At the moment, Tiangou, covered with miraculous medicine, walks around the room with twisted eyes and keeps saying.

"I will kill him! I must kill him! I'll tear him up a little bit! "

There is enough malice in the tone to make people feel pale.

Red prison is lazily leaning on the reclining chair. Beside him are two beautiful women who are shaking their legs and massaging him. When he hears the words of Tiangou, he laughs.

"Come on, I know you hate this wheezing day, but you can't touch him now!"

"Why?" Tiangou raised his head and his eyes were red with blood.

"It's simple. He's still useful now! What's more, the Lord Tianjun clearly said that if we want him to be the vanguard officer of this time, we should implement it unconditionally, understand? "

Hearing the emperor's command, the spirit of Tiangou immediately fell down, but still some discontented murmured: "then if the person waiting for this time doesn't come, I can't move him all the time?"

The red prison Jie Jie said with a strange smile: "don't worry, since the emperor said that someone would come, it must not be wrong! When the time comes, we will squeeze out the use value of Xiaotian, and the rest will be given to you at will! What do you think of that? "

Then the dog turned to be angry and bowed his head respectfully at the red prison, "thank you, Lord God!"

"But Lord God, who are we waiting for this time? Why can the emperor be so afraid? And even sent you here? " Then someone else in the room asked.

"Yes! Not to mention the defensive ability of the edge city itself, that is, the layers of defense array in the edge sea are not vegetarian. What's more, there are a lot of fragmented space gaps. If ordinary strong people don't have the command or map of the emperor, they will die if they go in! "

"Yes, this marginal city has existed here for thousands of years, and even the second lady has been guarding here for thousands of years without making any mistakes. Why did we suddenly send us here this time?"

In all these discussions, the red prison leaned back on the reclining chair with his face relaxed. Until the public's discussion gradually stopped, he just laughed grimly.

"You still think too simple! Emperor Tianjun's accomplishments astonish the heaven and even spy on the secrets of heaven. Can he make mistakes in his old man's decision? There will be strong people coming this time! What's more... "

Speaking of this, the red prison was stunned. "Even if there is no strong man coming, the motive of your majesty to send us here that day is even more worth pondering."

This is very understatement, but it makes the atmosphere of the whole audience stagnate, and people's faces become dignified.

Because there are no fools who can blend into their present position. Although they are bloodthirsty and are called outlaws, the more they do, the more sober their minds will be.

Or I would have died a long time ago!

So when they heard the words of the red prison, they immediately understood what was going on.

If you don't come here to deal with the strong invaders, your goal may be Second lady?

This idea makes a lot of people take a breath and feel their hair stand up.

In the silence, the red prison looked down at the two women who were beating their legs and massaging them. They laughed, "did you hear what you just said?"

The two women changed their faces and shook their heads in a hurry, "my Lord, we don't know what you mean at all."

Red prison grinned, "is that right? That's good! Come here and pinch my shoulders

The two women were shocked and pale as paper, but they did not dare to disobey the orders of the red prison. They had to climb on the reclining chair with fear and just wanted to reach out to massage the red prison.

At this time, red prison suddenly stretched out two big hands like a PU fan, and directly grasped the two women's heads. Peng pinched and exploded them.

Blood mixed with brain splashed on the ground, and then the two women's corpses slowly fell to the ground.

But in the face of such tragedies, the people present were not afraid, but all of them were excited.

The red prison licked the plasma on his finger, Gaga strange smile: "sorry, I don't know if you can understand, but since you hear it, you will die!"

That look, as if he died in his hands is not two people, but two insignificant mole ants.

This may be the case with them. The dead women are not human beings, but just tools.

When the red prison and others are ready, the drunken dream lady also pretends not to know the inside story, and the whole edge city falls into a strange atmosphere.

Seven days passed in a flash.

In these seven days, the edge of the city, everything is normal, every day there are caravans here, and some leave.

But these people all have proper procedures, there is no exception.

Let alone the invading enemies. Even because of the arrival of the red prison and others, the whole edge city has no private fighting.

It can be said that the world is at peace.In this strange balance, the red prison and other people daily seek pleasure in the city Lord's house, and their mind is relaxed, as if they have lost their joy in Shu.

However, the second lady's drunken dream no longer took care of the red prison and others as she did at the beginning. On the contrary, she lived in seclusion, leaving most of her affairs to the care of the housekeeper Yu Ren.

In this situation, only Xiaotian's time is quiet.

Obviously, Jiang xunnan has been acquiesced as a woman of Xiaotian by everyone. Naturally, no one will disturb her.

Jiang xunnan also acquiesced to this rumor, hiding in the yard every day to clean up, or to clean up the food for Xiaotian.

The relationship between the two began to heat up.

However, Xiaotian is a very rigid person, so they only occasionally look at each other, and then smile at each other, they feel full of joy.

In this warm atmosphere, the headache of Xiaotian has even been greatly relieved, and the smile on his face has gradually increased.

But Jiang xunnan thought more than once that it would be a good thing to let go of all hatred and live a simple life with Xiaotian!

But when everyone's nerves are relaxed.

This day.

Outside the edge of the city, in the fog shrouded wilderness, there are many shadows.

As they passed through the fog, there was a huge caravan.

This caravan was carrying a huge amount of goods, and everyone in the caravan was wearing the color of frost and fatigue.

But when they saw the distant edge of the city, their faces all showed a happy smile.

Because the most difficult part of the road has passed, and the next thing to greet them is a comfortable and comfortable day.

And in this relaxed atmosphere.

After the crowd, a man in a black cloak opened his cape at the moment, revealing a nearly perfect face.

Then he looked at the towering edge of the city in the distance, and a cold smile appeared in the corner of his mouth.

From Hentian?

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