However, he Chuncai was no longer as arrogant. His face became pale as paper, and his whole body was shaking slightly. He even did not dare to look at the red prison directly. He could only lower his head and pretend to be silent.

Such attitude is actually an admission.

Such a situation is also seen in the red prison, if it is normal, this he Chuncai absolutely can not live.

But now the red prison is driven by the color heart, so I don't care about he Chuncai.

I saw him smile at Yan Meishu, who was equally pale. "Miss Yan, what do you think of my proposal just now? If you don't mind, how about we go back and have a good time and then come back to the party? "

This is no longer teasing. It is simply insulting Yan Meishu's personality with words.

But in the face of this situation, no one dared to speak.

Even a lot of people watched with schadenfreude.

Yan Meishu's silver teeth bit her lips, for she was afraid that she would be angry if she could not control it.

She did not want to aggravate the situation. After all, the status of the red prison was too high, so she could only place all her hopes on Madame drunkard, hoping that the second lady could speak for herself.

But in the face of Yan Meishu's blazing eyes, the drunken dream lady was not moved at all, instead, she laughed, and then said lightly: "Miss Yan, since the God general said so, he must really like you! This is also a good thing, you might as well follow it! How about it? "


The words of the drunken dream lady were as good as a bolt from the blue in Yan Meishu's ears.

In a flash, she understood a lot.

Why did the second lady invite herself to the party.

And why did she come out in person!

At that time, he thought that his face was big enough, but at this time, Yan Meishu finally understood.

I'm just a bargaining chip for trading!

This drunken dream lady is likely to do this on purpose, and its purpose is probably to warn the Yan family, or even.

We should do something to the Yan Family!

As for why.

Yan Meishu suddenly remembered what his father had said, that the man was innocent and full of guilt!

Nowadays, the wealth accumulated by the Yan family is really amazing, and this It's the sin of the Yan Family!

For a moment.

Yan Meishu wanted to understand everything.

But this did not help the present situation, and even made Yan Meishu more desperate.

Because she is very clear, such as drunkard dream such a strong person does not hand, a hand must have sufficient assurance.

If you think so, do you really want to die here today?

Yan Meishu's grief comes from this, and subconsciously he Chuncai looks aside.

Because anyway, he Chuncai was the Guard commander of the caravan. Before leaving, Yan Meishu's father, also known as he Chuncai's uncle, made it clear.

This time, he Chuncai must protect Yan Meishu.

But when Yan Meishu's eyes turned to he Chuncai, he found that this cousin, who usually clapped his chest and boasted how powerful and brave he was, was now deeply lowering his head.

For fear of attracting people's attention, he Chuncai even bent his waist down. He looked like a cooked prawn, funny and ridiculous.

Such an ugly attitude shattered Yan Meishu's last hope.

She took a deep breath, staring at the drunk lady, and said in a cold voice, "second lady, if you act like this, aren't you afraid of chilling the hearts of many merchants?"

"Cold heart?" The drunken dream lady sneered, "do you businessmen have any intention? As long as there are interests, there will be countless vendors flocking to! And you Yan Family ha-ha! I can raise you up to now, also be regarded as worthy of you! Is it not normal that pigs should be killed when they are fat? "

"You..." Yan Meishu was speechless because she could not think of how to refute the words of drunken dream for a while.

At this time, the red prison excitedly rubbed his hands, "second lady, is this little girl handed over to me now?"

Drunken dream nodded, "yes, whatever you do, as long as you don't kill me! After all, she'll be of some use then! "

"Don't worry! I have always been very patient with this kind of girl! I'll make it slowly! " Red prison said with a grim smile.

At this time, Yan Meishu knew that the matter was irreparable, and his heart was horizontal. He immediately urged his whole body to cultivate himself. He turned around and wanted to escape from here.

However, seeing Guanghua Dao, it was the scene that Yan Meishu's various Rune arrays burst out together.

Not to mention anything else, but with this momentum, it is enough to frighten the general strong.

But for the red prison, it was like a baby playing.

He waved his hand.

Yan Meishu, who wanted to disappear in his original place, felt that the space became solid and cut off all his retreats.Bang!

As the light dissipated, Yan Meishu was in a state of confusion.

But the red prison was furious and said with a laugh: "little girl, you run! The more you run, the more excited I am

Yan Meishu wailed and was in despair.

But at the moment when she was dying.

I heard a sigh coming from behind.

"Can't you wait until I'm full?"

Hearing the familiar voice full of indifference, Yan Meishu was struck by lightning.

Because she knew who the speaker was.

At the same time.

Everyone brushes in unison and looks around.

But see Xue an standing in front of the table, while eating, the side also does not lift the head to say.

"Don't worry, wait for me to finish this cake!"

There was a dead silence.

All of them looked at Xue an, who was enjoying himself.

Especially Yan Meishu, she never dreamed that it was Xue an who suddenly spoke at this time.

This makes her heart can not help but flow a warm current.

In any case, it was a great courage for him to speak at this time.

But immediately, her heart once again fell to the bottom.

Because she knew very well that Xue an had no cultivation.

But an ordinary person who has no cultivation has a strong God on the high God's surface. This disparity in strength makes all courage meaningless.

Not only did Yan Meishu think so, but everyone in the audience thought so at the moment.

So after a burst of silence, there was an uproar.

"What? Dare to challenge the red prison God general? Is there something wrong with the young man's brain? "

"There's nothing wrong with the brain, that's mental disorder!"

These noisy comments, red prison after a few eyes of Xue an, can not help but emerge a trace of cynical smile.

"It's really interesting. If you don't even have silk cultivation, you dare to challenge me. Should I praise your courage? Or do you want to die yourself? "

"Whatever you want, I can do it!"

Xue an said, while eating the last bite of cake, and then put the plate on the table, wiped his mouth, and then raised his head to smile at the red prison.

"No matter what you say, you're dead!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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