There was a complete silence.

People were shocked by Xue an's statement.

In spite of Refused?

God! I'm afraid this boy is not going crazy!

Yan Meishu was also scared. In a hurry, he broke away from the control of the red prison and cried out anxiously.

"Brother Xue!"

Xue an turns his head to smile at her.

It was this smile that made Yan Meishu swallow all the back.

Because Yan Meishu felt that although Xue an didn't say anything, this smile represented too much.

Yan Meishu felt that her trembling heart calmed down after seeing the smile.

Even Yan Meishu's heart produced a kind of unspeakable confidence, as if there was no one in the world who could not be difficult to reach the little brother Xue in front of him.

But she had no idea. He Chuncai couldn't help it. He was the first to jump out and roar with ferocity on his face.

"The surname Xue, now that the gods and generals are lenient to you, are you ungrateful? Are you trying to kill us? I tell you, you want to die, but you are implicated in me and my cousin! "

He Chuncai's words are just killing people and hearts, and the truth has been skewed to the sky.

Yan Meishu's face changed greatly, and he was about to speak out.

Xue an waved her hand and motioned her to stop. Then he Chuncai looked up and down.

"What did you say? I didn't hear you clearly. I hope you can repeat it again! "

He Chuncai was shocked by the chill in Xue an's words, and his hair stood erect, and subconsciously swallowed his mouth.

But immediately, he noticed the approval on the face of the red prison God in the distance.

Even when he Chuncai looked in the past, the red prison God nodded to he Chuncai.

This makes he Chuncai's confidence increase greatly, and even his confidence in speaking has grown a lot. He said with a sneer.

"Xue, I can repeat it a hundred times! You don't think it's OK to hurt the general. He was just a distracted man, but you took advantage of it! So if you know the current situation, you'd better return the heart of the Lord to God now, and then honestly admit your mistakes

"It's just that we've uncovered it. Isn't everyone happy?"

He Chuncai realized that his words were sincere and well founded, and his heart was filled with pride.

But his pride did not last for a breath.

Because at the moment, Xue an said in a cool tone: "remember before entering the arena, I once said a word to you!"

"What words?" He Chuncai was stunned.

"I said you'd better roll as far as you can, or if you are scared to cry by me, don't blame me for not reminding you!"

He Chuncai suddenly said, "yes, you did say that, but what about that? Yes? Do you want to scare me now

When he said this, he Chuncai's face was full of scorn.

Xue an shook her head. "No! I just want to tell you, this sentence I take back now! Because of you...! "

"Because of me what?" He Chuncai asked casually.

"Thought you should die!"

When the word "death" was uttered from xue'an's mouth, it was as if the supreme emperor had issued a decree, and the brilliance of Taoism came directly to he Chuncai.

He Chuncai didn't even have time to scream, and his head broke apart soundlessly.

That's right!

It is similar to the watermelon exploding in slow motion, and he Chuncai's head turns into blood mist.

But this was just the beginning, and then he Chuncai's body began to crack.

In an instant.

Just fortunately, he Chuncai, who was standing there, turned into a blood mist.

But it's not over.

The blood fog is still breaking down.

In a moment, I heard a scream in the void which was full of panic.

Then the blood mist melted into nothingness, leaving no trace of he Chuncai's existence.

This scene is full of cruel aesthetic feeling, and all the people are heartbroken.

Everyone knew what was going on with that scream.

It was obviously the unwilling roar of he Chuncai's spirit before it disintegrated.

This also shows that he Chuncai is now dead and can't die any more!

In fact, to deal with people like he Chuncai, many people can do it!

But the key is that from the beginning to the end, there is no fluctuation in Xue an's accomplishments.

It was as if he had exerted a hand of magic. He Chuncai, who had a fairly good cultivation, disappeared completely.

How can such means not make the people present startled.

Even the red prison God general, after seeing this scene, his eyelids were beating.Because he didn't see through what means Xue An Gang just used!

The unknown is always frightening, especially a mysterious youth whose identity is unknown!

The red prison God will suddenly regret that he should not be so arrogant.

But at this time, Xue an slowly turned around, casually weighing the heart in his hand, light way: "this thing, you want it?"

When Xue an's eyes touched him, the red prison God felt his whole body was tight and his heart was full of warning signs. That kind of feeling was as if he was being watched by an ancient dragon.

"When Of course The red prison stammered.

Maybe even he didn't realize that his tone and attitude were quite different from those before. He became A lot of tenderness!

Xue an naturally noticed, but he just laughed and shook his hand.


After a muffled sound, the beating heart was pinched and burst by Xue Ansheng.

It seems to be psychological effect, or other reasons, at the moment when the heart is pinched and burst.

Red prison felt a sharp pain in his empty chest, which made him cry out.

But Xue an clapped her hands lightly, "I'm sorry, I just wanted to give it back to you, but I accidentally used a little more strength. Who knows your heart is so fragile, so it just burst! I don't think you blame me

Looking at the smile on Xue an's face, the red prison felt that there was a fierce dragon waking up in this young man's body.

This made him so surprised and angry that he could not help but roar.

"I really think I'm afraid you can't do it. I'll take orders and kill him!"

With the red prison's order, but saw this huge banquet hall suddenly a shock, and then fell on all sides, the roof fell down, startled by the smoke and dust, suddenly flew out of the road Guanghua, and then went straight to Xue an.

The prestige aroused, even the surrounding space has been rippled.

But in the face of such a terrifying siege, Xue an burst into laughter.

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