Yu Yang's confidence has a reason.

In the eyes of ordinary warriors, tianbang seems unattainable.

But for a top martial arts family like Yu family.

It's just a list. It's nothing.

This time, if I can really serve my ancestors, I will make my Kendo further.

Then when the Xianmen meeting is held three months later, I will be sure to get into the jade list.

This is Yu Yang's pursuit.

Because on the jade list, there are all the top experts of each immortal sect.

The so-called Xiuxian sects are the major sects that can not be seen in the seclusion world, and even make many people think that they have disappeared.

The masters on the jade list can be said to be walking everywhere. They are as carefree as dogs, and even there are such horrible beings as half step immortals.

To be on the top of the list, we can show that we have real strength.

As for tianbang, in Yu Yang's opinion, it's just a children's game.

This is also the reason why Yu Yang didn't take Shijian seriously.

Only his brother, who was expelled from his family because of his cultivation of laymen, would die under such a person.

On a plane to Beijiang.

At the moment, in the first class cabin, a man is frequently looking at Tang xuan'er not far away.

After a while, he finally coughed, then said with a smile, "this beautiful lady, are you a doctor?"

Tang xuan'er looks away from the book and looks up at the man who is talking.

This is a well-dressed and handsome man.

About 30 years old.

Looks like a professional elite.

Out of politeness, Tang xuan'er smiles and nods.

This smile made Zhang Mingke feel his heart beat faster three times.

From a plane, Zhang Mingke noticed this gorgeous beauty.

In recent years, Zhang Mingke has seen many beautiful women in the workplace.

But how can a woman who is wrapped up in all kinds of jewelry and fine makeup compare with such a beautiful girl?

And since she got on the plane, the woman has been reading books with her head down.

Zhang Mingke took a peek and found that she was reading professional medical books.

This can not help but let Zhang Mingke more excited.

Now seeing Tang xuan'er smile at herself, Zhang Mingke was greatly encouraged and couldn't help smiling.

"Hello, my name is Zhang Mingke. May I meet you?"

Zhang Mingke held out his hand as if to shake hands.

At the same time, it also revealed the limited edition of Jiang Shi Danton on on the wrist.

But the expected conversation didn't show up.

Tang xuan'er frowned slightly, then lowered her head and continued to read.

Zhang Mingke was left to the side.

It made him a little angry.

He is also an elite with a salary of one million a year.

There are not a few women who pursue themselves.

But I've never seen a woman so shameless.

And he noticed Xue an sitting beside Tang xuan'er.

In his opinion, Xue's clothes were only a few hundred yuan, and he couldn't even buy a tie clip of his own.

So he didn't think this man was going to be a big deal.

The beautiful woman is in the side, Zhang Mingke is not willing to give up, so his eyes twinkle, and he is thinking about something in his heart. His expression is gradually grim.

Xue an naturally noticed this man.

But in Xue an's eyes, this man is no different from a mole ant.

What can be pressed to death with one finger is not worth Xue an's attention.

When the plane landed slowly, they walked across the corridor bridge and came to the airport hall.

Zhang Mingke came over again and said with grace as much as possible: "this lady, we've been together all the way, and we've been lucky. Can we get to know each other?"

Tang xuan'er, with no expression, walked straight past him without even looking at him.

Zhang Mingke clenched his teeth secretly and wanted to say something.

Xue an passed by him. Then he stopped and showed some white teeth. He said with a smile: "I've been with you all the way. Are you lucky?"

Then Xue an left with a smile.

Zhang Mingke's face became extremely ugly. He glared at Xue an's back angrily, then took out his mobile phone and made a phone call.

"Hello, brother Liu? Are you still at the airport? yes! Now bring some brothers here. I have something to do with me! "

Zhang Mingke hung up the phone, looked at Xue an and others left with a sneer in his heart.

He just called boss Liu, who had been in the airport for many years.After this Liu elder brother entangles this group of people, oneself goes up again to extricate oneself, not be able to know this woman righteously?

Thinking of this, Zhang Mingke's heart was hot, and then followed out.

The boss Liu is near the airport, and all the taxis around him are in his charge.

Therefore, Zhang Mingke made a phone call and arrived with several people.

"What's the matter, Xiao Zhang?" Liu asked.

Zhang Mingke told the story again.

Looking at the back of xue'an and others in the distance, boss Liu nodded, "don't worry, it's not a matter! Go, go with your brother

Zhang Mingke was overjoyed and walked out of the airport hall.

Then Zhang Mingke was stunned.

The old Liu was also stunned.

Even everyone out of the station was stunned.

Because when Xue an walked out of Beijiang airport.

Qin yuan, leading the senior leaders of Longtai group, is waiting respectfully by the roadside.

When Xue an comes out.

Qin yuan took a few steps and bowed to salute.

"Longtai group, welcome Mr. Xue home!"

After he said that, those senior executives of Longtai group who followed him all bent down and yelled.

"Longtai group, welcome Mr. Xue home!"

This kind of momentum makes everyone stupid.

However, Xue an only nodded.

"Let's go! My daughter is hungry and wants to eat! "

"Yes Qin yuan nodded, then opened the door of Rolls Royce himself, just like a doorman, waiting for Xue an to get on the bus.

Xue an looked at him, and then he took his daughter to the car.

And Tang xuan'er was also arranged to another car.

Wait for the motorcade to leave.

All the people present were shocked.

"The middle-aged man just now Looks like a director of Longtai group Master Qin

"How could it be? What is the status of Mr. Qin? How is it possible to open the door for a young man? "

"But I don't think it's possible, but that's Mr. Qin! And those people who follow are all senior executives of Longtai group! "

In all these arguments, Zhang Mingke felt cold all over.

Because he knows better than anyone that the man just now is Qin yuan, chairman of Longtai group.

The people who follow are really the top leaders of Longtai.

The reason why he is so sure is that he works in Longtai group!

Once upon a time, he had seen Qin yuan at the annual meeting.

Zhang Mingke was deeply impressed that time.

But I didn't expect that the high-ranking chairman of Longtai would treat the man with such respect today.

Who the hell is he?

Thinking of this, Zhang Mingke could not help but fight a cold war.

At the moment, the performance of Liu is even worse.

He was pale and shivering.

"Brother Liu, what's the matter with you?" Zhang Mingke asked with concern.

As soon as the voice dropped, the old Liu slapped him in the face.


Zhang Mingke was beaten and covered his face and looked at Liu. He didn't know what was going on.

See Liu old man whole body straight shudder, "surname Zhang, you're tired of living askew, don't take me?"

"Brother Liu, what's going on?" Zhang Mingke asked with a cry.

"Do you know who the man was just now?" he sneered


"Well, all the people on the road in Beijiang know that you can't provoke Mr. Xue! You want me to deal with him? Do you want me to die? " Liu said it was another slap in the face.

Zhang Mingke was beaten nose blood, and then a grin, crying!

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