The abyss of fire.

This is the tenth day after Xue an went in.

During these ten days, Zhong An'an and all the members of the Taiyin Protoss did not leave the defense line before the abyss.

But as time went on, the atmosphere became more and more dignified.

Instead of decreasing, more and more people gathered in front of the fire abyss.

After all, after ten days, the events that happened in the city of Skyfire have stirred the whole world.

Xue an used his own power to kill the three Protoss, namely, Tianhuo, Gujian and Wutong. This strength was enough to shock all those who heard of it.

Therefore, many strong people who did not come before also rushed to come after hearing the news.

After all, today's xue'an seems to have been the first person in the heaven and the universe.

If their own performance of neglect, it is likely to be destroyed.

With this in mind, every day there will be strong people from all walks of life.

But now it's been ten days.

In the abyss of fire, it was still as usual.

This can not help but let the crowd gradually began to stir up.

"Well, you said that xue'an was not in the abyss of fire?" Someone said in a low voice.

"Who knows, but I think it's a bit of a suspension. After all, the sky fire god clan has operated this abyss for thousands of years. God knows if there will be any arrangement in it! This Xue an is tough, but who dares to say that he won't be ambushed Someone said in a low voice.

Hearing this person's words, many people nodded in succession.

"Yes! Although the sky fire god clan was exterminated by Xue an alone, he was still alone after all. No one knows what is going on inside. Maybe it is an ambush that leads to his never coming back! "

"Tut Tut, the young people are still so angry! If he had not gone to the abyss of fire, he might have ascended to the supreme position of heaven and earth! It's so funny that you just want to die yourself Some people are rather gloating.

"I hope he is really dead. In that case, it will do us a lot of good." Someone suddenly whispered.

All of them were silent when they heard the speech, but there was a flash of greedy light in their eyes.


Today, the fire, the ancient sword and the five links have all fallen, and the Tianzhao temple has been destroyed.

It can be said that the heaven shines on the divine realm, and there has been a power vacuum rarely seen for thousands of years.

If Xue an is really dead, then these surviving elite forces can take advantage of the opportunity to reap the territory.

Therefore, almost all of them were waiting for Xue an not to come back.

It seems to feel the prayer of these people.

Another day passed.

In the abyss of fire, there was no difference.

Under this, the crowd's agitation is more and more intense.

As for many people who look at Zhong An'an, their eyes become a little different.

Zhong An'an is naturally aware of this.

But this time, she did not have the slightest panic.

Because after a variety of incidents, she now has a kind of blind trust in Xue an.

She even felt that there was nothing in the world that could defeat Xue an.

It's just a fire abyss.

So she has been very determined to wait here.

However, the Taiyin people under her were somewhat anxious.

"Patriarch, Mr. Xue hasn't come back after such a long time. He won't..." An elder asked softly.

Zhong An's face sank. "Don't say it. Mr. Xue's cultivation is amazing. It will be all right! What's more, when he left, he said clearly, let me wait for my life here, then we don't want to think about anything, just wait for the adults here honestly! "

"But..." The elder hesitated to look at the crowd in the distance.

Zhong An'an naturally felt the bad eyes from the crowd from time to time, and a cold smile appeared in the corner of his mouth.

"Leave them alone! To adults, these people are just ants! When he comes back, none of them can run away

"Yes The elder was awe stricken and nodded in a hurry. He did not dare to go on.

Because she found that today's Zhong An'an is very different from before.

At least the prestige she exudes is not to be underestimated.

After more than half a day, the night is gradually rising and the stars are like diamonds.

The commotion of the crowd became more and more intense. Finally, a group of people walked out of it and went straight to Zhong An'an.

"Patriarch Zhong, you are all right!" The leading man clasped his fist and laughed hypocritical.

Zhong An looked up at the man. After a while, he lowered his eyes and said, "it turns out that it's Dongxiong, the second in charge of feilongwu."you 're right!

It is the power of Dong Yingjie who was smashed by Xue an in the curse City, feilongwu.

And this man, is also the second figure of feilongwu, is also Dong Yingjie's younger brother, Dongxiong.

This east male hears speech hey hey a smile, "it seems that clan chief Zhong doesn't know! Now I am the leader of feilongwu! "

"Oh? Congratulations Zhong An said lightly, "what can I do for the master of Dongwu?"

When Dong Xiong saw Zhong An's attitude, he could not help but look at him coldly, but his smile did not change at all, and he still nodded and bowed.

"Patriarch Zhong, you see, we have been waiting here for more than ten days, but as a result, the Lord has not returned! Do you think you can find a way to contact the adult? After all, wait like this When is the end of the story

This is very polite.

But the discerning eye can know that this is obviously a pretext.

This Dongxiong obviously wants to run against the Taiyin Protoss through this matter.

If Zhong An'an said that xue'an could not be contacted, the situation would be worse.

If Zhong An'an can contact xue'an, Dongxiong will definitely hit the snake with the stick and ask Zhong'an to provide a specific date for xue'an's return.

A word will block Zhong An'an's possible retreat. This move can not be said to be vicious.

At least a lot of people not far behind, after hearing the speech, their eyes all showed a trace of amusing smile, and wanted to see how Zhong An'an dealt with this matter.

Zhong An was silent.

Dongxiong's heart is filled with a trace of color and happiness.

As the current leader of feilongwu, he naturally hates Xue an, who killed his brother directly.

But if Xue an is here now and frightens him to death, he doesn't dare to say one more word.

But now he saw that Xue an never came back, and he thought that Xue an might be more or less unlucky.

I can't wait to get out of this way. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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