It was when Xue an left the Taiyin Protoss and returned to Tianzhao.

The curse city has also undergone a dramatic transformation.

On that day, Xue an went to the four corners of the world alone, and the whole heaven was shocked.

Many onlookers simply do not go, but to see what the end of this event will be.

At the beginning, people were talking and the atmosphere was relaxed.

But soon, when the news came back, everyone was shocked.

Especially after hearing that Xue an really killed Tianhuo, the ancient sword and the three prototypes with five links.

Everyone was stupid.

Those who had intended to watch the fun are now silent. Those who are timid are eager to turn around and leave. It is better to stay as far away from the city of curse as possible.

But then came a news, let these people secretly relieved.

Because Xue an went into the abyss of fire alone and heard nothing about it.

Now, many people were secretly pleased that Xue an was too big to dare to enter such dangerous places alone.

Well, let's learn.

At the same time, everyone in the city of curse heard the news.

The curse goddess Chu Xiaoyun suddenly changed color, "what? The Lord has entered the abyss of fire alone! This This

Chu Xiaoyun this for a long time, but nothing to say.

As a native deity, she was well aware of the horrors of the fire abyss that day.

It's the sky fire Protoss. You have to be prepared to enter it. Otherwise, you will die.

It's very dangerous for your majesty to enter so recklessly.

Chu Xiaoyun was so anxious that he turned his head and told the news to an Yan and Hu Ying.

But to her surprise, only an Yan looks sad after hearing the news.

The rest of the people were all in the same place and didn't take it seriously.

Even Hu Ying said to an Yan with indifference: "elder sister Yan, you don't have to worry so much. I guarantee with my tail that brother Xue will be OK!"

"But..." Anyan was still a little worried. In fact, she also knew that Xue Anxiao was startled. But when she heard Chu Xiaoyun talk about the dangerous place of the fire abyss that day, she could not help but feel a little frightened.

Hu Ying said with a smile, "don't worry, sister Yan. Don't listen to the nonsense of this little god who has never seen the world. What a bloody abyss of fire is nothing in front of brother Xue!"

Hu Ying's words are very impolite, even directly pointed out that Chu Xiaoyun has never seen the world.

But Chu Xiaoyun could not say a retort.

Because she has long found that when she is facing Hu Ying, this pure and beautiful girl, despite her humble cultivation, has suppressed her whole body and her blood vessels are not running smoothly.

This can only show one point, that is, the power of the girl's blood is too strong, even the kind of power she can not imagine.

So when she heard Hu Ying's words, she could only smile bitterly and lower her head.

An Yan's face sank slightly, lengthened his voice and called out, "Ying'er..."

It was obviously a little dissatisfied with the way she spoke.

Ying'er spat out her tongue and said, "I'm sorry, sister Yan. I may be a little too straightforward, but the fact is that. You don't have to worry about brother Xue. He must be OK! If you don't believe it, let's wait another two days

After hearing this, an Yan had to nod, "OK! Then wait, and if you don't come back, I'll go to him! "

Next, an Yan and his party wait in the city of curse.

As time goes by, more and more people are looking at the curse.

Even in the dark, there are many forces greedily watching the curse City, ready to swallow it up.

Such a situation, let the whole curse of the city like a boat in the wind and rain, appears to be so shaky.

At least Chu Xiaoyun was worried about this, and was driven crazy by the strong pressure.

But she never thought that the turn of events appeared so quickly.

When the time just turned two days.

On that day, she ascended the tower in the middle of the city according to the Convention, and prepared to check the surrounding conditions.

At this time, she was shocked to find that dozens of streamers were flying in the distance.

These streamers come very fast and fly to the front in an instant.

At this time, Chu Xiaoyun found that all the people who came were the strong ones at the border between Tianzhao and the four worlds.

The discovery made Chu's hair stand up.

What are these people doing here? Are you planning to join forces against the curse city?

With this in mind, Chu Xiaoyun was ready to fight to the end.

But the next second, there was a scene that shocked her on the spot.But see these strong stand in front of the city of curse, bow together, claim to be obedient.

This time, not only is Chu Xiaoyun Leng, originally intended to see the crowd is also silly.

Because people don't understand what's going on.

But soon, they were all shocked by the news they brought.

Xue an actually walked out of the abyss of the sky fire, and directly broke the blockade under the joint efforts of feilongwu, the temple of power, and even shocked the sun eating Tiangou.

Then he smashed all the enemies with one blow. Now he has gone to the ancestral land of the Taiyin Protoss. It is estimated that he will return to the curse city soon.

This series of news was like a loud slap in the face, which had swollen the faces of those who had previously made a mockery of xue'an.

But for these people, it doesn't matter whether their faces are swollen or not. The key is that if we don't find a way to make up for their mistakes now, when Xue an comes back, they may not be able to survive.

With this in mind, these people rushed the news back to their respective forces.

As a result, the news swept across the whole sky at an almost terrifying speed.

But the scene of tea, but see the sky shine in the divine region around, all forces all rushed to the curse of the city.

When an Yan went to the head of the city, the empty space outside the whole curse city had been crowded by the four powerful people.

Seeing this, an Yan couldn't help but look silly, "how Why so many people? "

Hu Ying on one side said with a smile, "what's strange about this? These guys must be afraid that brother Xue will settle accounts with them again, so they all come to show their loyalty! Hum, a crowd of weeds

Hu Ying is naturally full of disdain for these guys.

At this time, the two girls suddenly cheered, "it's dad, dad is back!"

They both raised their hands and pointed to the sky.

Hearing this, all the people in the city looked up together.

But at this moment, a bright moon is hanging high and hollow, the night sky is like jade, and the Starry Sea is vast.

In such a scene, a streamer suddenly appeared in the sky.

Then the moon trembled and the sea of stars hung low, as if to greet the arrival of this man.

In an instant, this streamer will fly to the top of the people's heads.

After standing still, he saw a young man in white standing haughtily. His clothes were floating, just like a banished immortal.

Then the young man looked around the audience and finally laughed at an Yan above the city head, "Yan'er, I'm back!"

That's right!

Xue an is the one who comes from the moon! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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