And it was just then.

In the red prison temple, which is thousands of miles away from the central temple, the red prison also shows its body shape.

"Yes, my Lord!"

"I've met your majesty!"

There were already many men waiting in the temple.

Because they all heard that the red prison was removed by an edict.

But in this Li hen Tian, the only one who can summon the red prison is the emperor.

The men didn't know what was going on, so they all came.

Looking at the crowd kneeling under his feet, red prison nodded contentedly.

"Get up

Then they all got up.

"Your Majesty, the Lord of heaven calls you to go, but what can I do for you?" The red bellied man asked.

The red prison heard the words and laughed, "it's nothing. The Lord Tianjun occasionally felt that there would be outsiders invading me. I left Hentian, so I was sent to garrison on the edge of the sea!"

Hearing this, there was a commotion.

"What? Someone dares to invade, I leave Hentian? Are you really tired of living? "

"That's right. I'm so proud of Hentian. It's the highest heaven in the divine world. Who dares not admire it and dare to be invaded?"

The crowd began to clamor.

But some people are more sober, respectfully asked: "Lord God, since the emperor so ordered, how do we implement it?"

"Of course, we will. Anyway, it's boring to stay in the red prison city. We should go out and relax. If someone dares to invade, we can take this opportunity to earn some credit and relieve our boredom. What do you think?"

The words of the red prison attracted a lot of laughter.

"That's right. I've been free for a hundred years. I've been crispy all over my body. I'm just going out for a walk."

"Tut Tut, I still think that this intruder is either stupid or stupid. However, the Lord general is right. If they don't come, they will give us credit."

When they can get the red prison's recognition, they are all murderous and bloodthirsty outlaws, so after hearing that they have merit to earn, they can't help but clamor and wish to go to the marginal sea now.

At this time, the red prison suddenly waved his hand, "be quiet!"


The sound of the whole audience was like being pressed the pause button, and suddenly became silent.

Then red prison looked around the whole scene, slightly frowned, "wheezing day, how not in?"

Hear the name Xiaotian.

All the people in the field all looked a little strange.

Several people looked at each other, and then one of them stepped forward and said in a respectful voice, "master, the wheezing dog is a foreign obedience and is not qualified to attend our party, so we didn't inform him!"

"Asshole!" Red prison suddenly became angry.

And with his voice, the head of the speaker exploded to pieces.

But the headless corpse did not fall, instead, he bowed to the red prison and saluted.

Not only this person, but all the people in the audience all bowed down in silence and did not dare to make any changes.

Because the red prison has always been known for his moods and murders. Who dares to touch him.

"Xiaotian dog is also a strong man that you admire yourself. How dare you wait so slowly? Go and invite him in

Hearing this, many people's eyes flashed a color.

I don't seem to understand what this red warden is going to do.

But his words were orders.

So just a cup of tea scene, then listen to the sound of foot steps, and then from the temple door into a white general.

The young man in white looks like he is eighteen or nine years old. He is dressed in white armor, and his face is very handsome.

Especially the other pair of sword eyebrows, slanting into the temples, with his pair of Phoenix eyes, has a strange charm.

But at this time, he only has luster in his eyes, but he doesn't have any aura.

And the manners are very rigid. At first glance, they look like a puppet.

The one who came here is the dog of God.

Seeing him, many people's eyes in the hall are somewhat complicated, including fear, hatred, but more or fear.

Because since Da Xiaotian joined the red prison City, he became the first person under the red prison with his irrefutable strength.

This naturally makes these people full of dissatisfaction, so under the common exclusion.

Although he was powerful, Xiaotian was reduced to patrolling the streets outside every day and became a marginal person.

I didn't expect to be suddenly mentioned by the red prison today, which naturally makes many people feel uncomfortable.

At this time, the red prison face is full of laughter.

"General Xiaotian, it's been a long time for you!"

Xiaotian was silent for a moment, then slowly arched his hand and said in a raw voice, "Your Majesty is too serious!"The red prison laughed, "general Xiaotian, I just received the order from emperor Tianjun. We are going to garrison at the edge of the sea, and you are the vanguard officer. Do you have any objection to this?"

The remark caused a stir in the audience.

But Xiaotian shook his head and said, "all at the command of the Lord!"

"Good! Then this matter has Lao Xiaotian! This time, someone has violated me, so general Xiaotian should not be merciful to me at that time. "

Xiaotian was silent for a moment, then nodded, "understand!"

Red prison smile more and more happy, "good! General Xiaotian is really extraordinary. Come on! Give me a seat and drink

Soon, someone brought some seats and drinks for Xiaotian.

Xiaotian did not refuse, so he sat on the hall and drank wine.

The red prison looked at it with a smile, completely ignoring the voice of the whole audience.

And at a time when everyone was puzzled by the practice of the red prison.

Outside the main hall, there was a sudden commotion, and then someone cried out, "Lord God, you must make decisions for me!"

With the voice, but see a black and blue face, pale looking man flustered in.

But somehow, though he was a man, he ran like a dog.

At the sight of him, there was another low commotion.

Red prison is also a Leng, and at this time this man plops to kneel on the ground, a snot a tear's say.

"Lord God, you must make decisions for me."

Some of the red prison could not laugh or cry, but still stood up and said, "general Tiangou, what's the matter with you?"

"Wuwu, Lord God, I went to the lower world two days ago to devour the scorching sun in accordance with the usual practice, and accumulated divine power for the emperor and the general. But I didn't expect that this time I was beaten to look like this in a place in the lower world by secret method!"

That's right!

Before that, Xue feiyuan and others are trapped by Xue feiyuan and others, but they are trapped by Xue feiyuan and others.

Speaking of, this dog is really bad luck.

Originally according to the usual practice to swallow the sun, but on a whim, the magic power was borrowed by the people of feilongwu and Li temple.

If only this is all, did not expect to encounter Xue an so strong to unreasonable existence.

So in a rebound, the dog also suffered a lot of injuries.

That's why he came back crying.

After hearing the story, all of them couldn't laugh or cry.

Red prison is a little helpless to grasp the scalp, and then impatiently said: "OK, you can talk about this matter later, we now have new tasks, we have to carry out first!"

"New mission? What task? " Tiangou is a bit silly.

Then he noticed that he was sitting not far away and drinking. He was stunned, and then his eyes showed the color of crazy jealousy and resentment. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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