you 're right!

It was xue'an who appeared at the bottom of the city at the moment.

At the beginning, he referred to the map left by the emperor Tianzhao and rushed to leave Hentian.

I didn't expect to wait until I left Hentian, but I was blocked by the layers of tight defense array.

In fact, no matter how strong the defensive array is, for Xue an, it's just the difference between one punch and two punches.

But Xue an didn't do that, because he thought that if he broke it by force, it would only frighten the snake.

After all, the purpose of his coming this time is not only to eradicate Li hen Tian Jun, but also to save the Chinese gods imprisoned by him.

And if you beat the grass to frighten the snake, God knows if the king will jump off the wall in a hurry and do something radical.

At that time, it will be too late to repent.

With this idea, Xue an didn't break in by force. Instead, he thought about how to bypass the defensive array and sneak in quietly.

Coincidentally, at this time, Xue an met the caravan from afar.

You should know that the divine world is extremely vast, and it is divided into many levels.

Li Hentian is the highest heaven in the divine world.

But no matter how advanced, this is not an island, but also need to communicate with the outside world.

Therefore, these merchants shuttling between the various levels of the divine world should also be transported.

For example, when Xue An Gang just entered the divine world, Zhuo Yangyang and other people met in the sea of divine punishment were actually doing business as well.

Of course, the scale of Zhuo's family is far from the caravan that Xue an met.

Not to mention anything else, the huge amount of goods it carried was enough to prove the strength of this caravan.

After the chance encounter at that time, Xue an concealed his identity, pretended to be a lost one-man peddler, successfully mixed into the caravan, and then easily bypassed the defensive array and crossed the marginal sea.

As for why it went so smoothly.

"Brother Xue, what are you going to do after entering the city?" A cold female voice came from Xue an's back.

Xue an turned her head and saw a beautiful woman in her twenties. She was riding a horse and a strange animal. She walked slowly to Xue an's body, looking at herself with concern.

Seeing this, Xue an said with a smile, "thank you, Miss Yan. I'm going to see if there is any suitable goods before I go to the city, and then I'll figure out the next step."

Xue an is now pretending to be a peddler who lost most of his capital and goods because of his lost way, so this remark is naturally quite normal.

After hearing this, Miss Yan could not help nodding.

"This is a safe policy, but it is the highest heaven in the divine world, and the products are extraordinary. I'm afraid it's hard to find the right goods with your strength."

This is more euphemistic. In fact, it is to say that Xue an can't afford to buy something from Hentian.

Xue an just laughed off this, "look, if you meet the right one!"

Miss Yan took a deep look at Xue an, who was smiling and indifferent. Her heart beat a little faster.

As the first lady of Yan family who came to Hentian for the first time in charge of the family business team, Yan Meishu is not rich in experience, but she has also experienced a lot of things and met a lot of people.

But she never met anyone like Xue an.

I remember that the first time I met Xue an was before the defensive formation of hentianwai. At that time, Yan Meishu almost thought he was the spy of some bandits.

But after a contact, Yan Meishu gradually put down his heart.

She had seen one legged peddler, who was usually a fugitive with his head tied to his belt and fighting to earn money.

But after a few days of observation, Yan Meishu could not help but have a strong curiosity about Xue an.

Because she found that although Xue an was very low-key, she naturally showed a kind of bearing.

This kind of feeling, let him even hide behind the crowd, still appear so outstanding.

Yan Meishu has seen many young strong men with noble status, but none of them can compare with Xue an's bearing.

With this curiosity, Yan Meishu, on the way, would find opportunities to make contact with Xue an from time to time.

Then Yan Meishu found that although Xue an didn't speak much, he often hit the key point, and there were refreshing words from time to time.

Somehow, everything Xue an showed made Yan Meishu excited.

Therefore, when he finally crossed the fog of the marginal sea and came to the edge of the city, Yan Mei Shu felt a sense of parting in his heart and could not help but come to talk.

After hearing Xue an's words, Yan Meishu's eyes brightened and he was about to go on.

At this time, a voice full of irony, which makes people feel very annoying, came from behind them.

"Hehe, what's the use? This marginal city is a trading place away from Hentian. Can you be a peddler who has no money or even a mountWith the words, but see a very Sao Bao white horse, dressed, but the face is full of arrogant color of the man came.

At the sight of this man, Yan Meishu's face was heavy and his expression became a little ugly.

However, the man felt good about himself, and when he got close, he grinned at Yan Meishu.

"Cousin, you are good at everything, but you are too kind-hearted. You should not have saved him in the first place because he asked for money but didn't know whether his identity was true or not."

Yan Meishu snorted from her nostrils, "he Chuncai, I don't need you to point out my affairs. Besides, who admits to be your cousin?"

The disgust in the words is almost overflowing.

But he Chuncai didn't feel embarrassed at all. Instead, he chuckled, "cousin, whether you admit it or not, you are all my cousin! This time my uncle asked me to follow you to do business, but also for us to cultivate feelings between brother and sister! So you must appreciate my uncle's good intentions

After hearing this, Yan Meishu's face turned red with anger. "Bah, who can cultivate feelings with you? He Chuncai, I tell you, don't be cute in front of me

After that, Yan Meishu said to Xue an, who was smiling and speechless: "brother Xue, I don't think you have a place to go after you enter the city. It's better to live with my caravan first. We Yan's family also have property in this marginal City, which is very convenient!"

Xue an also did not refuse, "in this case, I thank you very much."

Yan Meishu's eyes were slightly bright, and then nodded to Xue an, "brother Xue is polite!"

However, he Chuncai, who was on the other side, was very angry with the interaction between them. His face became extremely ugly in an instant, and then he said in a strange way.

"Cousin, you hate me or you don't like it, but you have to figure out what the Yan family is! Although some people are good-looking, they are silver like wax spearheads, and even have no accomplishments. Such existence is worthy of your attention? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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