"Countless gods fought against each other, and the strong ones fell like rain. God's blood was sprinkled all over the sky. In the words of my ancestors at that time, the blood flow was 3000 Li and the bones were like mountains!"

Speaking of this, there was no shock.

After all, such tragic scenes, even if only through words, can be chilling.

"This war didn't last long. The reason must be known to adults. To a large extent, it was the sudden reversal of the Tianzhao divine court, which led to the disintegration of the Chinese gods camp, which led to their tragic defeat."

"But even so, the Chinese gods at that time did not give up, but carried out a nearly tragic breakthrough!"

"My grandfather saw with his own eyes that a young man with three heads and six arms and a certain number of God generals joined hands to fight against the enemy, and Shengsheng killed his way out of the gods besieging them!"

"In the words of my Shizu, those towering powers are like rain, but in front of these two gods, there is no match for them!"

"But just as they were about to break out of the encirclement with the Chinese gods who had suffered heavy casualties, reinforcements suddenly arrived!"

"Reinforcements?" Xue an has been quietly listening, even those fierce fighting, he did not have the slightest color change, until heard the word "reinforcements", his eyebrows suddenly raised.

"Yes! Help! I know what you want to ask, my Lord, but it's a pity that all the reinforcements who came at that time were shrouded in thick fog, and they could not see the way out at all. "

Hearing this, Xue an didn't feel any disappointment. In fact, he had expected that the people who started to attack the Chinese people were very careful, even to the point of no leakage.

With only one Taiyin Protoss, there will be no big breakthrough.

But the more so, Xue an's intention of killing became more intense.

No matter how shocking your plot is, sooner or later I will find out who is behind the scenes.

"Although these people who come here can't see the way to come, they are extremely powerful. Their participation will change the situation of the battlefield in an instant."

"The already scarred Chinese gods have been completely besieged and will never be able to break through, but even so, these Chinese gods have not given up, but have carried out a nearly tragic fight!"

"Shizu saw with his own eyes a deity with a Pipa in his hand. He directly blew himself up, and the spirit died with a strong man who had come!"

"The scene is so tragic and tragic that everyone is shocked and far away. Many people can't bear to see it again!"

Xue an quietly listen, look indifferent, only eyes gradually show a little bit of cold.

"Unfortunately, although the Chinese gods killed many enemies, they were still outnumbered and lost their resistance! And until then, it was not until then that the emperor of hatred came late! "

"I hate the emperor!" Xue an repeated softly.

"That's right. It's Li hen Tian Jun, you..."

Mu GuQing is going to go on, Xue an waved his hand, "I know him, don't introduce him!"

Mu Gu Qing was stunned, then nodded suddenly, "yes!"

"And then?" Asked Xue an.

"And then..." Mu GuQing said with a bitter smile, "this is the first big doubt that my Shizu and even the clan leaders of all generations have been puzzled by, and it is also the first big doubt that I want to tell you!"

"Oh? Doubt? "

Mu GuQing nodded, "yes! At that time, when Li hen Tian Jun led the gods of Li hen Tian, he was ready to wipe out all the Chinese gods

"But just then, a strange thing happened Speaking of this, mu GuQing's eyes showed a look of panic and said in a trembling voice: "my Shizu only felt a trance at that time. Then when he came to his senses, he was shocked to find that most of the Chinese gods trapped in the heavy encirclement had disappeared, leaving only a lot of corpses floating there!"

Xue an Wen Yan a frown, "disappeared?"

Mu GuQing nodded heavily, "yes, it disappeared! At that time, my grandmaster thought that he was shallow and had some secret skills! But soon she found that not only she, but all the gods present at that time, but also the most powerful people, including Li hen Tian Jun, had lost the memory of this period! "

This statement makes Xue an's eyes cold, because if it is simply tampering with memory, it is not difficult! According to Mu GuQing's words, it is obvious that some people forcibly cut off a period of cause and effect and saved the Chinese gods at that time.

In other words, someone took a short period of time directly from everyone present at the time.

This kind of strength is by no means an idle one, even the powerful one at the level of Immortal King or even Immortal Emperor can't do it.

Who then saved the Chinese gods? And where are the Chinese gods now?

The news shocked Xue an.

Mu GuQing shut his mouth wisely and didn't dare to disturb Xue an's thinking.

Because she is very clear, to such a level of things, is far from her a small Taiyin Protoss can contact.Even the gods of the whole divine world are not qualified.

After pondering for a long time, Xue an regained calm and said, "and then?"

Mu GuQing then went on to say, "as soon as this incident happened, all the intrepid breath that had come down to us all faded away, and Lihen Tianjun collected all the corpses left by the Chinese gods and took them away!"

"Away? Has the corpse taken from the capital? " Xue an raised her eyebrows slightly.

Mu GuQing nodded, "Hmm! Now is my second question to tell adults. "

"At that time, although the coming breath was very secret, when they retreated, they might have been frightened and ignored one thing, which led to my ancestors seeing a clue!"

"What's the clue?" Xue an's heart moved and asked in a hurry.

"At that time, when they broke through the space and left, although the blockade was very strict, it left a small flaw. At that time, my Shizu found that what was leaked out of that flaw was a cold and overcast atmosphere!"

"Yin cold Qi..." Xue an's face changed and he whispered softly.

"As you know, the Taiyin deity itself is the Taiyin Qi of cultivation. Naturally, I am very familiar with this Yin Qi. Although the Yin cold Qi leaked out is different from that of Taiyin, it also belongs to Xuanyin!"

Although this news is very general, but at least provides a big direction, not as before the general blind people touch the elephant, so Xue an nodded.

"I see! What else? "

Mu GuQing's face flashed a look of hesitation, "my Lord, before those two questions were handed down by my ancestors, and now this is my own induction and analysis!"

"Oh? What? "

Mu GuQing took a deep breath. "The monarch, who was regarded as a high-ranking deity, has been immeasurable in strength. But in the last thousand years, the gods under his command have suddenly become active, and their strength has been improved by leaps and bounds. However, all the strength revealed by them has the shadow of the Chinese divine power!"

Xue an's eyes flashed, "you mean..."

Mu GuQing nodded, "I suspect that there may be a surviving Chinese God in the hands of hate emperor!"

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