Then Xue an stepped forward and faced the attack from all directions alone.

All the people in the audience were shocked by this situation, and then they shook their heads, thinking that Xue an would be spared no more.

Red prison is proud to laugh, "boy, I admit that you are really strong, but you forget that this is Lao Tzu's one acre three parts of the land, strong dragon still does not suppress the local snake, you..."

His clamor did not finish, because at this moment, a sudden scene shocked him completely.

But see Xue an face to rush to the four sides of the light, look indifferent, without any expression, just quietly watching.

Even when the air flow aroused by the brilliance swayed the temples of Xue an's forehead, he did not move at all.

Until Guanghua was already able to rush to the front, Xue an raised his eyes with a twinkling of light in his eyes, and then suddenly raised his hand and pressed it down in a short time.


Just listen to a loud noise.

Xue an pressed down the bright light in front of him. People felt that the ground was shocked. Then they saw that the hard ground was smashed with countless radial cracks.

As for the pit in the center of the crack, there was a powerful Protoss who was shocked to bleed and was already unconscious.

But that's just the beginning.

And he saw that xue'an was like a ground mouse, and his palms were flying, and he pressed them down again and again.

And each palm, will be a blatant glare directly into the ground, so that the ground is shocked.


When all the light from the siege disappeared, there were countless cobweb like cracks on the ground.

In the cracks, there are more than ten large pits evenly arranged.

In the pit, all are the protoss strongmen who are seriously injured by Xue an's palm and completely lose the ability to resist.

All the people in the audience were stunned by the results.

Even the red prison didn't expect that the siege of his subordinates, whom he had so hard to summon, would end up with such a result.

Seeing Xue an's relaxed freehand brushwork like a game, even makes red prison have a trace of doubt.

I wonder if their subordinates are so weak that they can't even resist, just like the hamsters that were shot by Xue an, and they are all seriously injured.

When the red prison was filled with all kinds of chaotic ideas, Xue an looked around the messy ground and clapped his hands with satisfaction.

"It feels good!"

With that, he raised his head and gave a gentle smile to the red prison. "What else can I do? Let's have a good time with you while I'm in the mood today."

This made the red prison angry, but Xue an now shows the strength, he also had to be careful to deal with.

Therefore, he snorted coldly and said with pity: "boy, this is what you forced me to do!"

With that, he suddenly waved his hand, and the powerful Protoss in more than a dozen pits trembled, and then the body burst out in an instant.

And the essence contained in it turned into a streamer, which directly flowed into the body of the red prison.

With the confluence of these streamers, the momentum of the red prison became more and more powerful, and through the chest wound, we can see that the originally empty chest gradually showed the rainbow light.

Then the rainbow light gradually converges and finally condenses into a small heart.

In the beginning, the heart was as big as peanuts.

But when it beats, it makes the nearby void vibrate.

And after a few beats, the heart increased at a speed visible to the naked eye, and finally returned to normal.

Then, even the wounds on the chest and back of the red prison also disappeared.

It was in these short breaths that the red prison, which had just been seriously injured, returned to normal, even more powerful than before.

However, the behavior of swallowing up the life of his subordinates to recover his injury has made the face of the whole audience a little ugly.

But the red prison didn't care about it. He said with a strange smile: "boy, it was just my carelessness, but this time, I will teach you to be a man!"

With the words, but see the red prison body suddenly flash, has come to the high altitude, and then the momentum extended, covering the surrounding world.

Strong momentum, but it has already made the world change color.

But all the power, spearhead is directed at Xue an standing in the field.

Xue an looked at the red prison with great interest, and his eyes even twinkled with lustre.

"It's interesting. Come on! I won't move, I'll try how powerful you are With that, Xue an still did not forget to hook his finger at the red prison above the sky.

This time, the red prison can no longer contain the anger in his heart, a cold hum: "red fire Turn to prison

With his order, but see behind the red prison dense gray fog suddenly turned into a burning red flame, and then with an incredible speed directly fell on Xue an's body.But he saw the fire boiling and the red fire all over the sky.

The whole world seems to be surrounded by this endless red fire.

As for Xue an, who just stood there, there was no trace.

A lot of people sighed secretly, and they were still dead!

The red prison could not help but breathe.

Generally, he is not willing to use this move until the critical moment.

Because what the red fire hell uses is his own original power. Once it is used, it can be said that it hurts the muscles and bones.

But now the situation forced him to do the same.

But fortunately, the boy who didn't know where was finally buried in his own hell of red fire.

But the idea had just risen before he could look pleased.

Only listen to in this piece of red fire hell, came the sound of Xue an's light smile.

"It's hard for you to think of fire against me!"

With the voice, but see the figure of Xue an in the flames gradually emerge.

But at the moment, he did not have the slightest embarrassed color.

On the contrary, his clothes were flowing and his expression was indifferent. Even his hair on his forehead was not affected at all, as if he was in the afternoon beach instead of a fire hell.

And when he wandered around, the red flame, which had been scorching in the heat wave, was like a mouse and cat. He did not dare to get close to him, but kept retreating.

So there was such a spectacle in the red fire hell.

Originally the flaming ground with Xue an's step, the flame instantly extinguished, and the fire is also in decline.

This kind of feeling is like Xue an is pushing back a previously arrogant and domineering fire dragon step by step.

In this case, Xue an immediately out of the red fire hell. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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