This day dog is a Leng first, then then then grinning at the rear to chase.

He didn't think that the woman could escape, so he pursued it with a banter attitude.

The woman also understood that it was impossible for her to escape from this marginal city by her own strength, and even the Lord's house of the city could not get out.

In this hurry, she actually smelled a trace of breath from Xiaotian.

You should know that her sense of smell is extremely keen, once smell the breath, will never forget.

The contact during the day has made her understand that this young man in white is not a bad man.

And now if I want to live, the last glimmer of hope is likely to be in this young man in white.

Holding a dead horse as a living horse doctor's mentality, the woman followed the weak breath all the way, and actually found here, and knocked on the gate of the courtyard.

But this day dog is not vegetarian, so it also follows closely.


The situation is deadlocked.

Tiangou himself was very dissatisfied with this wheezing day. Now he saw the woman he liked fell into his arms. He was even more jealous of his madness, so he was naturally extremely mean when he spoke.

At this time, after hearing the question of the dog, the woman can't help but look at Xiaotian secretly.

I hope to see how he responds to this.

But soon she was disappointed.

Because at the moment Xiaotian, the dog's clamor seems to have never heard of general, without the slightest strange look.

Even the eyes did not fluctuate.

The woman felt that her heart was gradually sinking.

Seeing this, Tiangou couldn't help laughing.

In fact, he is also holding the character of Xiaotian firmly, just dare to be so arrogant.

"How are you, little ladies? Disappointed? Ha ha, if you're a fool, you're just a fool. In fact, you're a fool

Speaking of this, Tiangou restrained his laughter and said with pity: "now come on, I can leave you some affection, or you will die now!"

The woman shivered and looked at Xiaotian with the last glimmer of hope, hoping that he could respond to it.

But in the end she was disappointed.

At this time, Tiangou said with a grim smile: "didn't you see it? He didn't even dare to hug you. What kind of daydream do you have? He's not a hero, he's just a total loser! "

Sure enough.

Even though the woman has been lying in Xiaotian's arms, the general's hand has been empty in the air, and the whole process has not been put down, as if lying in his arms is not a woman, but an air.

The woman was finally in complete despair.

She bit her lips and took a deep look at Xiaotian. Then she stood up tremblingly and turned to leave.

At this time, Tiangou's heart is very open, not only because of this woman, but also because he let the wheezing day eat shriveled, naturally very happy in the heart.

Therefore, he said grimly with a smile: "this is right, come here obediently, I will punish you well after I go back!"

When it comes to punishment, the dog deliberately accentuates his tone.

And this woman is all over a shudder, in the eye sprouts to die ambition.

But at this time, Xiaotian suddenly opened his mouth and said, "do you want me to save you?"

This word a, the woman whole body huge shock, and then Huoran turn head, dull looking at the wheezing day.

Xiaotian repeated: "do you want me to save you?"

The woman's eyes gradually burned with hope, and then nodded heavily, trembling: "hope!"

As if it was an illusion, but also as if it was true, the woman felt that after finishing these two words, Xiaotian's mouth gradually raised, as if showing a faint smile.

"Good! I'll save you

And at the same time.

Tiangou also fell into shock, and he didn't expect that Xiaotian would dare to speak like this. According to reason, he shouldn't be extremely calm to watch himself leave with this girl?

But soon, he regained his consciousness and said in a grim voice, "save her? Is it up to you? Xiaotian, I'll tell you, you are just a dog who has joined in. How dare you... "

The voice did not fall, Xiaotian suddenly accelerated, in an instant rushed to the dog, and then issued a scream.

The sound wave pointed at Tiangou and blocked the spirit of his whole person instantly.

At the same time, Xiaotian pulls Tiangou's hair, pulls it forward, and then opens his mouth, revealing his long fangs and biting it down.

"Ah ~!"

The dog was bitten and screamed, and struggled in great pain. However, no matter how he moved, he couldn't shake Xiaotian Fen Fen Fen. Instead, he made his teeth bite deeper and deeper.

With blood pouring out, Tiangou felt that his cultivation and divine power were rapidly passing away. The fear of death made him shudder all over, and then tried his best to break free.At this time, I saw that Xiaotian suddenly raised his head and made a sound. A large piece of meat on the neck of the dog was bitten down by Xiao Tiansheng.

The depth of the wound, you can even see the white bones inside.

Tiangou pain in the whole body in spasm, and Xiaotian obviously did not intend to let him go, is a bite.

This time, he bit on the top of Tiangou's shoulder, and directly tore off most of his shoulder blades.

Then they listen to the sound of stabbing, which is accompanied by the scream of Tiangou.

And every sound means a piece of flesh and blood to say goodbye to the body of Tiangou.

But at the beginning, the scream of Tiangou was still quite shrill, and the more it came back, the weaker it was.

When the red prison and others came to hear the news, the scream of Tiangou was already weak.

The red prison God has always been known for his cruelty and bloodthirsty, and all his helpers are outlaws.

But when they arrived at the scene, they were also shocked by the scene in front of them.

Because of the past arrogant dog, the head and facial features have been gnawed incomplete, the neck has disappeared, revealing the white of the spine and throat.

Most of his body has turned into white bones, and even his blood is almost drained.

And Xiaotian still clings to his hair, biting down.

Every time he bit, he would chew twice, and the blood would flow down the corner of his mouth, making his originally beautiful face look extremely ferocious and weird.

This tragic situation made the red prison take a breath of cold air, and then said with a slightly trembling voice: "wheezing General Xiaotian, stop it

Hearing this cry, Xiaotian stopped biting, and then raised his head to smile at the red prison and others.

This smile let the red prison these people's heart is straight cold, all subconsciously back half step.

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