After returning home from school, Xie Jingjing felt that the atmosphere today was somewhat different.

Instead of cooking in the kitchen, Lao Xie sat in his chair and sighed.

His mother fat aunt from time to time to wipe a tear.

"What's the matter?" Xie Jingjing asked in doubt.

The fat aunt raised her head, looked at her daughter, and then sighed, "your father went to buy vegetables today, and then heard a news about your little brother Ann!"

"What's wrong with brother Angie?" Xie Jingjing was shocked.

"I have also heard rumors that it is Xiao an who has offended some very powerful person. Now people have come to take revenge and set it on the Bank of Qingfeng river ten days later." Old Xie said with a sad face.

Xie Jingjing, pale and dispirited, sat on the chair and was in a state of confusion.

What to do?

What to do!

Don't let anything happen to ge'an!

Xie Jingjing lowered her head, but her tears fell down.

The atmosphere in the room was oppressive.


Lao Xie patted the table and stood up.

"What are you doing?" she said? What a surprise

On Lao Xie's face appeared the solemnity that had never been before.

"I have decided that in ten days, I will go to the Bank of Qingfeng river too!"

"Though I may not be able to do anything!"

"But Xiaoan is kind to Jingjing and our family! I'm not ungrateful, so even if I'm killed, I'm going to help Xiao an! "

Xie Jingjing and fat aunt are surprised to see Lao Xie, and Lao Xie's eyes are flashing with a look they have never seen before.

The fat aunt's expression was also excited, nodded her head and said, "well said, it's really my man! I'll go too then! "

Old Xie a frown, "man's business, what do women mix in blindly?"

Fat aunt heard the speech and was furious, "Lao Xie, I tell you, if you really want to make a move, you are not my opponent!"

Lao Xie was said to be a little embarrassed, "Oh, in front of the child, what are you talking about?"

"What am I talking about? This is the truth

Looking at this scene, Xie Jingjing smiles with tears.

An idea came to her mind.

Brother Ann!

Anyway, I'm going to see it.

If you lose, I will avenge you! Even if you take my life, I will not hesitate!

Wu family.

Wu Weidong sat in his chair, excited and hard to calm down.

His wife, whose face was full of flesh and blood, was also very happy.

"Well, as long as Xue an dies, our son's revenge will be avenged." Wu Weidong said with a smile.

"Well, it's not so easy. After Xue an's death, I'll cut the little bitch who killed my son into pieces!" The woman said fiercely.

At the beginning, her son Wu Zefeng forced Xie Jingjing to KTV. If Xue an did not arrive in time, the consequences would be unimaginable.

He killed Xue Zefeng with his heart.

Later, Wu Weidong wanted to revenge, but some people in Beijiang City shook their heads like rattles when they heard that they had to deal with Xue an.

However, Wu Weidong had no choice but to give up.

But when the Yu family passed down the sword symbol, they wanted to deal with Xue an's news.

The Wu family is just jubilant!

"Ha ha! At that time, we will go to have a look at the excitement and see how the man who killed Zefeng was destroyed by others! " Wu Zefeng said with a grim face.

Huashi National Hospital.

All day today, Hua Tingting was absent-minded.

After seeing off the last patient, Hua Xingyu sighed.

"Ting'er, what's the matter with you?"

Hua Tingting was silent for a long time and then said, "grandfather, is this family really as powerful as the rumor says?"

Hua Xing Yu's face was solemn and nodded, "very fierce! And it's very good! "

Hua Tingting's face was more worried, "then you said Mr. Xue this time..."

Hua Xing Yu shook his head, "I don't know, this is not my level of people can see through, but Tingting."

Hua Xing stopped for a moment and then said, "you must remember that a man like Mr. Xue is a dragon in the nine days. You..."

The words behind Hua Xingyu didn't come out.

But Hua Tingting understood what her grandfather meant.

There was something dark in her mind.

But she also understood that grandfather meant well.

"Well, after ten days, let's go to Qingshui River and have a look at the most brilliant duel in the martial arts world in the past ten years! At the same time, it can be regarded as supporting Mr. Xue! " Hua Xingyu said.

Hua Tingting's eyes lit up, "yes!"

Just outside because of the Yu family's sword symbol and make a lot of noise.The Yu family in Lingnan is as peaceful as ever.

Through the sword test Pavilion, Yu Yang comes to the backyard and meets his father, who is also the current owner of the Yu family.

Yu Lang.

"When are you going to leave?" Yu Lang sits on the chair, the head does not lift, light way.

"Leave in seven days. The Beijiang River is only two thousand miles away from Lingnan. You can get there in two days." Yu Yang bowed and said.

Yu Lang nodded, "do you know why I sent you to do the walking of shejian this time?"

Yu Lang shivered all over, and a touch of ecstasy flashed in his eyes, but he still bowed his head and said, "I don't know!"

Yu Lang chuckled, "you, because you have too much tact, you have never been as advanced as your elder brother in kendo."

"Xue an is also a personal talent. He was able to kill Yu Ling with one blow at the martial arts meeting. It can be seen that he has some real skills. You should be careful and don't ruin the reputation of the Yu family. If you do well When you go out of the pass, you can serve me

Yu Yang trembled and was surprised to say, "is Laozu going to leave the pass?"

Yu Lang nodded with a solemn look. "This news can't be spread out. But a few days ago, your elder brother sent a letter saying that the sword spirit outside Jianlu is stronger and stronger every day. It should not take long."

"I understand!" Yu Yang suppressed the ecstasy in his heart and slowly retreated out.

For every Yu family's children, the ancestor Yu Yuanyi is the immortal they worship.

If you can really serve you, it will be of great benefit to your Kendo cultivation.

Yu Yang went out of the backyard and came to the sword test Pavilion. A beautiful girl was sitting in the sword test Pavilion.

Seeing Yu Yang coming, the girl couldn't help laughing.

"Are you so happy today? Is there something good about it? "

Yu Yang a smile, "little sister, you sneak out again, careful Father knows after punish."

This girl is Yu Lang's youngest and only daughter, Yu Ran.

"Oh, my father can't! It's said that third brother, you have been sent to walk for this show sword? "

Yu Yang nods.

"Yu Ran was excited," and I heard that the opponent this time is the top experts in the sky list! Third brother, be careful

"Tianbang?" Yu Yang's mouth appeared a trace of scorn smile.

"A group of people have never seen a real practitioner, or even a Sanxian. What's the use of such a list if it's the first one? As far as I'm concerned, it's just a local chicken and a dog! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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