
First there was silence, then there was an uproar.

"Hiss! Is this guy crazy? " Someone said, taking a cold breath.

"Even if he's not crazy, it's almost as if he dare to speak like this. Doesn't he know the temper of the general?" Someone sneered.

In these comments, many people shook their heads secretly, believing that Xue an must die.

As for Yan Meishu, she was shocked at the scene. She did not expect Xue an to be so domineering.

But immediately, she felt a sour nose, eyes gradually filled with tears, and then opened her mouth, trying to say something, only to find that her whole body had been firmly controlled by the red prison, and she could not make any sound at all.

At the same time.

He Chuncai, who has been lowering his head and pretending not to hear it, raises his head and looks at Xue an with consternation on his face.

But soon, there was a light in his eyes that was mixed with joy and schadenfreude.

This fool, how dare to contradict the red prison Lord like this. You will know how powerful it is in a moment.

In he Chuncai's opinion, the God of red prison is the existence that he dare not provoke.

Xue an, who had no accomplishments in his body, dared to be so arrogant. He could not find a more reasonable explanation except for his own death.

Sure enough.

But see red prison in slightly a Leng, the face appeared a ferocious sneer.

"Boy, no one has ever dared to talk to me like this. You are the first one. In order to reward you, I will torture you slowly for a hundred years, and then let you die in endless pain..."

The voice did not fall.

Red prison suddenly felt a cold chest, can not help looking down.

Then he was shocked at the scene.

Because at this moment, there appeared a palm carved from sapphire on his chest.

The fingers of this palm are slender and slender, with distinct bony joints. It looks so pleasing to the eyes.

Of course, it would be more beautiful if it didn't hold the red heart in this hand.

Red prison stupidly looked at this chest through the palm, the whole person because of excessive shock and fell into a dull state.

It's not just him.

The whole banquet hall was as silent as death. Everyone's mouth was wide open and their faces were full of disbelief.

Because at the moment, standing behind the red prison, putting his whole hand through his back and punching his front chest, he was the one who was just thought by all people that he was going to die because of his wild talk.

This scene is just magical, almost ironic.

Just was thought by all people to die no doubt, the results of the next second to complete the anti kill.

This naturally makes everyone can't believe their eyes.

At the same time, Xue an directly pulled his hand out of the chest of the red prison. Under the blood splashing, the red prison roared with pain. He could not help but rushed forward for a few steps, but he did not fall down in spite of his body faltering.

Then he covered the huge wound on his chest and slowly turned around, staring at Xue an with a mixture of shock and resentment.

If the eyes can kill people, red prison may have killed Xue an several times.

But Xue an's heart was still beating in his hand.

"Is this your heart? It looks red, but it's bad inside! "

Xue an's voice was calm and distant, as if he was commenting not on an organ from a powerful God, but an animal heart bought for five yuan from the vegetable market.

This kind of feeling makes the anger in the red prison's heart boil more and more, Yin compassion said: "boy, what kind of person are you? Now give this heart back to me. There is still room for things to turn around. Otherwise, I will let you live and die

The killing intention in the words is obvious.

But Xue an just sneered at this, "you have no right to know who I am! And how stupid are you going to threaten me at this point? "

"You..." The red prison was angry with him, but at the moment, he was a bit of a misdemeanor.

After all, his heart is still in the hands of this teenager.

Although the body of the gods, not to mention the heart, is lost the head can grow out again.

But after all, the strength of the loss, and the new organs also need to conserve at least a few months to reach the same level as before.

In particular, it is an important existence next to the head.

Therefore, the red prison now only wants to suppress the situation, and finally get the heart back, and then settle accounts with this young man.

Therefore, he forced himself to suppress the anger in his heart and said in a cold voice: "boy, you say a condition! How can I return my heart? "

Xue an's smile was more prosperous. "It depends on what conditions you can give! Why don't you talk about it first? I'll see if I'm satisfied with it! "Another low crowd.

All people wake up from the shock just now, and they are confused by Xue an's words.

"How can you bargain with the red jailer! What kind of dependence does this young man have

"Yes, it's obvious that the strength he showed just now is not ordinary people, but the key is that no matter who is strong, now this is the territory away from Hentian! The red prison Lord is the first God General under the throne of the emperor. How dare this young man ignore such tremendous power? "

"Ha ha, this young man should be a strong man of physical training, but no matter how strong he is, the key is that he does not have any accomplishments! There's a good show to watch now

In these comments, the red prison's expression grew colder, but he still said in a deep voice: "young man, you are really strong, and you have the qualification to negotiate with me. It's better to let you and this woman leave here after you return your heart to me! What do you think of it

Hearing these conditions, Yan Meishu's eyes were bright.

Because it sounds like the best solution to this situation!

So she looked at Xue an with hopeful eyes.

But at this time, Xue an's mouth rose slightly, showing a smile as cold as a knife.

"That's what you gave me?"

Red prison arrogantly nodded, "yes, how do you feel about it?"

The red prison was full of confidence and thought that Xue an would definitely agree to this condition.

And the same is true of all the people present.

Because everyone felt that such a condition was the biggest concession made by the red prison God.

As long as this Xue an is not crazy, he will certainly agree.

Even he Chuncai could not help but take a breath.

Anyway, it's the best thing to tell about it.

Otherwise, you may not be able to save your own life.

But at this time, Xue an shook his head, and then said with a slightly sarcastic voice: "sorry! I don't think this condition is very good! "

At first, the red prison, who felt sure of success, turned pale at the words and said angrily, "what do you mean?"

"What do you mean?" Xue an faint smile, "meaning I, no, with, meaning! Now, do you understand? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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