With that, Xiaotian released his hand.


Tiangou, like a dead dog, dropped dust and didn't even move. He was obviously seriously injured.

At the same time, the drunken dream lady who was also shocked by the scream also rushed over, and was stunned by the tragedy of the dog on the ground.

At this time, red prison secretly swallowed a mouthful of saliva, some dry said: "Xiaotian general, this What's going on? "

Wheezing days smell speech but just smile, "nothing, just she hope I help her a favor just!"

With that, Xiao Tian pointed to the woman in the distance.

All the people's eyes were focused on the woman's body, which made her shiver all over, and she was almost tottering.

But even so, she still gently nodded, "general Xiaotian said right, is I begged him to save me

As soon as she saw this woman, his eyes were slightly bright, and then she asked in a deep voice, "what's going on?"

The woman shuddered and told the story.

After hearing this, the red prison and others look ugly.

As a deity, he fought for a woman. It would be a shame if it was spread out!

And Xiaotian's actions can not be wrong, after all, it is the Tiangou provocation first.

Therefore, after thinking for a moment, the red prison's expression of eating excrement on his face could only helplessly say: "take general Tiangou back first!"

With that, he turned and left angrily.

His men will be on the ground to pick up the dog, secretly looked at the wheezing day, then also in a hurry to leave.

Only the drunken dream lady looked at Xiaotian, and then said with a smile: "general Xiaotian is really powerful. I think the Tiangou general is very powerful. You can suppress him. He can't fight back. If we come later, he may be dead!"

Xiaotian did not have the slightest complacency, but quietly looked at the drunken dream lady. After a meeting, he said faintly: "with His bloodline, being called Tiangou is a disgrace to our dog family!"

After that, he didn't even look at the expression of drunken dream lady. He turned and walked into the room.

Drunken dream lady stood in place, looking at the back of Xiaotian far away with great interest, then took a deep look at the woman standing at the door, chuckled, and then turned away.

In an instant, there was only a woman standing at the gate of the yard. After standing for a moment, she suddenly clenched her teeth, turned and walked into the courtyard, and then closed the gate from inside.

At this time, Xiaotian has returned to the hall to continue drinking.

Still eat two dishes and drink a glass of wine.

Even the frequency and rhythm did not change at all.

If it was not for the bloodstains on his body that showed what had just happened, it would even make people feel that everything was just a dream.

The woman stood in the courtyard for a while, then quietly walked forward and said in a low voice, "thank you, my Lord."

As expected, there was no response.

Even she stood aside, but Xiaotian didn't even lift her eyelids, as if she were the air.

The woman bit her teeth and said in a low voice, "my Lord, I'm the princess of the jade dog clan. My name is Jiang xunnan! This time, because of going out to play, unfortunately, she was caught by the two ladies' men and sent to the city Lord's house! Not only can I not be saved now, if not for you! "

There was another silence, and then the wheezing genius slowly put down his wine cup, raised his eyes and looked at Jiang Xun Nan. He said, "how do you know that your life is saved now? Aren't you afraid I'll kill you

Hearing Xiao Tian's words, Jiang xunnan laughed, "my Lord, I have a very talented ability to see through people's good and evil at a glance. So when I first saw you, I knew you were a good man!"

"Good man, ha ha..." Xiao Tian chuckles twice. Suddenly, the whole person rushes out of his seat and grabs Jiang xunnan's hair. Then he shows his ferocious fangs and puts them on the long and beautiful neck of Jiang xunnan.

Jiang xunnan can even feel the chill from the tip of her teeth, which makes her muscles freeze.

As long as Xiaotian bites it, the river will be killed at that time.

"I am not a good man, and I hope I will never be a good man, because in this world, there is no good reward for being a good man! So I want to be a villain, the worst and worst of all! Do you understand? " Roar the day grim voice to shout.

Jiang xunnan is frightened by Xiaotian's crazy eyes, and his face turns pale.

But she said in a low voice, "I understand, but isn't it for your own peace of mind to be a good person?"

Hearing this, Xiaotian suddenly froze, and then staring at the woman.

Jiang xunnan's face was as pale as paper, but he continued: "I don't know if there is retribution, but the good and bad are all their own hearts. I don't believe those villains can be worthy of their own hearts!"Her voice has just dropped.

Xiaotian suddenly released his hand, and then his face showed a look of extreme pain.

In an instant, he was overwhelmed by the tremendous pain in the sea of knowledge. The whole person fell to the ground in an instant, and then he began to roll on the ground with his hands holding his head.

Jiang xunnan was stunned by the scene in front of her, but soon she regained her consciousness and immediately jumped up.

"Lord Xiaotian, what's the matter with you? Lord Xiaotian

"Pain! Those memories come again! How painful I am Xiao Tian's face is extremely ferocious, and his eyes are cracked due to excessive opening, leaving a trace of blood.

Jiang xunnan was so scared that he didn't know what to do.

But Xiaotian's manner became more and more crazy, and there were countless complicated lights in his eyes. Obviously, his spirit was close to the edge of collapse.

Jiang xunnan suddenly clenched his teeth and hugged Xiaotian's head. Then he put his face on his forehead and whispered, "don't be afraid. I'm here! Don't be scared! Everything will be all right! "

At the beginning, Xiaotian was extremely resistant to Jiang xunnan's embrace, but gradually, it may be that Jiang xunnan's pacification played a role.

Xiaotian's expression gradually eased down, and the crazy color on his face gradually disappeared. Finally, he closed his eyes and went to sleep.

After hearing Xiaotian's slight snoring, Jiang xunnan could not help lowering his head and looking at him quietly.

Wheezing day in the dream, like a wronged child.

Even in deep sleep, his brows were still locked together.

Looking at this young man who has been meeting for only three or four hours now, Jiang xunnan suddenly has a warm current in his heart, and then he can't help but stretch out his hand to touch Xiaotian's eyebrows.

It was like ironing all the sorrows in his brows.

At this time, Xiaotian suddenly grasped Jiang xunnan's wrist and whispered in a painful voice.

"Lord Erlang, don't leave me!"

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