"Xiaotian?" Xue an was slightly stunned, then shook his head and chuckled, "I should have thought of it!"

At the same time, Jiang xunnan has also rushed to the front.

But she stood in the distance, looking at Xue an with fear on her face, and did not dare to come over.

Xue an naturally also noticed her, because the previous voice is not from her mouth.

This makes Xue an have a trace of curiosity to this woman, can't help but look at a few more.

Then he found an interesting thing.

From time to time, Jiang xunnan looked at Xiaotian who was bound there with concern and worry. His mouth moved slightly, as if he was talking, but he didn't make a sound.

And Xiaotian seems to be able to hear these words, so they communicate.

Xue an can't help laughing at this.

Because he can see at a glance that Jiang xunnan is not a human race, but a golden dog. Now her communication with Xiaotian should be a secret skill between the dog clan.

But look at the two people's appearance, it seems that the feelings are quite deep! Xue an sighed silently in his heart and then laughed at the river.

"This girl, you can come up and talk to the general Xiaotian. You can do something about it!"

Jiang xunnan was stunned when she heard the speech. She didn't know whether Xue an was an enemy or a friend, so she was full of fear.

But anyway, Xue an didn't do it directly, because she saw what happened just now. If Xue an wanted to kill Xiaotian, Xiaotian would have died eight times earlier.

Is it possible that Is he really not hostile?

Jiang xunnan calculated in his heart, and then nodded cautiously, "thank you very much."

After that, she went to wheezing day, looking at him with concern on her face.

Xue an just gave a cool smile. Then he looked up and looked at the red prison in the sky. He said lazily, "if you have any other tricks, you can use them together. I have no patience now! So the next time, you should cherish it

The red prison was angry with Xue an's words, but he was also afraid.

Because up to now, he has not seen through the details of xue'an.

In particular, Xue an did not show any accomplishments from the beginning to the end, but he was able to suppress all the heroes. This sounds like a dream, but it really happened in front of him.

After weighing the pros and cons, he suddenly clenched his teeth and said in a deep voice, "friend, I think there must be some misunderstanding between us. After all, we have no hatred before. It's just for a woman. In fact, it can't be committed at all."

The tone of this speech is quite different from that before. At least many people's faces have changed, and then they look at each other in horror.

Will the red prison God admit it?

This is incredible!

But for the red prison's words, Xue an was not moved at all. Instead, he held his shoulder and looked at it.

"Oh? Not

Red prison nodded and took a deep breath: "yes! It was just a misunderstanding from the beginning to the end! Moreover, since my friends attach so much importance to Yan Meishu, then I will give in to each other. Why should I be so aggressive? In fact... "

Before he finished his words, Xue an waved impatiently, "say the point!"

There was a flash of anger in the eyes of the red prison, but he soon recovered his calm.

"My friend, you broke my heart and injured more than a dozen of my subordinates, but I don't intend to investigate this account. We have uncovered it. You can leave now with Yan Meishu. I will not stop you. What do you think?"

As soon as this condition is issued.

There was an uproar.

Because in the eyes of the public, the red prison God has obviously made great concessions.

No matter who is right or who is wrong, Xue an just broke the heart of the red prison and injured so many people. The situation seems to be out of control.

However, the red prison now said that he would not be investigated again. This is a good face for Xue an.

Under this, everyone is sure that Xue an will accept this condition.

Because, as the red prison said, the cause of this matter is nothing more than a woman. As for Xue an and red prison, there is no hatred at all.

In this way, as long as people with a normal mind will choose to calm down.

Even Yan Meishu breathed a breath.

Anyway, his life is saved. If it wasn't for Xue Xiaoge, he might have become the plaything of this red prison.

Thinking of this, Yan Meishu couldn't help but look at xue'an with red cheeks, and her heart beat more and more violently.

Originally, she was very fond of xue'an before, but the fact that xue'an didn't cultivate himself made Yan Meishu feel stuck in his throat and full of regret.

But it was only now that she understood.

It turns out that Xue an is not lack of strength, but his own knowledge is too little!

As for cultivation.

What can we do without cultivation? Isn't this the famous red prison God will be beaten and softened?The more he thought about it, the more he felt the fever all over his body. He couldn't help but stare at Xue an.

But at this time, an unexpected thing happened.

When everyone thought it was over, Xue an laughed.

But his smile is not warm at the moment, but full of chilly murders.

"It's quite reasonable, but it's a pity I still don't accept it! "


This time, the whole house was boiling.

"What? He doesn't agree to such a condition? What on earth does he want to do? Do you really want to fight with the red prison God Someone exclaimed in amazement.

"The boy is very strong, but he is still too young! The red prison God general gave in so much, but he still refused to give up. If the God general was forced to hurry up, the victory or defeat would be hard to say! " Someone sneered.

The red prison didn't expect that Xue an actually refused his offer. He could not help but roar: "friend, don't think I'm really afraid of you. I just think it's not worth fighting because of a woman! After all, there is no hatred between you and me

"No grudge?" Xue an smile gradually cold, "who told you, I and you have no hatred?"

"Well?" Red prison a Leng, and then a deep look at Xue an, "what do you mean? You know, before today, you and I have never met! How can we say hatred? "

Xue an smile, but did not answer the red prison directly, just casually said: "what hatred, you will know later! I'll give you three breaths now. If you can't do it after three breaths, don't blame me for being rude! "

Hearing Xue an's words, red prison was furious.

"Boy, you are so arrogant! Well, today I'll let you know how much I hate the gods

After saying that, he looked up to the sky and roared, "where is the heavenly dog?"


With the sound of his roar, the clear night sky suddenly became dark.

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