After all, it's too easy for you to be on top of the throne. If you can't avenge the former dock master, that is, your brother, you will not be able to sit in a stable position.

But when he was ready to wait for Zhong An'an's response.

Zhong An suddenly burst into laughter, full of sarcasm.

Dongxiong didn't know why, so he was about to speak.

Zhong An'an raised his hand and pointed to him and said in a cold voice, "what are you, and dare to question me?"

Zhong An'an's aggressive attitude made the crowd ready to watch the excitement unexpected.

Dongxiong, in particular, was stunned and said in a deep voice, "what do you mean by this, clan chief Zhong?"

Zhong An said sarcastically, "what do you mean? Hehe, don't think I don't know what you think? Do you think that once the adults have been away for such a long time, are there any accidents? That's why you're so rampant? Otherwise, if adults are here, you will not dare to say a word

It's hard to hear, and many people's faces have become ugly.

Zhong An An's face was as cold as ice, and looked around the audience and said faintly, "I'll tell you! When the Lord will return is his business! You are not qualified to speculate. I can only say that the Lord will come back safely! "

The face of Dong Xiong was blue and white for a while, and sweat appeared on his forehead. For a while, he didn't know what to say.

Just at this time, another big man stepped out of the crowd and said with a sad smile: "there's no reason for the saying of clan chief Zhong. The master of Dongwu just cares about when the adults will return. After all, it's not a matter that we have been waiting so hard! Are you right? "

This big man's words attracted some people's response.

Zhong An'an looked at him with a heavy face, and then said in a cold voice, "who are you?"

The big man laughed, "patriarch Zhong, you may not know me! But I must know my brother. I am the main force in the hall of power, and Li Gang is my brother

On hearing this, Zhong An suddenly realized that she was so familiar with the momentum of this big man.

It's the man of the power temple!

Before that, Li Gang also died in the hands of Xue an, and not only he, but also the leader of the power temple and the elders could not escape.

It can be said that in terms of hatred, Li SHENDIAN hated Xue an more than feilongwu.

So this time, they expect Xue an to die in the abyss of fire.

Zhong An'an is also well aware of this, so his mouth showed a sneer, and then said faintly: "adults can't care about this kind of goods! Take care of your own affairs and wait for your adult to return! "

After that, Zhong An'an slowly drooped his eyes, and even didn't bother to look at these two people.

"You..." Dong Xiong suddenly changed color and was about to speak, but he was pulled by this fierce force and dragged him to the distance.

"Master of power Hall, relying on xue'an's strength, this woman is just too arrogant. I can't swallow it! Just about to argue with her, what do you mean by dragging me away? " Dong Xiong said in his anger.

"Master of the East fortress, speaking of deep blood feud, my power temple is no worse than your feilongwu, but now is not the time to quarrel with Zhong An'an! She is arrogant, and she will not be arrogant for a few days! "

"You mean..." Dongxiong's eyes brightened.

Li fierce sneered: "I have united some strong people. If after tonight, Xue an has not appeared, we will work together to eliminate the people of the Taiyin God clan, and then unite with the strong to forcibly blockade the infernal abyss!"

"Then..." Speaking of this, a look of resentment flashed in Li fierce's eyes.

"Even if Xue an's strength is strong, he will be lost in the space gap and cannot return! In that case, isn't our big revenge even revenge? "

Dongxiong was shocked, and then his eyes showed the color of ecstasy, "this plan is wonderful! But why not do it at this time? "

Li fierce shook his head, "no, it's not so easy to block the fire abyss. We must rely on the right time and place! Tomorrow's sunrise will be the dog eating day which is rare in a hundred years. At that time, even the aura of our divine world will be disordered. Only with the help of the power of Tiangou, can the abyss of Tianhuo be completely blocked, so that Xue an Yongshi can not live beyond life! "

Dongxiong heard the words and nodded heavily, "so it is, or the power Hall master wants to be thoughtful! Then the people of feilongwu are ready to do it together! "

"That's great!"

As well as the beginning of the flying dock.

Zhong An'an seems to be aware of this, but he doesn't make any moves. He just orders all the Taiyin people to stand by.

As time goes by, when the night gradually fades and the fish belly appears white in the East.

Li Xiong and Dong Xiong look at each other.

And then he began to prepare without moving.

When a golden sun slowly leaps into the East.The power temple, feilongwu and several other elite clans have quietly gathered around.

"Patriarch!" The protoss of Taiyin naturally discovered something strange, and a clan leader couldn't help crying out anxiously.

Zhong An'an sits on the ground, opens his eyes after hearing the cry, and looks at the slowly approaching Lixiong and others. Without any surprise on his face, he slowly stands up.

"You What are you going to do? " Zhong An said coldly.

"Ha ha! Don't you know what we're going to do, Zhong'an? Xue an has been gone for more than ten days without any news. Obviously, he has died in the abyss of fire. You are in the mood to wait here, but we are not! " Dongxiong said with a grim smile.

"Yes, we don't have time to spend here! This Xue an has definitely met with misfortune! Otherwise, I will never come back for such a long time Some echoed.

"Yes! We don't want to keep a wake for this xue'an! "

In the noise of the drum, Zhong An'an's face was as cold as ice and did not speak a word.

At this time, Li fierce also sneered, "Zhong An'an, you and my brother were proud of the noble family at the beginning. Now please step aside. I can not embarrass you, or..."

Zhong An'an directly interrupted his words, "wishful thinking!"

As soon as Li fierce's face changed, he said in a grim voice: "that's no wonder someone else! Together


As soon as the people from the power temple and the feilongwu rushed up, they directly exchanged hands with the Tianyin Protoss.

Compared with the Taiyin Protoss, the strength of feilongwu is much inferior.

But the power of the temple, but let both sides become even.

After all, the original power temple was also a powerful family in the four corners of the world.

So this fight, between each other for a while, no one can do anything about it.

The crowd watched in the distance. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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