At the same time, Qi Si Xiang's huge body, which was originally as high as a hundred feet, is now like snow and ice under the scorching sun, beginning to melt rapidly.

A little light breaks away from it, and it is the sky fire that constructs his body is running away.

Qi Si Xiang sent out a roar full of reluctance and fear, "who are you on earth?"

This question also represents the question in many people's minds.

Because now even a fool can see that Xue an is not an ordinary strong man as mentioned before.

With the strength he has shown now, even the peerless descendants of the high-ranking Protoss could not have it.

Xue an sneered, "my name is Xue an, that's all!"

It was at this time that the bodies of the four elephants disintegrated completely.

Countless fires escaped.

In an instant, only the ethereal spirit of Qi Si Xiang was left in the field.

And Xue an casually pointed, light way: "destroy!"

The sky fire is surging forward, and in an instant it completely devours the spirits of the four elephants.

Before he died, the Qi Si Xiang finally understood that he was always dying.

Funny, I still think that I can control and even subdue xue'an. It turns out that it's you who really don't know how to live or die.

Unfortunately, he understood the truth too late.

Although full of remorse, it was only after a howl full of reluctance and regret that it was completely burned into nothingness by the sky fire.

So far.

An hour ago, all the three powerful families in the world, who were still in the ascendant, have all fallen.

There was a dead silence.

People look at it in a daze and can't believe their eyes.

The ancient aristocrats who have been in charge of the abyss of fire for thousands of years have been destroyed?

Some people's shocked brain is blank, can only stay there, completely do not know how to deal with.

And Xue an stood on the sky, looking down at everyone.

When the line of sight from these people, these people are afraid to bow their heads, dare not look directly.

Then Xue an just stay in the eyes of Zhong An'an and others who are also in a state of shock and confusion, and then smile slightly.

"Well, the sky fire family has been destroyed, and your revenge can be regarded as revenge."

With Xue an's voice, the thread of fire that binds Zhong An'an and others disappears instantly.

Zhong An and others were relieved, and then bowed to Xue an with great respect.

"Thank you for your vengeance

Xue an's noncommittal smile turned her eyes to the mysterious soul standing at the end of the crowd.

"What are you going to do with this woman?"

With that, Xue an pointed to it, and a wisp of sky fire immediately bound up the mysterious soul, and then threw it into the field.

At the sight of xuanhun, all the people of Taiyin were angry.

"This shameless traitor, kill her!"

"Yes! The reason why the old people will die is because of her! Cut her to pieces

In the noise, xuanhun was frightened and wanted to die. He didn't know how to struggle. He got up from the ground and ran to Zhong An'an with tears in his eyes.

"Patriarch, I've been fascinated. Please let me go. Even if you destroy my body, just leave me a trace of spirit! For the sake of all the Taiyin people, please spare me this time! "

The mysterious soul repeatedly kowtowed as he spoke.

The Taiyin people no longer speak, but focus their eyes on Zhong An'an.

After all, she is now the patriarch of the Taiyin Protoss, and people want to see how she will respond.

Zhong An's face was as cold as ice. He lowered his head and looked at the mysterious soul with tears streaming down his face. He suddenly gave a cold smile, "let you go?"

Xuanhun nodded again and again, "yes, i..."

Before the words from the back were spoken, Zhong An'an suddenly stepped forward, grabbed her hair bun and pulled it back to reveal her neck.

Then, without waiting for xuanhun to react, Zhong An'an takes out his sword with the other hand and cuts it horizontally, and the blade of the sword directly cuts across xuanhun's throat.


Blood splashed.

What's more, Zhong An'an's sword was so fierce that he even cut off half of xuanhun's neck. The blood was mixed with the gas in his trachea, and he wantonly ran across it, making a noise.

The faces of the whole audience changed.

Because people didn't expect that Zhong An'an, who looks charming and charming, would be so cruel.

At the same time, xuanhun shivered all over, and her eyes were full of pain and resentment.

Zhong An'an leaned down, completely ignoring the blood splashed on his face, and said with cold words: "it is the master's business to forgive you, and my task is to send you to see the master!"

With these words, Zhong An'an urged her whole body to cultivate, and her mind went directly into the sea of knowledge of xuanhun and hanged her spirit completely.Xuanhun's body struggled violently, and then his eyes began to fade at the speed visible to the naked eye.

Finally, the mysterious soul who betrayed his race was hanged by Zhong An'an.

When the corpse of xuanhun falls to the ground.

Zhong An knelt down on the ground and sobbed: "master, the traitor xuanhun has been ambushed. Rest in peace!"

Her move, so that all the people of the Taiyin Protoss are also full of tears, have to kneel down on the ground.

At this time, Xue an raised his eyebrow slightly, and then waved. The sword in Zhong An's hand flew straight and fell into Xue an's hand.

Zhong An was stunned. He didn't understand Xue an's intention, but he didn't dare to ask, so he lowered his head deeply.

Xue an looked at the sword with great interest and then said, "it's interesting! If I guess correctly, your master is not dead now

It was like a bolt from the blue, which made Zhong An'an and all the Taiyin people tremble. They couldn't believe their ears.

"Big adult? Is that true? " Zhong An asked with infinite hope.

Xue an laughed and waved it casually. The sword flew back to Zhong An'an. Then Xue an said faintly: "look at the breath above, you can tell! When the matter is over, I'll go to your Taiyin village and have a look at it. "

Zhong An's eyes gradually lit up with hope, and then kowtowed heavily. His voice trembled and cried, "thank you very much."

Not only did she, but all the Taiyin people kowtowed, "thank you very much."

Now the xuanhun has been ambushed, and the rest are the people in the field.

However, Xue an could not kill all of them for this. What's more, he has wiped out all the three Protoss. I'm sorry that these people don't dare to make a mistake.

So Xue an just took a cold look at these people.

Under a glance, these people all bow down with infinite fear and dare not make any mistakes.

Then Xue an just light way: "you wait here first, I go to this fire abyss!"

In a moment, Xue an's body falls into the sky and turns into fire.


After a bang, the sea of fire set off a huge wave, but before the waves fell, the boundless sky fire gradually extinguished, dissipated in the invisible.

And Xue an's figure disappeared. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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