Although he has been worried about the great trouble did not happen, but back to the temple of heaven from hate is still not at ease.

When he was sitting in meditation, he felt the thrill.

So after sitting on the futon for a moment, he murmured, "Xuan!"

With his voice, a piece of imperial edict suddenly appeared in front of him, and there was a big xuanzi on the imperial edict.

Then in an instant, the edict disappeared in place.

After half a column of incense.

But before seeing the temple, there were ripples in the space, and then a tall and powerful God came out from it.

He looked young last year, that is, in his twenties. His facial features were perfect, but somehow, when combined, he gave a vicious and cruel feeling.

But the most striking thing is that there is also a vertical eye between his forehead.

and this is as like as two peas.

When he appeared in the temple, he bowed to Li hen Tian Jun, who lived on the front seat of the temple.

"Red prison, I've met the emperor!"

If there are other gods in this world, they will be thrilled when they hear the name of red prison.

Because in this Li hen Tian, the name of red prison is known to all.

The first general of Lihen emperor and the first of the younger generation of gods, all kinds of honor belong to him.

If that's all.

The key is that the red prison is violent. If you don't do it, you'll have to kill it all before you give up.

Over the years, the red prison has accumulated a great reputation in this place, which makes people feel pale.


Li hen emperor looked down at the top level God General created by himself and nodded with satisfaction.

"What's going on out there lately?"

"If you come back to heaven, the external situation is normal, and everyone is afraid of your light!" Red prison Gongsheng said.

"But what strange people appear?" From hate the emperor still some not at ease, can not help but ask a question.

Red prison smell speech a Leng, it seems that do not understand from hate God why so asked, but he quickly shook his head, "no strange characters appear! I've been patrolling all sides during this period of time. If there is any abnormality, I will be the first to find out! "

Hearing the red prison say so, from hate the emperor this just slightly relieved, "that's good!"

"My Lord, what can I do for you?" Asked the red prison.

From hate the emperor nodded, the look became solemn, "yes, there is a thing indeed!"

"My Lord, please speak!"

"Recently, I feel uneasy and even feel a strong foreboding in my meditation. This is obviously not a good omen. It is likely that something is going to happen! So I decided that during this period of time, you put down everything you have and lead the right men to the sea on the edge of Hentian for defense

Hearing this, the red prison can't help but be stunned, and then said with some astonishment.

"My Lord, don't you have to be so enthusiastic? Even if someone comes, I'll hang it directly. Why put aside other things and go there to defend? "

The so-called "marginal sea" refers to the place where Hentian borders the other world.

It can be said that if you want to enter lihentian, the marginal sea is the only way.

But because Li Hentian's law of heaven is complete and the defense array is extremely strict, no one has ever heard of anyone who dares to break through it, so there is no one to defend at all.

But Li hen Tian Jun shook his head. "You don't understand. I suspect this is probably related to the Chinese nationality."

"Chinese..." Hearing the name, the red prison's face changed.

As an absolute confidant of Lihen Tianjun, he naturally understood what the Chinese mean.

However, soon, he began to laugh grimly, "if there are really unsightly Chinese people coming, that would be a good thing, after all I have benefited a lot from the Chinese people! "

With that, the red prison touched the vertical eyes between his forehead.

This is what Lihen Tianjun took from Yang Jian and condensed it to the red prison through various secret methods. All kinds of magical effects greatly increased the strength of red prison, so he couldn't let go of it.

"In any case, it's a very important thing. It's better to kill wrong than to let it go!" From hate the emperor deep voice.

Red prison a arch hand, "emperor, don't worry, subordinate understand!"

Then he turned and left.

"Wait a minute!" From hate the emperor suddenly called out.

"What else can I do for you, my lord?"

"When you go to garrison on the edge of the sea, remember to take the dog with you, and if someone really comes, remember to let him take the lead!" From hate the emperor light way.

Red prison smell speech a Zheng, then then maliciously smile and nod, "or the emperor's plan is good, subordinate admire!""Go He waved his hand.


The red prison turned around, and his eyes suddenly opened, but he saw a flash of light, cutting a gap in the space, and then he stepped into it and disappeared in place.

After watching the red prison go, from hate emperor silence for a moment, and then a wave, the whole person instantly appeared in the temple of a secret room.

The layout of the secret room is very simple, but the aura is much stronger than that of the outside world, and even a thin layer of spiritual frost condenses on the ground.

And in the middle of the chamber of Secrets stands a crystal clear flawless jade.

This jade is more than one person high, and it exudes a palpable spiritual pressure, which shows that this spirit jade contains incomparably powerful spiritual implication.

Apart from other things, this jade is not something that ordinary Protoss can take out.

Even in the place where great religions gather in the void, such flawless spirit jade is priceless.

When he saw the jade, he had a complicated look on his face and walked slowly.

When you get closer, you can see a faint figure in Lingyu.

With the breath of aura, this figure is becoming more and more condensed.

Although this process is very slow, but now we can discern the person's appearance.

He ran is a man with cool facial features and hatred of the emperor.

After seeing this man, he stretched out his hand and stroked the jade.

"Yan'er, you have suffered during this period of time!"

That's right!

The one who appeared in the jade was the one who led the gods to the earth and slaughtered them wantonly, and was killed directly by Xue an.

His son.

At that time, Xue an used the method of cause and effect to strangle the spirit of night Liuyan.

If there had been no accident, he would have turned into fly ash and disappeared.

But this is the only one lineage from the hateful emperor, so in order to save ye Liuyan, he did not hesitate to use a piece of flawless spirit jade, and then put a piece of soul fragment of night Ryukyu flame into it for rest.

After such a long time of waiting, just gradually recovered the original body.

From hate the emperor look complex look at the flawless spirit jade, that eyes closed night Ryukyu.

"Yan'er, don't worry. You have a premonition for your father. The Chinese people who come here this time are very likely to be the guy who killed you. Then my father will avenge you!"

Speaking of this, from hate the emperor's eyes showed a touch of frightful cold, a strong killing opportunity soared to the sky, so that the sky above the temple was discolored.

All the people who witnessed this scene within ten thousand miles were awed by the powerful power revealed by Li hen Tian Jun, and they bowed their heads and did not dare to look directly at them. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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