When his feet fell on the ground, the sky was full of red fire and began to shrink sharply at an astonishing speed. When it was only a small fireball, he flew straight into Xue an's palm.

Then, in xue'an's hand, a weak red flame was burning.

But Xue an raised his head to stand in the high altitude, already looked at the silly eye red prison to smile.

old fellow, thank you for the flame!

With that, Xue an swallowed the red flame in the eyes of countless horror.

Then he chuckled and nodded, "it's not bad! What else? "

This sentence made the red prison almost stand unsteadily and fall from the high altitude.

Because he had never seen anyone as fierce as Xue an.

Unhurt from their own red fire hell to come out of it, but also their own famous red flame one swallow.

And look at that relaxed look, it seems that there is no difference with eating sugar.

This kind of abnormal situation makes the red prison's heart run cold, can't help regretting that he didn't dare to wade in this muddy water before.

But the matter has come to this point, he can only bite his teeth, some fierce inner Ebara roared: "boy, I admit that I misread you before, you really have two sons! But do you really think that's enough? "

"You know, it's my home court. I'm..."

Xue an impatiently waved his hand, "OK, I know. Do you want to say that strong dragon does not oppress local tyrants? But the key is

Xue An Sen ran a smile, "I am not a dragon, you are not a snake! So if you don't have any new tricks, don't blame me for being rude

His words were plain, but he was on pins and needles in the ears of red prison.

Because he can feel that under the indifferent tone of Xue an Na, there is a very terrible intention to kill.

Thinking of this, he finally turned his head and roared at the direction of the city Lord's house: "if you don't come now, when will you wait?"

Even see the shadow of the next prison, but not a voice.

This time, people can't help but feel confused, do not know what this red prison intends to do.

But at this time, the space suddenly rippled at the back of Xue an's head, and then a Black Dagger stabbed straight down, which could be called a thunderbolt.

This speed, coupled with the extremely short distance, can be said to make people have no time to react.

Even a lot of people haven't seen what's going on.

But it was in such an interval of time that the dagger suddenly pierced the air, and the tip of the dagger penetrated directly.

Then the shadow dissipated.

Such changes surprised the man holding the dagger and realized that he had been exposed.

He was calm, but he didn't have a dagger behind him.

But such a powerful blow failed again, and then Xue an's voice of approval came from the side.

"Good Sabre skill and fast speed. If you didn't meet me, maybe someone else would have hit your way!"

Hearing Xue an's words, the man holding the dagger did not say anything, but turned and ran away.

He knew that his attack was a complete failure, so he didn't like to fight.

But he planned well, but Xue an didn't want to let him go.

"Hehe, do you want to go

With that, Xue an poked his hand into the void, pulled the man who was about to escape and pulled him out directly. Then he raised his other hand and was ready to shoot it down.

but at this moment, Xue an suddenly gave a cry of surprise.

Because in front of him, he was a man in white.

This is nothing strange, but the key is that Xue an felt a familiar breath from the man in white.

This made his face change, and the hand that was supposed to be shot stopped instantly.

At this time, the man caught by Xue an was ready to die, but he did not wait for Xue an to start.

This makes this man can't help but be surprised. When he opens his eyes, he finds that Xue an is looking at himself in amazement.

Although I don't know why this powerful teenager didn't do it, the man reacted in an instant out of his instinct to survive.

He suddenly opened his mouth and screamed. The sound wave pointed at Xue an, and the strength was strong enough to disperse the spirits of the strong.

Then he took advantage of this opportunity to raise his hand and hit xue'an in the chest with his dagger.

But it was such a sure shot that it failed again.

Because the dagger, which was originally rushing forward, suddenly stopped in the air and could not be saved.

Because Xue an's hand was in front of him, and he held the dagger between his two fingers.The speed of action was not affected by the scream.

This time, the man completely despair.

Because this young man has gone beyond his imagination.

The only thing he can do now is close his eyes and wait to die.

But he never thought, the boy still did not start, just a slight sigh.

"I don't know how to deal with this memory when you get back to normal!"

This saying is nonsense, many people are confused.

This man is also the same, he looked at Xue an with some consternation, "what do you mean?"

Xue an chuckled at him, but there was compassion in the smile. Then he said in a low voice: "nothing, just feeling it."

With that, Xue an raised his hand and ran straight to the man's face.

The man sighed, knowing that he was going to die, and did not resist, but closed his eyes very calmly.

At the same time, in the distance came a woman's scream.


Unfortunately, the sound was so far away that there was no time to catch up.

After hearing this voice, the man felt a tremor in his heart and wanted to open his eyes to have a look, but he still bit his teeth and didn't open it.

Miss Jiang, it's predestined to see you in the future! The man silently read a sentence in his heart.

But at this time, Xue an's finger has also rushed to the front, but it is not as people imagine, a finger results in the man's life.

But gently in the man's eyebrows between the play.

This makes the man shiver all over, the whole person is frozen in place for a moment, can't move any more.

Then he opened his eyes and looked at Xue an doubtfully.

In the face of the man's questioning eyes, Xue an just smiles, "don't worry, just watch here, and see how I will kill these guys in a moment!"

The tone is even more strange.

Finally, the man couldn't help but ask, "why don't you kill me?"

"Kill? Why should I kill you? " Xue an light way, and then suddenly seem to think of something, very interested asked.

"Forget to ask, what's your name?"

The man was silent for a moment, and finally said slowly, "wheezing day!"

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