With this order, the whole island began to shake violently, and then slowly rose in the daze of everyone.

The island is surrounded by endless water, so when the island rose from the ground, the waves around the island did not come.


After rising to a height of 100 meters, the island stopped slowly, and a deep and cold spring appeared below.

But at this moment, there is a man floating in the middle of the spring.

It was mu GuQing who put himself into the Taiyin pool.

At the moment, she floats in the spring, her long hair spreads out, her face is the extreme pale, and her lips are red like flame.

At first glance, it looks like a sleeping water demon.

At the sight of this scene, the people of the Taiyin Shenzu cried out in succession.

"Old patriarch!"

"Mu clan chief!"

And Zhong An'an, is already full of tears, but she still maintained a rare calm, turned to ask carefully.

"My Lord, master, she Can you really survive? "

Xue an gazed at the deep spring and said, "the Taiyin pool is a natural place to be Yin and Yang. It happens to be Yin and Yang with the fire abyss that day. Generally speaking, those who fall into it will die unless they have strong strength."

Hearing Xue an's words, Zhong An'an trembled, and his face turned pale in an instant, "that Then my master... "

Xue an turned her head and gave her a faint smile, "don't worry, your master is an exception!"

"This Taiyin pool has been a little spiritual for a long time, and your master has been in charge of the Taiyin Protoss for thousands of years, and this Taiyin pool has become a little close to it! This time, she fell into the Taiyin pool, and she was bound to die. However, there was a trace of mysterious Yin in the Taiyin pool, which protected her spirit and body, which preserved her vitality! "

After hearing Xue an's explanation, Zhong An'an breathed a sigh, but she didn't wait for her heart to completely put down.

Xue an then said, "but..."

This but let Zhong An'an's heart momentarily mentioned the throat, "adult, but what?"

Xue an gently shook his head. "Although your master has reserved a trace of vitality, she has broken her meridians all over her body, and her accomplishments have been lost. She has run out of oil and the lamp is dead! Moreover, the guardian of the Taiyin pool is totally unconscious. In addition, after such a long time, she and the Taiyin pool are inseparable! "

"Well What about that? " Zhong An's face changed wildly.

Xue an light way: "for today's plan, there is only one way!"

"What can I do?" Zhong An has many Taiyin people asking eagerly.

Xue an smile, "give up the body, and the Taiyin pool into one body, the testimony into God!"

Hearing this, Zhong An'an and many Taiyin people's faces changed.

In particular, Zhong An'an said in a trembling voice, "you You mean Let my master become the master of the Taiyin pool

Xue an nodded, "yes, only in this way can her consciousness be restored! Of course, there is also a drawback in doing so, that is to imprison eternity in this spring! Available Eternal life

There was a commotion in the crowd, while Zhong An'an slowly lowered his head, pondering.

Xue an quietly looked at her, "now there is only one way, you can measure it yourself!"

"My Lord, can my master's consciousness be restored?" Zhong An asked suddenly.

Xue an shook her head. "I can't guarantee that, after all, she's not dead, but she's not alive. It's only under the maintenance of Xuanyin's Qi that she barely holds on to now! Therefore, whether consciousness can be restored depends on her nature! "

This is a lot of people's face crazy change.

But at this time, Zhong An'an suddenly raised his head with a firm light in his eyes.

"My Lord, please help! Even if the master really lost all consciousness, but as long as she was there, that would be enough! "

Xue an's eyes showed a touch of praise.

In the face of such a difficult choice, it is commendable that Zhong An'an can be so calm.

"Good! Wait and step aside

After that, Xue an swings the sleeves of his robe, and the whole person disappears in the same place in an instant. When he appears again, he has come to the spring.

When he got close, there were layers of ice flowers around xue'an's body, and the extremely cold and Yin Qi appeared crazily, which seemed to block xue'an's arrival.

If a monk gets a little bit of this Yin Qi, he may have to die.

But Xue an just waved.

These to Yin cold then obediently back to one side, make way for a road.

Then Xue an walked slowly to Mu GuQing, who was floating quietly in the middle of the Taiyin pool.

When close, this mu GuQing's hair then swayed, the body is condensed out of all the crystal clear ice crystal.

Xue an took a deep look, "you can persist until now, it is really a miracle, this time, I will help you!"With that, Xue an raised his hand.

But there was a flash of light.

Mu GuQing's body slightly trembled for a moment, and then broke into pieces for a little bit of brilliance.


Qi Qi, a member of the Taiyin people who watched the scene at a height of 100 meters, exclaimed.

Although Zhong An'an didn't speak, his lips were bitten by life, leaving a trace of red blood.

Because Xue an's this finger, will mu GuQing's body completely devoid of powder.

It can be said that all the way back to the block.

Zhong An'an's heart throbs naturally.

At this time, but see Guanghua scattered, and in the place where mu GuQing disappeared, a small flower composed of ice crystals was fluttering and towering floating there.

Xue an's eyes flashed, and the whole Taiyin pool suddenly became stagnant.

Then Xue an stretched out his hand and began to write something in the air.

But see fingertip over place, light gold mang Ning but do not disperse.

In an instant, Xue an drew a complicated and mysterious seal script.

When Xue an made up the last stroke, the whole Taiyin pool was boiling like a pot.

Countless dark Yin Qi was inspired from it, and swept towards Xue an like a storm wave.

Today, I'm afraid of you

With Xue an's voice, the seal script immediately appeared on the ice crystal flower and wrapped it directly.

At the same time, the road is extremely cold and Yin Qi has already rushed forward.

The power is so powerful that it obviously wants to put out the ice crystal flower left by Xue an and mu GuQing.

But Xue an at this time and pointed to the sword, and then a sword cut.


After a loud noise, all the extremely cold Yin Qi was directly smashed, and the turbulent sword meaning was directly rushed to the deep spring.

The Taiyin pool was so shocked that it felt like a giant beast was struggling after being injured.

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