It was a blatant provocation.

After hearing this, Yan Meishu's expression was also slightly gloomy.


This Xue Anya is good, whether it is appearance or temperament, is the top choice, so that she was so excited.

But it's just that the cultivation is hard to say.

On this way, Yan Meishu tried several times, but he didn't find any accomplishments in xue'an.

It made her feel a little gloomy.

But soon, she returned to normal, and then Chong he Chun, whose face was as cold as ice, said: "surnamed he, I don't need you to manage my affairs! If you dare to talk nonsense again, I will let my father drive you out directly after I go back! "

Hearing this, he Chuncai closed his mouth in spite of his displeasure, and then glared at Xue an fiercely. He turned his horse's head and left unhappily.

After he left, Yan Meishu gave Xue an apologetic smile. "Brother Xue, I'm really sorry. He Chuncai is just like this. Don't be wise with him!"

Xue an swept away he Chuncai with a glance and then a faint smile, "it's OK! It's just a few words. I'm not so stingy yet! "

Yan Meishu saw Xue an's reaction, although it was expected, but her eyes were still filled with disappointment.

You should know that in this divine world, the law of heaven is the law of the weak.

Especially as a man, even if the cultivation is not as good as others, we should not lose that unyielding spirit.

Therefore, according to the normal reaction, Xue an should be furious at he Chuncai's words.

It's really a bit timid to expose the past so lightly now.

But then she returned to normal and nodded.

"Well, then you can follow my caravan into the city in a moment."

After that, she urged the horse to leave.

When her people just left.

Xue an's knowledge of the sea will come to an Yan that with a trace of banter voice.

"Tut Tut, another little girl has fallen. Husband, do you feel a sense of accomplishment?"

The sour smell inside and outside the words was almost overflowing.

Xue an couldn't laugh or cry, "Yan'er, what are you talking about? You've seen it all the way. I haven't done anything, and I've tried my best to stay away from Miss Yan! "

"Ha ha, husband, what are you so anxious to explain? I'm not angry. On the contrary, I'm still very happy. After all, my husband has so many girls who like it. Doesn't it just mean that my husband is excellent? " From the sea of knowledge came an Yan's voice of smiling.

"Really? Are you really happy? " Xue an asked in surprise.

An Yan:.... "

Then he said angrily, "you big head ghost! I'm just saying it casually. Do you really think so? "

The sound was so loud that Xue an's consciousness was humming.

Xue an was a little sad and laughing, "isn't that what you said happy?"

"I said happy, you really think I am happy? You straight man Yan's voice is angry.

At this time, Xue an actually had some grievances, "but you said you were very proud and happy!"

An Yan:.... "

Seeing that an Yan was about to run away, Xue an quickly said with a smile: "OK, Yan'er, don't be angry, I just played with you!"

"Hum!" An Yan's anger didn't disappear.

Of course, the whole process of the dialogue between the two depends on the gods, and outsiders have no idea.

Moreover, Xue an was not idle. He was always following the caravan to the edge of the city.

In this caravan, he may be the only one who has no mount and walks on his feet all the way.

So many people look at Xue an with strange and even sympathetic eyes.

However, we all watched the whole journey.

Many people know that Yan Meishu has a different view of Xue an.

But as he Chuncai said, it is impossible for a man like Xue an to become a member of the Yan family if he has no wealth and no accomplishments.

So a lot of people are watching Xue an with the mentality of watching jokes.

However, this kind of strange look is not even Mao to Xue an.

He didn't even bother to lecture he Chuncai, who repeatedly challenged himself. Instead, he enjoyed his performance with the eyes of caring for mentally retarded children.

After all, for Xue an, such a person is not even qualified to do it yourself.

But he thinks so, does not mean that an Yan can endure.

In fact, if Xue an had not blocked the Fubao building, an Yan would not have been allowed to go in and out.

Maybe when he Chuncai made a speech for the first time, an Yan killed him directly, so that he Chun could understand why the flowers were so red.

After all, in an Yan's opinion, only her husband can reprimand him, and no one else has the qualification.So she couldn't help but ask for Xue an's silence.

"Husband, why do you want to seal yourself this time?"

Xue an laughed, looked up at the edge of the city not far ahead, and said faintly: "Yan'er, you don't understand! With my current strength, if I directly enter this Li Hentian, I will certainly be detected by the law of heaven here, and then suppress it! "

"Suppression?" An Yan was a little stunned.

"Yes! And if it's just suppression, it's nothing! The key is that Li hen Tian is the place where Li hen Tian has been managing for tens of thousands of years. His divine sense is inseparable from the will of heaven! Therefore, if I appear directly as noumenon, I will definitely be aware of it at the first time! "

"At that time, it will be difficult to rescue the Chinese gods who were imprisoned by him again!"

After listening to Xue an's explanation, an Yan suddenly realized, and then said with some worry.

"If you can't open your cultivation all the time, how can you face the strong enemy in front of you?"

Xue an laughed, his eyes penetrating the edge of the city, and said: "with my current strength, I don't need to cultivate, but I can kill most of the gods in this world! And I have a hunch that this trip to Hentian will soon bear fruit

This kind of words is domineering, and an Yan can't help nodding after hearing this, and then seriously said: "husband, if you are not invincible then, release me! I'll be your secret weapon, will you

Xue an was dumb and said, "OK! Yan'er is my most powerful weapon! "

By this time, this huge caravan had entered the edge of the city.

Because of its large scale, it attracted many people from the edge of the city.

"It's the Yan Family! Here comes the caravan of the Yan Family

"Tut! It's really worthy of being one of the biggest merchants in the divine world. Even the scale of the caravan is so amazing

People sighed in succession, and the red prison, who was looking for pleasure in the city Lord's house, also noticed the comer. Under a slight shock, his mind instantly swept everyone in the caravan.

There was no difference.

So he grinned grimly and didn't take it seriously.

But he did not know that when his mind swept over the heads of the crowd, the light in xue'an's eyes flashed slightly, and then his expression became colder.

"It's the breath of Chinese gods! No, it should be stitched together the day after tomorrow. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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