Jiang xunnan felt that her wrist was almost crushed by Xiaotian, and her tears whirled in her eyes.

But there are still some doubts in her mind.

Who is master Erlang?

It should be very important to him!

Otherwise, how can he not forget at this time?

At this time, Xiaotian's hand gradually released, and then once again fell into a deep sleep.

Jiang xunnan did not dare to move, so he sat quietly with Xiaotian's head in his arms.

Because of the rush and fright, Jiang xunnan was very tired. Although he was kneeling on the ground, he still couldn't stop the turbulent drowsiness, and he quickly fell asleep.

I don't know how long after that, Jiang xunnan suddenly felt that his face was a little strange, as if someone was touching him, which made Jiang xunnan wake up from sleep.

And when she opened her eyes, she happened to see Xiaotian's hand, which was busy withdrawing back.

Now Xiaotian didn't know when he had stood up. When he noticed Jiang xunnan's eyes, he turned his head unnaturally and said, "it's very cold on the ground. If you're sleepy, go to sleep in the house."

After that, he got up and went back to the table and began to drink and eat.

Looking at his back, Jiang xunnan gradually raised his mouth, and his eyes were filled with smile.

Then, suddenly feeling very happy, Jiang xunnan stood up, stamped his numb feet because he had been kneeling for too long, and walked gently to the table.

"The food is cold. Would you like it heated?"


Xiaotian continues to eat.

It's still the same rhythm, the same frequency.

"Do you always eat like this?" After looking at it for a while, Jiang Xun Nan finally couldn't help asking.

"What is it like?" Xiaotian raised his head and asked in surprise.

"It is The frequency and rhythm are so rigid! It looks like a puppet. " After thinking for a long time, Jiang xunnan came up with such an adjective,

but as soon as she uttered the words, she was surprised to find that she had made a mistake. Her expression was flustered, and she wanted to explain it.

But Xiaotian didn't pay attention to them at all, just said faintly: "maybe I'm used to it! I just think it's more comfortable to eat like this! "

Jiang xunnan glanced at the scattered temples and laughed. Then he picked up the wine pot and filled a glass of wine for Xiaotian.

"It's boring to drink alone. I'll accompany you."

Xiao Tian raised his head and gazed at Jiang xunnan with a warm smile on his face.

There was a long silence.

As time went on, the smile on Jiang xunnan's face gradually became embarrassed.

Then the wheezing genius nodded gently, "OK!"

Jiang xunnan's smile in his eyes is more abundant, and then he sits down to Xiaotian's side and starts to pour wine and vegetables for him.

As soon as it enters the throat, it slides into the stomach like a thread of fire. It is obviously a good liquor.

At least Jiang xunnan was choked red after drinking a cup.

Then she looked at it stupidly, just like drinking cold water, and poured it into her mouth one cup after another.

"Don't you get drunk if you drink like this?"

"Drunk?" Wheezing day Leng Leng Leng, and then shook his head, "from the day I have memory, I have not drunk!"

"And I want to get drunk, but I can't do it!"

Speaking of this, Xiao Tian's voice is a little gloomy.

Jiang xunnan's heart was tight, and he suddenly wanted to hold the boy in white with his head down.

Because she always felt that in this young man's heart, it seemed that there was enough to make people collapse.

At this time, Xiaotian suddenly raised his head and said to Jiang xunnan very seriously: "I'm sorry for what happened just now."

"Sorry?" Jiang xunnan was stunned and immediately understood. Then he shook his head with a smile, "Why say I'm sorry! You didn't do anything! "

Then she hesitated for a moment, then cautiously asked, "you Do you often do that? "

Wheezing day Leng Leng Leng, and then some dazed nod, "not before, but recently more and more frequent!"

"Very painful?"

"It can't be said that it is very painful, but I just feel that I have forgotten a lot of things that I should have engraved all my life, so I want to recall it, but only to find that everything is empty and there is nothing!" Speaking of this, Xiaotian's eyes flashed a touch of pain.

"But in your sleep, you seem to have read a person's name! The name of a man named Erlang! " Jiang xunnan said.

"Lord Erlang..." Xiaotian whispered a few times, then lowered his head, eyes full of sadness.

"I can't remember, I can't remember anything! I only vaguely remember that a man with a vertical forehead was smiling at me

"The forehead has vertical eyes?" Jiang Xun Nan was stunned and thought of the red prison God general he saw today.

"Is that the man of today?"At this time, Xiao Tian buries his head, hands tightly pulling his hair, and says in a low voice, "I don't know. Now the memory tells me yes, but I always think he is not!"

With that, he began to pull his hair in pain.

Jiang xunnan was startled and changed the topic in a hurry. "Since I can't remember it, don't think about it. I'm just like this. If I can't remember it, I'll put it aside. Maybe it will come back to me one day."

Wheezing day Huoran raised his head, eyes full of hope color, "really?"

Jiang xunnan nodded heavily, "really!"

The pain in the eyes of the wheezing sky gradually faded, and regained calm. Then he raised his glass and said, "thank you."

Jiang xunnan touched his glass with a smile, "thank you, I should say it to you! Thank you for saving me! "

"Then let's thank each other."


After two people clink a cup, drink and then look at each other, can't help but laugh at the same time.

"Why did you get caught here? Is it because you sneaked out? " Xiaotian asked softly.

Jiang xunnan shivered, then took a deep breath and shook his head, "no! I lied to you

Xiaotian didn't say anything, just listened quietly.

"I am indeed the princess of the golden dogs, but now, the golden dogs no longer exist!" When Jiang xunnan talked about these things, his voice was extremely quiet, calm to the point of cruelty.

"My parents, brothers and sisters, as well as all the people of the golden dog clan, have been slaughtered by the gods from Hentian! I was caught here because of the rare goods, and then I was sold into the edge of the city as goods! "

Xiao Tian was silent.

At this time, Jiang xunnan suddenly raised her head. Although her voice was quiet, her face was full of tears.

"So I want to live, even if it is humble to live, I am willing to! Because I want to kill those enemies myself

"Isn't it silly of me to think so?"

Looking at the south, he shook his head

Jiang xunnan's face was full of tears, but he was smiling like a flower, "thank you! Come on, cheers

The wine is full of silver, but I don't know what it tastes like.

Outside the window, the night is cool as water, and the moon hangs in the sky.

The world is very big, the city is like a brocade, and prosperous, but only two lonely souls are drinking.

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