and fear, he knelt down in front of Xue an with a plop,

"Lord, I know I was wrong, please spare my life! I would like to be a cow and a horse, a slave for all ages! Just let me go... "

In the end, he even cried because he was too afraid.

Such a bottomless cry for mercy has changed many people's faces slightly.

Xue an even sighed, "why do you people learn to fear only when facing death?"

"Yes, yes! My Lord, you are all right. I really know that I am wrong! Just ask you to let me go! I will be your slave! " Qi Xuanfeng cried for mercy.

Xue an slightly frowned, and then a cold smile, "you are now ugly, even worse than a woman, still want to give me a slave?"

This refusal made Qi Xuanfeng tremble all over his body, and his eyes showed the color of fright. He just wanted to say something.

At this time, I saw that his body in the continuous burning of the divine fire showed cracks.

"No...!" Qi Xuanfeng screamed.

But it stopped.

Because his whole body suddenly turned into fly ash, and then, including the spirit, all disappeared.

On the thin layer of powder, there is no trace of magic fire.

Seeing this scene, many people only felt their scalp numb and shivered.

And the Xuan soul nearest to Qi Xuanfeng is shaking like chaff and fainting.

Because the situation is changing so fast that the Skyfire Protoss, which has just gained the upper hand, is suddenly killed and injured.

Even Qi Xuanfeng, the second young master, was destroyed.

Thinking of Qi Xuanfeng's tragic situation just before his death, xuanhun felt her blood coagulated. The extreme fear even made her go crazy.

But Xue an is obviously not in the mood to pay attention to her now.

Xue an slowly turned his head and looked at Qi Si Xiang, who was covered by fire, but was able to compete with him. He gave a faint smile.

"Sorry, your Skyfire is gone!"

At this point, except for the four elephants of Qi, all the Shenzu of Tianhuo were taken away by Xue an Yibo.

After hearing Xue an's words, Qi Si Xiang snorted angrily, but did not speak.

Xue an looked at it with all his time, "your son is dead, but you don't seem to be sad at all! Oh, I see. You're fighting back with all your strength. You can't be distracted, or you'll die. I guess Is that right? "

In the rising flame, there was a silence at first, and then came Qi Si Xiang's voice as cold as hell.

"Xue an, you are right! All my people are dead, even my son! But do you really think you've won? "

Xue an slightly raised eyebrows, "otherwise?"

At this time, there was a crisp crack in the fire, and then he heard the four elephants roar with pain.

It was the divine fire that he had blocked so hard that he finally burned a crack in his body.

But after the pain roar, Qi Sixiang laughed.

"Let me admit it, Xue Tian! But you are still not a strong man! "

"Do you think I'm going to despair over the death of these people? No, you're wrong! As long as I am here, the sky fire god clan will not perish. As for the son of any clan, in my eyes, it is just a chess piece that can be abandoned at any time. "There was a commotion in the crowd.

Xue an also slightly raised eyebrows, and then asked with a smile: "Oh? Is it

"Of course! Because in the eyes of the real strong, everything can be abandoned except me! "

"But do you think you can run now?" Xue an said lightly.

"Ha ha, Xue an, you are still a frog in the bottom of the well, and you have little knowledge! Let's see the real power of the fire

With the sound of his speech, he saw the four elephants roaring up to the sky.

The body was burned out in an instant, but at this time, a divine light rushed out, and after a circle, it flew to the sky.

People are all stupid.

It's obvious that you've just given up your body to escape.

But it also means that all his accomplishments will be put into the water, which is better for the strong than to die.

At such a high price, what is the Qi Si Xiang going to do.

The crowd was in doubt.

Only Xue an's smile on the corner of his mouth was more prosperous, and then he said in a low voice: "finally Is it time to start? "

The voice has just dropped.

The ground suddenly began to shake violently.

The whole sky fire god Xuan also then issued the unbearable groan.

Everyone was shocked and flew out.

When it comes to the outside world.

A spectacle appeared in front of everyone.

I saw the vast and boundless sky fire desert, just like a boa constrictor, wriggling endlessly, and then a huge gully began to emerge gradually.

In an instant.

In the middle of Tianhuo desert, there is a huge gully, which is immeasurable, just like an abyss.

When someone saw this, his face was as pale as death, and he said in a trembling voice, "God Sky fire abyss! This is the birthplace of the divine family, the abyss of fire! "

At the same time, he listened to the proud laughter of Qi Sixiang from the abyss.

"Xue an, do you know the sin?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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