It was a choking silence.

Xue an lowered her eyes and was silent.

But mu GuQing is trembling slightly.

Already incarnated as the spirit of Taiyin pool, she felt a bone chilling at the moment.

Mu GuQing understood that this was not a chill, but a killing idea emanating from Xue an.

But only with the intention of killing, there is such a power, let mu GuQing can not help but change color.

It's been a long time.

Mu GuQing reluctantly suppressed the fear in his heart, summoned up courage and whispered: "adult, you..."

The voice did not fall.

Xue an slowly raised his eyes and said: "needless to say, this time you can tell me so much information, I am very grateful! Come on, don't let your people wait too long

After that, Xue an's figure flashed, and he directly rushed out of the Taiyin pool.

Mu GuQing looks at Xue an's back. After a while, he sighs imperceptibly, and then flies out of the Taiyin pool.

At this moment, all the people of the Taiyin Protoss are waiting for Xue an and mu GuQing on the island.

Most of them were happy. After all, their old patriarch came back from the dead, and protected by strong men like Xue an, the future of Tianyin Shenzu will be bright.

So they are naturally happy.

Only Zhong An'an, eyes flickering, has been thinking about looking at the Taiyin pool.

When Xue an and mu GuQing walked out of the Taiyin pool, everyone rushed forward to see the ceremony.

But only Zhong An'an noticed xue'an's palpitating killing intention.

This makes her heart tremble, a heart can not help but shrink together.

What did the master and the LORD say in it? Why are adults so murderous?

Zhong An'an is thinking in his mind.

At this time, Xue an looked around all the people, and finally put her eyes on her.

"Miss Zhong, all the things I promised you have been done. Now your master has come to life and the world has been cleared. You can handle the rest by yourself, but remember one word."

Speaking of this, Xue an's eyes gradually cold, cold voice: "no matter when, can't be blinded by strength, do you understand?"

When Zhong An heard the speech, he looked down and said, "please don't worry, An'an understands!"

Xue an nodded. "Good! If so, then I will go! "

After that, Xue an turned and left.

Zhong An was stunned. She didn't expect Xue an to go away.

After this period of contact, Zhong An'an had a kind of fanatical worship of xue'an, especially when he rescued his master this time, which made Zhong'an fall in love with him.

Of course.

Zhong An'an also knows that this is his wishful thinking, but she is a very stubborn woman. No matter how Xue an thinks about himself, she just likes him.

What's more, he likes people and doesn't break the law.

And Zhong An'an has always had a trace of extravagance.

Because among the people she had met, there was more than one woman who was as strong as xue'an.

But she never thought that Xue an would leave so neatly.

This made her anxious, and was waiting to be asked to stay.

Just at this time, saw mu GuQing arched his hand and said: "adult, please stay!"

Xue an stopped, looked back and asked, "what else is the chief mu?"

Mu GuQing took a deep breath and said with a solemn expression: "my lord Where are you going? "

With that, mu GuQing raised his finger and pointed to the sky.

After all, there is a little smile, and I need to go there

Although had expected, but after hearing Xue an's so exact reply, mu GuQing's heart still can't help but tremble.

High gods The highest level of the whole divine world.

Even if they are the so-called gods, they can only look up to them.

But this young man, actually wants to go alone.

Nothing else, such courage alone is enough to make people moved.

"Is there anything else?" Xue an asked, "if not, I will leave!"

After that, Xue an turned to do it.

At this time, but see mu GuQing light drink, eyebrows suddenly appeared a complex seal seal.

As soon as the seal seal was printed, it released ten thousand milligrams of light.

Then mu GuQing raised his hand, and the seal seal flashed by, directly printed on Xue an's back, and then disappeared.

Xue an slightly stunned, and then his eyes showed a strange look, and sighed: "Mu clan chief, why are you suffering?"

Mu GuQing said with a smile, "my Lord, before Wanzai, the Chinese gods came to this world, which is amazing. Although the prestige of the Chinese people has disappeared because of all kinds of things, I feel that the Chinese will return to the peak. If we want to seize this opportunity, we naturally have to pay something!"Speaking of this, mu GuQing's expression was Su, and he bowed his hand and said, "my Lord, when you go, I wish you would cut off all your enemies and threaten heaven and earth."

Xue an looked at Mu Gu Qing deeply, and then nodded gently, "well, since you think so, I'll take it and go!"

After that, Xue an showed his robe sleeves and turned into a streamer. In an instant, he disappeared in the sky.

Zhong An called softly, walked forward two steps, and then looked at Xue Anyuan's back with bitterness on his face.

Mu GuQing then went to her side, looked up at the empty skyline, sighed: "An'an, I know your mind, if before, I might persuade you to seize, but now I can only say that his origin is not ordinary people can imagine, its expensive simply can not be said! But he may carry more than he has

Zhong An looked at it fondly. After a moment, she said in a low voice, "then why did you want to seal this life to him?"

What mu GuQing just gave Xue an was the seal seal of her life after she became a God.

The magic of this seal seal seal is that once you have it, the God will live and die with you and become a guardian like existence.

This is why Xue Angang just sighed why.

Mu GuQing smelled the speech and glanced at the sideburns of his ear, and said with a faint smile, "I'm already dead. If it wasn't for adults, I couldn't have survived!"

"As you said before, you have to pay something to get benefits! I want to gamble now

"Gambling? What are you gambling on? " Zhong An'an turned to look at his master.

Mu GuQing said in a low voice: "gambling that this young man will become a real big man in this heaven and earth, even in all the heaven and earth."

Zhong An was shocked and finally understood the purpose of Mu GuQing.

At this time, she found that although she might have some cleverness in some small matters, she was still far from her master when she got to the big thing.

This decision alone is far from enough.

"But Is he really going to face it all alone? " Zhong An whispered softly.

"You don't understand, it's not his destiny, it's his own choice! Now... " Mu GuQing turns to look at his apprentice.

"Will you still wait for him?"

Zhong An was silent for a moment, then nodded heavily, "yes!"

Mu Gu Qing was stunned, "you should understand that your waiting is meaningless at this moment, because he will never look at you more for this reason."

Zhong An said with a smile, "I like him. It's my own business. Why should he look at me more? And... "

"I'm waiting for him, not to move anyone. It's just that I want to wait, that's all!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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