Xue an said lightly: "just a primitive consciousness, dare to disobey my orders? Believe it or not, if you dare to fight back, I will smash your Taiyin pool completely? "

Hearing Xue an's voice, the Taiyin pool trembled and then slowly quieted down.

Xue an nodded, "that's right. Since then, you'll be one with mu GuQing! This is also your chance, or you may never be able to condense the human form with your shallow consciousness

Hearing Xue an's words, Taiyin pool trembled slightly, as if a small animal was crying wrongly.

Xue an a smile, "well, just that one is hit, you have some pain, but this is also you ask for!"

With that, Xue an turned her head and looked at the ice crystal flower which was wrapped in the seal script and was slowly rotating. She drank softly.

"Mu GuQing, if you don't wake up now, when will you wait?"

The sound of light drink, so that is slowly rotating ice crystal flowers suddenly stagnant, and then pieces of broken.

This mutation made the Taiyin people unexpected, and they were all scared to the spot.

Only Xue an did not have any expression, just looked at quietly.

Just then.

But the broken pieces suddenly stretched out and then became one again.

At the same time, but see this flower on the spread of countless like the root of the general Guanghua vines, and then directly into the depths of the Taiyin pool.

In an instant, however, the light spots of Daodao extend along the Guanghua vine.

Then he saw on the flower, a faint shadow began to emerge.

However, after a few breaths, the true face of the shadow appeared in front of the public.

At first glance, this virtual shadow is like the version of Laurie's mu GuQing. Her long hair covers her whole body, revealing only the exquisite clavicle.

Then mu GuQing opened her eyes slowly.

In the moment she opened her eyes, the whole Taiyin pool was trembling, as if to greet her master.

And in this moment, in her pair of scissors water in the pupil is the emergence of the road of dense symbols.

The strength of momentum, so that her body around the pool water instantly condensed into ice crystals.

But when she was about to show her divine power, Xue an did not know when she appeared in front of her. She raised her hand and pinched her chubby face. Then she nodded with satisfaction, "very good. It seems that my guess is right. This mysterious Yin spirit can really condense into human form! And it feels good! "

These words, coupled with Xue an's actions, were like a strange uncle who couldn't walk when he saw Lori.

But in front of Xue an, mu GuQing, a miniature version of her majesty, did not dare to move. Her whole body was stiff and her eyes were full of fear.

It was like a kitten who saw the owner she was afraid of.

Seeing this, Xue an took back his hand awkwardly, then touched his nose, "cough, I forget that you have been integrated with the original will of the Taiyin pool! I'm sorry, that sword was really hard! "

But Xue An Yue is to explain, the color of fear on mu GuQing's face is more intense.

At the same time.

Zhong An'an also rushed over regardless of everything.

Unexpectedly, the Taiyin pool, which all the people did not dare to get too close to, accepted her without hindrance at the moment.

"Master!" When Zhong An'an appeared beside xue'an, he couldn't wait to shout.

This address, let mu GuQing all over the body tremble, and then turn to look at Zhong An'an, eyes are full of blank color.

"Master, do you remember me? I'm Ann Zhong An choked.

But mu GuQing did not respond to this.

"My lord What's going on? " Zhong An'an turns his head and looks at xue'an.

Xue an sighed, "it seems that I underestimated the original will of this Taiyin pool! Now when the two are combined, I don't know whether it is your master mu GuQing's will or the Taiyin pool's original will. "

"Well What about that? " Zhong An asked in a panic.

Xue an shook his head, "it can only be like this first, see if your master can recover consciousness as soon as possible! However, this process should be very long. After all, the Taiyin pool has existed in this piece of heaven and earth for too long. Although the original will is stupid, it is extremely powerful! If she is lost, she may not recover for a long time! To put it bluntly... "

"It all depends on her nature!"

Xue an's words have made Zhong An'an all the people of the Taiyin Protoss feel gloomy.

But they also know that this is the optimal solution!

After all, mu GuQing had already run out of oil and the lamp had run out. In addition to the persecution of Qi Xuanfeng and others, Xue an was now able to have a ray of life. It was Xue an who went against the weather.

At this time, Zhong An pulled out the sword that mu GuQing had given her before, and trembled: "master, do you still remember this sword?"

Mu GuQing was silent and did not respond.

Zhong An was more and more sad, "master, this is your favorite saber! You see... "With these words, Zhong An'an loosens his hand of holding the sword, but seeing the light of the sword like washing, he runs straight to Mu GuQing.

Mu GuQing subconsciously took a half step back and was trying to resist. But at this time, the sword revolved around mu GuQing for several times, and then suspended in front of her. The body of the sword trembled slightly and looked very happy.

In Zhong An's eyes, there is a look of hope, hoping that mu GuQing will recover his consciousness after seeing the sword.

However, she was disappointed,

mu GuQing just looked at the sword with vigilance on her face, and didn't do anything at all.

Seeing this, Zhong An could not help sobbing, "master, wake up! I miss you so much. I really want to! You don't want to do this, OK? Master... "

Next, Zhong An'an began to narrate some past events.

But even so, this mu GuQing still has no response.

Seeing this, Xue an could not help shaking his head and sighing. Then he patted zhong an on the shoulder. "Miss Zhong, this is not a matter of a day or a night. At least the master's present consciousness is inherited. Let's go first."

Although Zhong An is full of face not to give up, but finally still full face does not give up nodding.

"Yes, my Lord!"

She turned to leave.

However, before leaving, she suddenly seemed to think of something and said in a solemn way: "master, the sky fire god family who bullied us before has been destroyed by adults, and the traitor xuanhun has also been ambushed! You are at ease

After that, she turned around and left with xue'an.

But at this time, after hearing Zhong An'an's words, mu GuQing, who was full of blank color, was shocked. The color in his eyes gradually faded and finally showed a trace of Qingming.

Then she opened her lips and whispered, "Ann Ann

This call is very small, but it is no less than thunder in Zhong An'an's ears.

She turned around and looked at mu GuQing in disbelief.

And at this time, the color of Qingming in Mu GuQing's eyes is more and more prosperous, and finally his face shows a trace of smile.

"Ann, my teacher is back!"

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