Qi Sixiang could not help but roar, then raised his huge fist and stubbornly resisted it.

Compared with Qi Si Xiang's fist, Xue an's whole body is very small.

Even under the style of Qi Si Xiang's fist, Xue an was a little shaky.

In spite of this, Xue an did not give in at all, and went straight ahead.

Finally, two punches.

To our surprise, there was no earth shaking noise, even unnecessary movement.

The fists of the two men were so quietly locked together.

Until after a breath, centered on their fists, a terrifying shock wave takes shape and spreads directly.

Along with it, there was a loud noise that made everyone look white.

In an instant.

But the shock wave swept the whole world and swept away all the clouds.

Who wins and who loses?

After the Guanghua dissipated, they could not help but concentrate on seeing.

Xue an's body retreated a few feet, but there was nothing unusual about it.

In contrast, Qi Si Xiang is much worse.

Half of his arms had been blown to pieces, although the sky fire wriggled in an instant and restored it to its original state.

But the pain still made Qi Si Xiang angry. At the same time, his eyes towards Xue an were full of deep fear.

He thought that relying on the blessing of the fire abyss, he could easily cut this xue'an in front of him.

But I didn't expect that this blow almost blew up half of my body.

What did he come from?

Why is it so powerful?

This is not only what Qi Sixiang thought, but also a common question in everyone's mind.

At this time, Xue an looked down at the whole sky fire abyss and said faintly: "what else is new? If not, I'll see you on the road

Qi Si Xiang was furious when he heard the words, and the sky fire that made up him also soared.

You should know that he is now the spirit of fire, and his temper is naturally tainted by the violent character of these untamed sky fires. Therefore, after listening to Xue an's words, he will not be able to control his temper.

Qi Sixiang roared angrily: "Xue an, you are not ordinary people! But today, even if you are a strong person, you have to fall here! "

With the voice of Qi Si Xiang, there are more and more sky fires rising from the sky fire abyss, and then they begin to gather together.

In an instant, it turned into a colorful, flaming huge sky fire.

"Xue an, it's your fate that you can die under this move!" With that, Qi Si Xiang raised his hand and pointed to it, and roared one word at a time.

"The sky fire obeys orders, burns up the sky!"


At an order.

But seeing this huge sky fire rising, it will cover the whole world in an instant.

Then we can see the light shining between the gold, these flames like a raging giant, swept by.

All of them were shocked by the power, and they stepped back a long way in panic, and then looked up in horror.

However, Xue an stood on the sky without retreating.

But the next moment, his whole body will be completely engulfed by this burning fire.

This picture is reflected in everyone's eyes.

Zhong An'an wailed, "my Lord!"

All the people of the Taiyin Protoss are miserable.

Because in their eyes, the power of the sky fire is too strong.

Xue an is now engulfed by the fire. It must be very dangerous.

How could it not have made them feel sad.

As for Zhong An'an, his face is full of tears.

As for the other onlookers, there were people with different minds, some with sympathy and regret, and some with secret joy.

For example, xuanhun, at this moment, she finally put her heart in her stomach and gave a dark breath.

Anyway, this Xue an is dead!

Otherwise, I can't keep my life.

At the same time, Qi Si Xiang looked at the burning fire, and his mouth showed a touch of color.

"Xue, although you are very good, you are still too young after all! Now that you're dead, you can't blame anyone else. Who made you too angry? "

With that, Qi Si Xiang lowered his head and glanced over all the faces.

All of them were surprised, and then they bowed their heads in a hurry.

Then Qi Si Xiang's eyes stopped on Zhong An'an and others, and then laughed a few times.

"What do you want to say now, Zhong An'an?"

Zhong An'an's face grew chilly, then shook his head, "Qi Si Xiang, do it!"

Qi Sixiang just laughed, "do it? Zhong An'an, I know you want to die! But that's just your wishful thinking! I will arrest all of you, so that you will not die until you are tortured! "Zhong An's face changed greatly. He suddenly lifted his sword and committed suicide.

But at this time, Qi Si Xiang waved her hand, and a ray of fire rushed directly to tie the hands of Zhong An'an and all the people behind her!

"Want to die? I will let you live and not die Qi Si Xiang said with a sinister face.

But at this time, suddenly someone screamed.

"This What is this? "

The crowd looked up one after another.

But see the sky floating down a little bit of light, to fall after, many people this is incomparably shocking discovery.

It's snow!

Is it snowing?

Everyone is stupid.

You know this is a desert to the sun, since ancient times, let alone snow, even if it has never rained.

But what happened today?

There is a big question mark in everyone's mind.

Qi Si Xiang also looked up in disbelief.

Just then.

I saw the sky full of flame suddenly began to dim.

Then a faint voice came from listening.

"I have been in charge of this fire for thousands of years, but I only use sky fire in such a superficial way. You guys are really stupid."

With the words, but see the sky flickering, and then Xue an slowly walked out of it.

With the appearance of his body, the sky was shattered and turned into a little sky fire again.

Xue an stood on the sky, and the snow fell on his brows. His white clothes were stronger than the snow, just like a fairy in white clothes walking alone, which made people dare not look directly.

Everyone was stupefied to see the spectacle.

Then Xue an looked down at Qi Si Xiang, whose face was full of shock and disbelief, and gave a faint smile, "am I right?"

Qi Si Xiang's whole body was shocked. He suddenly understood something. He raised his hand and said, "Tianhuo listens to the order and burns this man out!"

But unexpectedly, his command did not stir up any waves, and the sky fire floating in the air was not moved at all.

"This What's going on? " Qi Si Xiang's eyes were widened in an instant, and they were almost heartbroken.

Xue an faint smile, "sorry, these sky fire, now is mine!"

Said, Xue an's eyebrows suddenly showed a red and white flame, and then in an instant into a crystal clear, exquisite little lotus.

Industry fire red lotus!

As soon as the flame came out, he saw the sky fire floating on the whole sky, and then he knelt down to xue'an as if he had seen the servants of the supreme monarch.

This is Sky fire bow down, wanhuo Chaozong!

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