In the evening, the edge of the city lights up, the city master's house is singing and dancing, a prosperous scene.

Because of the arrival of the red prison God and others, the city Lord's house is more lively.

From time to time, you can hear banter and laughter from all the rooms. It's like dancing in a crowd.

Drunk dream lady sits in the study, checking today's account.

It's a habit that she doesn't budge every day.

Just then.

The door of the study was pushed open, and a middle-aged man with ordinary clothes, ordinary appearance and extraordinary momentum came into the room.

This man is ordinary. If you throw him into the crowd, you will not find him immediately.

But when he saw the man come in, the drunken dream lady put down the account book in her hand and nodded very seriously.

"How about it?"

The man bowed down and said, "reply to Madam, up to now, everything is OK, but three girls have died in the room of the red prison God general!"

Hearing this, Mrs. drunkard frowned slightly and snorted coldly: "this red prison is indeed a mad dog trained by Li hen. It is extremely cruel! Don't worry about him. If the girl dies, give him a new one

"Yes The man bowed his head and answered.

At this time, drunkard suddenly thought of something and asked in a deep voice, "how is the general Xiaotian?"

The man shook his head. "Nothing unusual! In fact, the general Xiaotian has never come out of the room since he entered the room! "

"Oh? Not once? " Drunk dream closed the account book and frowned slightly.

The man nodded, "yes, even the dinner was sent in by me. The man who sent the meal said that the God of wheezing didn't see what was sent in, so he took it up and ate it!"

Drunken dream leaned back on the chair with a cold smile. "It is said that this Xiao Tianshen, who was originally a Chinese God, will become like a robot when he joins in. Now it seems that it is not empty words!"

"Ma'am, shall we continue to watch him?"

"Send someone to watch! But what I doubt is why the old man suddenly changed his mind and sent out this angry day Drunk dream some hesitant said.

The man is also a Leng, "you mean..."

"Ha ha, don't look at me and the old guy Li hen are nominally married. I manage such a huge industry for him, but this old fox never believes anyone. I even suspect that he doesn't believe himself sometimes!"

"This time, he suddenly sent his first God general, red prison, to lead a large army. In name, it was garrison, but I always felt that it was not so simple!"

"In particular, Xiaotian has been sent out, which is the most puzzling for me."

The man suddenly said, "is it possible that the emperor is on guard? As for such a big show? "

Drunk dream can not help but also a Leng, "Beware of what What is the origin of the other side that can make you so frightened

The man also shook his head, "I don't know! But I think this is obviously extraordinary. We have to deal with it carefully! "

Drunken dream nodded, "yes! I'll have to worry about the housekeeper for a long time

This man is Zuimeng's first aide, and also the chief housekeeper of the city Lord's house, Yu Ren.

"Madame, it's too much!"

After that, the housekeeper Yu ran out.

Drunk dream heavily leaning on the chair, the room is very dark, and the face of drunken dream is reflected in the light of the light from the window, which makes her look a little confused.

And drunken dream at the moment is really a bit at a loss.

Because at the moment, her heart is thinking about the words of blade just.

Who in the end can make Li hen Tian Jun so frightened, and even sent so many people to garrison?

I'm in a drunken dream when I can't understand.

In a secluded courtyard in the city Lord's mansion, Xiaotian is slowly drinking wine in the house.

Wine is good wine, and food is good.

But in Xiaotian's eyes, no matter what kind of things, as long as they can eat, it is the same.

For example, at the moment, his eating posture is almost standard.

Take a sip of wine with two chopsticks.

And not only the standard posture, but even the rhythm and frequency are almost the same.

After watching for a long time, you will feel that what is sitting there is not a living creature, but a robot composed of precision machinery.

But when Xiaotian is pouring and drinking in the house.

There was a sudden knock at the door of the hospital.

The voice was very rapid, you can hear that the knocker was also very anxious.

Xiaotian did not have any extra look, just slowly put down the chopsticks, and then almost mechanically turned out of the room, came to the front of the courtyard.

As soon as the gate of the courtyard opened, a figure rushed directly into Xiaotian's arms.Accompanied by a woman's fragrance.

Suddenly, it was the woman who was introduced to Xiaotian by the drunken dream lady.

But at the moment, the woman was trembling all over her body, leaning against Xiaotian's arms and saying in a trembling voice, "help me!"

But nephrite in the arms of the wheezing day, but even the eyelids did not blink, even his hands are still holding the open position, no extra action.

Once again, the woman said in an almost imploring tone, "my Lord, please help me! I'm being chased in the back

At this moment.

Only heard a burst of Jie Jie Jie's strange smile from the distance, "beauty, you can't run, or as soon as possible from this uncle!"

After that, when the general stood there, it was decided.

However, when he saw that the woman he had been chasing was thrown into Xiaotian's arms, the original smile disappeared in an instant, replaced by a strong hatred and resentment.

"Good! No wonder it's so fast. Did you come here to help? But you think this wooden lump can stop me? " Tiangou raised his hand and pointed to Xiaotian, and said with a wild face.

After he came here, he had already had some fun, but when he went out to see what was more interesting, he suddenly found this woman.

Because it belongs to the dog family, the dog was deeply attracted by it at that time, and then it can't wait to rush forward and drag the woman to his house.

The woman was full of fear. When she saw Tiangou, she was even more frightened.

As a dog princess, she has a unique talent, that is, she can smell the good and evil of people.

So when he came into contact with Tiangou, he was frightened by his evil spirit.

She knew that if she really followed the dog, she would have to account for her little life.

In a hurry, she actually broke away from the shackles of the dog and ran away. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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