At this moment.

On the golden day, a black spot suddenly appeared on the edge of the golden sun, and then the black spot began to expand at the speed visible to the naked eye.

"It's dog eating day!" Someone cried out.

Seeing the scene, Li fierce jumped out of the battle group and said in a deep voice, "master of the East dock, you will be given these women!"

East male ferocious voice way: "good to say!"

Then Li fierce a flash, then came to the sky fire abyss above, reached out from the arms of a majestic and simple bronze mirror.

At this time, from the four corners of heaven and earth, there are also more than a dozen streamers rushing to, all of which are powerful ones.

Force fierce blunt these people a nod, "opportunity is not lost, everybody hands on!"

When these people heard the words, they broke up like streamers, and instantly separated to all directions of the sky fire abyss. Then Qi Qi took out an ancient mirror from his arms.

At the same time.

The scorching sun in the sky has been obscured for the most part.

The clear sky darkened.

But as soon as the ancient mirror in these people's hands appeared, the sun suddenly shot down a column of light mixed with dark and black color.

Then there was a ripple in the fire abyss.

Zhong An'an woke up in a dream and said, "it's a blockade!"

At this point, she finally understood what Lixiong and others were going to do.

Obviously, they want to take advantage of the once-in-a-century dog eating day, when the aura of heaven and earth is in disorder, with the help of the power of Tiangou, to completely block up the infernal abyss.

This discovery made Zhong An's body cold and full of fear.

Because if Lixiong and others really make it, even if Xue an wants to return, it will be impossible!

No way! I must stop them!

Thinking of this, Zhong An'an rushed forward.

Where she passed, Xuanyin Qi would freeze all the people who blocked her.

But at this time, a control gas flying dragon straight to come, Sheng Sheng stopped Zhong An's castration.

Then he saw Dong Xiong grinning grimly and said, "clan chief Zhong, what are you in such a hurry? It's still early. We can play slowly! "

"Get out of here!" Zhong An'an's eyes were red and angry, and he directly moved his hand.

But although her strength is better than this east male a little bit, but the people of the temple of power also gather around at this moment, and instantly surround Zhong An'an.

After several charges, Zhong An could not break through the encirclement. He could only watch a blockade formed by the essence of Tiangou gradually taking shape over the abyss of Tianhuo.

This discovery made Zhong An heartbroken. He spat out a mouthful of blood.

"Ha ha ha, this Zhong An'an can't hold on. Remember, we should catch alive!" Dongxiong was overjoyed at the sight, and ordered in a hurry.

However, seeing the encirclement gradually shrinking, the people from the power temple and the Feilong dock pressed each step, trying to capture Zhong An Sheng.

Seeing this, Zhong An gave a sad smile.

I didn't expect that the big wind and big waves came, but finally fell in the gutter.

But it's hard to die in the hands of these people!

At this time, we can see that the golden sun above the sky has been completely eaten up by Tiangou, and there is a dark between heaven and earth.

Only the dozens of ancient mirrors radiate a cold light.

And blockades are piling up madly.


The abyss of fire suddenly trembled.

Then came the fierce laughter.

"Ha ha ha ha, the blockade has been completed! After that, the abyss of fire will no longer exist! "

Zhong An hears the speech and closes his eyes in despair.

And the whole audience can not help but focus on the body of force fierce.

Seeing the fierce force at the moment, his face full of happy color, he looked down at the sky fire abyss which had been heavily blocked, and then said with a grim smile: "Xue an, are you satisfied with the cemetery I made for you?"

After that, Li fierce looked up to the sky and laughed.

But it was just then.

The sky fire abyss, which had just been successfully blocked, suddenly began to shake.

It's like one of them is going to break the seal.

This kind of prestige, let the whole audience all color change.

And Zhong An'an opened his eyes and looked into the distance.

Only with a cool look on his face, he said with a smile, "don't panic, you guys, this blockade is borrowed from the power of Tiangou. Can this blockade with the power of heaven and earth be broken by manpower?"

Sure enough.

As soon as his voice fell, the tremor of the fire abyss stopped.

It was as if the beast had given up the struggle.

Zhong An'an's heart suddenly clenched and whispered, "my lord..."

But Li fierce laughed and said: "what I said, this blockade is solid, it is not human power can break through at all, I..."The voice did not fall.

The blockade on the abyss of fire suddenly shocked, and then in the eyes of all people who were shocked and did not believe, the cracks appeared.

The smile on Li fierce's face froze. He looked at the cracks on the blockade like a ghost. His lips moved and he wanted to speak.

But it was just then.

There was a loud noise and the blockade broke.

At the same time, the golden sun in the sky, which was eaten up by Tiangou, was also shaking.

A lot of people feel that there is a faint howl in the sky, and then the darkness above the scorching sun fades at a crazy speed.

The sun returns to the earth.

Then a column of light shot down from the scorching sun, pointing straight to the abyss of fire.

Bang bang bang!

In the continuous explosion, the square ancient mirror directly exploded.

There was also a man with a mirror.

In an instant, the sky fire abyss just returned to the momentum of many strong men, then only a fierce force stood there.

The ancient mirror in his hand also exploded, but as a descendant of the power temple, his body skills were really good, so he didn't get too serious injuries.

But the more so, the more afraid he was.

Because he found that he couldn't even move.

Can only look at the sky fire abyss in horror.

Everyone was stupid, because it happened so fast.

In the eyes of the public, but see the rising light and dust, the figure of a young man in white slowly emerged.

When he appeared in front of all the people, he saw the golden sun falling down and reflected on him, which made him look like a banished immortal.

Zhong An'an was also shocked by the spectacle.

But Xue an slowly looked around the audience, and then stopped his eyes on the fierce body full of panic in his eyes, and said faintly: "it's a good idea to block me with the power of the sun eating dog! It's a pity that a mere Tiangou is my opponent? "

Xue an's words and words kill the heart, so that the force of the fierce and all the people with a bad heart instantly pale.

Just as Xue an said, just when he was about to fly out of the abyss of Tianhuo, he found that he was forcibly blocked, and he still borrowed the power of Tiangou, which made him very unhappy. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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