Although Xue an could break the blockade, he didn't bother to think about it. Instead, he smashed the blockade with his fist. In the eyes of Li fierce, the blockade was as solid as gold. Without withstanding Xue an's three fists, it broke.

And together with the broken, there is the unfortunate sun eating dog.

It is also for this reason that Jinyang, who was able to escape this round, will attack with anger and smash all the ten ancient mirrors.

At the same time, Xue an's eyes are charming as drill, his palm suddenly grasps, squeezes the space, and then smiles.

"I wanted to let you go, but since you are stubborn, don't blame me!"

After saying that, Xue an is lazy to pay attention to the force fierce and the East male and so on miserable howl sound, steps forward, one punch blows out.


As if the whole world had been shaken by this fist, the powerful fist power surged up and directly devoured the terrified power temple and feilongwu.

No screams, no struggles!

When the fist power is dispersed, the empty field, the people in the power temple and the Feilong dock have disappeared.

With just one punch, these people were blasted out of existence.

The power of this blow shocked everyone.

Especially the people of the Taiyin Protoss, they were still in a tight encirclement just now.

But under Xue an's blow, all the enemies around him had no residue left.

But he was unhurt, just feel a breeze blowing.

How terrifying is this control?

At this time, Xue an falls to the ground.

Zhong An'an and others returned to their senses and rushed to salute. Xue an waved with a smile and then looked at the crowd in the distance.

All of them were shocked in unison, and then they bowed down in panic.

"My Lord!"

"Yes, my Lord!"

"Welcome your return!"

Hear these trembling shouts.

The light in Xue an's eyes was not clear. After a long time, he said faintly: "forget it. I wanted to wipe you out together, but killing too much is not in line with my original intention. I'll let you go this time!"

Hearing this, these people feel all over the hair are up, some timid legs are trembling.

Because they knew that they had just made a turn in front of the devil's gate.

If the murderer is not happy, he will blow out with a fist.

His own fate may also be the same as that of the power temple and feilongwu just now, and it will be completely destroyed.

"Thank you very much."

"I'm willing to follow your lead in the future."

"Yes, my Lord will be our Lord in the future."

These shouts come and go.

Xue an just slightly raised eyebrows, and then did not return to say: "Miss Zhong!"

"Yes Zhong An nodded in a hurry.

"See? The so-called villain is fear of authority but not virtue! Don't look at their obedience and obedience. If they lose their powerful power, they will slack down in less than ten days! So if you want them to be obedient, you have to make them afraid of you! Do you understand? "

Zhong An looked thoughtfully at the crowd opposite, then nodded heavily, "understand!"

Xue an faint smile, "very good! Come on, go to your Taiyin pool

After saying that, there is no action of Xue an, but the whole person rises in an instant.

Then Zhong An'an and all the people of the Taiyin Protoss felt as if their bodies were dragged by a strong force. They rose from the ground, followed xue'an and disappeared into the sky in an instant.

Left a group of shocked people standing in situ to watch.

It was not until a long time later that someone said in horror, "he He seems to be strong again

The crowd was silent.

It can be seen by a fool.

The key is that from xue'an's exit to now, all he used was the strength of his body, and his accomplishments were not used at all.

Even just now he did not have the slightest smoke and fire to fly, did not have the slightest aura fluctuation.

This can only show that Xue an's physical body has been strong to a near abnormal point.

Under this, these people look at each other, then smile bitterly, disperse one after another.

The news that Xue an once again went out of the pass and wiped out all the people in the power temple and the Feilong dock was also spread.

At the same time.

Xue an has been the first to enter the Taiyin pool.

When he landed on the island.

Zhong An'an and others just arrived.

At the moment, this once beautiful island has been devastated.

At that time, the Qi Xuanfeng destroyed the place where the Taiyin God clan originated in order to search for the treasures and destroy the place where the Taiyin deity originated.

All the buildings were knocked to the ground.Something worth a little money is wiped out.

Such a tragic situation naturally aroused the anger of all the Taiyin people.

Xue an did not pay attention to these, but went straight to the dilapidated central hall.

When Xue an stepped into it.

But seeing the broken wall and the ruins everywhere, we can't see the original scene at all.

Zhong An'an and others have already known that mu GuQing fell into the Taiyin Lake in this hall.

So they all cried out.


"Old patriarch!"

Unfortunately, even if they want to find the original spring is impossible.

Because at that time, Qi Xuanfeng was afraid that there would be changes here, so he directly joined hands with the people of Guchi and Wutong theology and destroyed the place completely.

This kind of hatred drives Zhong An'an, who has always been calm, mad.

At this time, Xue an pinched the seal and said lightly: "cause and effect, trace back!"


But see a line of light to Xue an as the center spread out, in an instant swept the whole island.

Then a spectacle appeared in front of Zhong An'an and others.

However, the buildings that had been knocked down began to be restored, and the damaged ground was also restored.

Even the broken trees began to grow again.

"Against Reverse causality? " Zhong An'an is so stupid.

She had only heard of them, but had never seen them.

It can be heard that this cause and effect can not be interfered by daruo or even the most powerful people at a higher level?

Xue an laughed, "it's not a reversal! It's just a little trick! "

As a matter of fact, xue'an can intervene in some cause and effect. For example, his original divine power is cause and effect.

But before this kind of power can only be used against the enemy.

However, after Tianhuo refining his body, Xue an can trace back some simple causes and effects with some small skills.

Of course, the more important thing is that Qi Xuanfeng and others who destroyed this place had been killed by Xue an.

If they're still alive, it's not so easy to trace causality.

When it's all right.

Xue an went to the spring eye that reappeared. After staring at it for a moment, Xue an said faintly: "it seems that I guess it is right. You really have a chance to live!"

With that, Xue an raised his hand and suddenly reached into the spring.

This spring goes straight to the Taiyin pool, and to the Yin to the cold. If ordinary people touch it a little, they will worry about their lives.

But for xue'an, this is not so good.

A moment later.

Xue an suddenly light drink, "up!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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