With this question, but see the sky fire over the abyss, an ethereal figure gradually emerged, it is a face of pride and arrogance of Qi four Xiang.

But at the moment, he seems to be a soul but not a soul. Although he stands there, it seems that he does not exist in this world.

Even in the mind perception of many powerful people, he does not exist at all.

Such visions naturally shocked people.

Xue an just quietly watched, until after a while, just lost his voice and chuckled, "know the guilt? What sin do I want to know? "

Qi Si Xiang Jie said with a strange smile: "Xue an, you should be punished for killing my people and my son! However, I am the head of a powerful clan, and I have the capacity to accommodate people. If you submit to me now, I can't think of letting you go! "

"Oh? Surrender to you? " Xue an asked with interest.


At this time, Qi Sixiang's eyes flashed a greedy color, "but only if you give me all the secret skills you master! In this way, I can let you off

This is the real intention of Qi Si Xiang.

As a matter of fact, he had long coveted Xue an's powerful secret art. If he could get it, the fire god family would not only become the first powerful family in the four corners of the world, but also could enter the high divine world and become a powerful family that spans the whole divine world.

Compared with this, the death of the clansmen and even their two sons is not even a root hair.

Xue an was silent after hearing the speech, and seemed to be seriously thinking about the feasibility of Qi Si Xiang's proposal.

This time, all the faces of the Taiyin Shenzu changed, especially Zhong An'an, who flashed a look of panic.

My lord I don't really want to submit to this Qi Si Xiang!

Because even Zhong An'an, we can see that the present Qi Si Xiang is not so simple.

It can be seen from the fact that no one in his mind can perceive him, that he is now clearly well assured.

As a member of the Taiyin people, Zhong An'an has naturally heard many legends about the fire abyss.

It's said that this is a place that rarely exists in the divine world. There are countless heavenly fires and various magical effects.

Thinking of this, Zhong An's heart can not help but mention the throat, looking at Xue an with a worried face.

Qi Si Xiang was very happy when he saw Xue an, and then he said, "don't worry. As a strong man, I will never be angry with you because of the death of the so-called people and sons. Even after you have presented your secret skills and skills, we can still join hands. At that time, although the divine world is large, we can do everything we can!"

It has to be said that as the head of a powerful clan, Qi Si Xiang's ability to bewitch people is very strong.

At least, when this was said, many people were shaken.

In their opinion, this opportunity is once in a blue moon, so Xue an will definitely agree.

Qi Sixiang also looked at it with a smile, but in his heart he was secretly planning. After squeezing out the value of your use, I will let you taste the taste of Tianhuo refining body.

But at this time, Xue an suddenly sighed, "as a leader of the powerful clan, what you have done is not excessive! But your biggest problem is... "

Xue an Huoran raised his eyes, "no bottom line!"

"It may seem to you that it's normal for you to be strong by any means, but once you have this kind of mind, the power in your hand will eventually become the sword that will destroy you!"

"Because once one's eyes are blinded, they can't see more! After all Weakness and ignorance are not obstacles to survival, arrogance is! "

Xue an's words made many people in the audience puzzled, because they did not understand.

Only Zhong An was slightly stunned, and his face showed a thoughtful light.

However, Qi Sixiang obviously couldn't listen to this. His face sank and he said with a sad smile: "Xue an, I can't take your turn to teach me. Don't think that if you can travel thousands of miles before, what can you do with me? Where I am now, but where you can't touch it at all

Speaking of this, Qi Sixiang smiles triumphantly.

"Oh? Is it? " Xue an gave a cold smile and then took a step forward.

After one step, Xue an's whole person appeared in front of Qi Si Xiang in an instant, and then shot down with one hand.

I saw that the palm wind was like a strong wind, and its momentum was enough to make people feel cold.

But it is such a strong hand, but directly through the body of Qi four elephants.

As if Qi Si Xiang's body was a mass of air, Xue an's palm passed through without hindrance and did not play a role in him at all.

Qi Sixiang laughed triumphantly: "Xue an, I advise you to save your strength! I'm in a place you can't imagine! Still that sentence, surrender now, I can spare you

"It's just hiding in the space gap, but I think I'm very powerful! And You are really wordy

Xue an said coldly, and with one hand he reached out.Xue an's palm went through the void and appeared directly in front of Qi Sixiang. Then he grabbed his neck and dragged him out of Zhongsheng.

Qi Si Xiang's face changed wildly, and he roared in disbelief: "you..."

But Xue an doesn't want to talk to this guy anymore. "I know it's just a part of you, but today, you have to die! I said it

After that, Xue an shook it.


A sound like the dull sound of rotten watermelon.

Qi Si Xiang's ethereal body was directly held to pieces.

Then he heard a shrill howl from the fire abyss, "xue'an, this is what you forced me to do!"

"Sky fire is in the world!"

Qi Si Xiang, hiding in the abyss of fire, was obviously very angry.

At a command, he saw that the abyss of the abyss of fire, showing a little light.

This kind of light is like the luminous jellyfish in the dark sea bottom, slowly floating upward.

A moment later, these light spots occupied the whole sky fire abyss, and when they came to the public before and after, everyone was shocked to find.

These spots of light are flame of different colors.

These flames float over the sky fire abyss, forming a colorful ocean.

The scenery is shocking.

At the same time.

Then, a wave rose from the sea of flames, and then the sky fire formed a huge body with a height of 100 Zhang, which was the four elephants of Qi.

With his appearance, the temperature of the whole world suddenly rose.

A lot of people think that they just look at it, and their hair is about to burn. They can't help but turn their eyes in horror and dare not look directly at them.

Only Xue an stood up with pride and looked up at the giant Qi Si Xiang with a cold smile.

"That's interesting!"

After that, Xue an swings his robe sleeves, and the whole person rises to the sky and comes to the front of the Qi four elephants in an instant.

Qi Si Xiang is like a flame God. When he sees Xue an coming near, his eyes flash.

But see two red flames straight from, where even the space seems to have been scorched.

Xue an just waved his hand, and the two flames dissipated. Then Xue an laughed coldly, stepped out, and directly came to the front of Qi Sixiang, and then punched out.

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