Then listen to a ferocious and vicious voice from the sky, "God will wait a moment, Tiangou will come!"

Said, saw a black light from the sky, directly fell on the red prison side, waiting for the streamer to stop.

Suddenly, it was the dog before.

We should know that Tiangou is a kind of alien species left over from ancient times. We like to live on the sky most and devour the essence of the sun and moon.

In particular, this Tiangou was injured by Xiaotian before. If you want to recover, you have to absorb more essence.

Therefore, since that day, he has been sleeping in the sky, never down.

It was not until this time that he heard the call of the red prison that he woke up from his sleep and came down.

At this time, because of the commotion of the dog.

Only Xue an's eyes sparkled slightly, and then a cold smile rose from the corner of his mouth and whispered to himself.

"It's interesting. It's a strange dog in ancient times. Unfortunately, the blood is too complicated. Otherwise, the strength is not only here! It's just how familiar is his breath? "

There was a flicker of doubt in Xue an's eyes.

At the same time, see this dog to red prison deep salute, "God general, what do you want?"

Red prison takes a look at Tiangou, and finds that his subordinates are in perfect condition. Obviously, he has recovered as before. This calms his original fear, and then raises his hand to Xue an on the ground and says coldly.

"This man has hurt my God and destroyed my men. He is extremely arrogant. He must be killed today."

"Yes Tiangou answered directly, and then he looked at Xue an on the ground with a grim smile.

"Where is the wild..."

Just about to shout a few words, the dog suddenly stopped, and then his face turned pale as paper, and his whole body was shivering.

Red prison did not notice this scene. At the moment, his heart was full of pride, and he sneered at xue'an with arrogance: "friend, this is all from you!"

Xue an did not pay attention to the words of red prison, because at the moment, he suddenly remembered why he felt a little familiar with this Tiangou.

Isn't this the heavenly dog breath that seals oneself in the abyss of fire?

Thinking of this, Xue an's mouth appeared a faint smile.

"Long time no see!"

The voice is very insipid, but it is no less than a thunderbolt from the blue in the ear of Tiangou. It will wake up from the confusion in an instant.

Then he screamed, "it's you! It's you! Why are you here? "

The fear and panic in the voice was about to overflow.

Red prison also has some silly eyes, "who is he?"

At this time, Tiangou managed to calm down, but still looked at Xue an with infinite fear, and said in a trembling voice: "God Lord general, this guy is the one I mentioned to you before, who smashed my seal completely with just one punch

The red prison hears the speech, the mouth gradually opens.

He didn't expect it to happen.

But immediately, he thought of what, lost his voice and exclaimed: "Tianzhao Shenyu, you come from Tianzhao Shenyu?"

Xue Senran said with a smile! Give you a punch

After that, Xue an steps forward, and the whole person instantly appears in front of red prison and Tiangou, raising his hand is a punch.

The power of this blow fell into the eyes of the public, and it seemed that Xue an had directly overturned the heaven and earth. They could not help but turn pale with horror.

Tiangou screamed. He was extremely afraid of xue'an. He didn't dare to fight, so he turned and ran.

The red prison also wanted to run, but his position was the first to bear the brunt. He could not run away even if he wanted to run. He could only cross his heart and roared: "die for me!"

After that, the vertical eye between his forehead suddenly opened, and his sight was as sharp as a knife, which directly cut a long gap in the space in front of him.

At this time, Xue an's fist just hit, and then the whole arm was swallowed up by the space crack.

Ha ha, ha ha! I'm so proud to see you

In his opinion, no matter how strong he is, as long as he enters this space crack, he will surely die.

So he was so excited that he lifted his hand and fell towards xue'an.

However, he did not find that Xue an, whose arm was dragged into the space crack, had a cold smile at the corner of his mouth.

The excitement and pride of red prison did not last long, because he suddenly felt a cold in his chest.

And this feeling is very familiar.

It made him look down.

Sure enough.

See a slender hand, do not know when has penetrated his chest, and the hand, is still holding a red heart.

This familiar scene made the red prison whole body shake, and then issued a terrible howl.

Because Xue an didn't hesitate this time, he just pinched and burst his heart.Red prison trembled with pain, and rushed forward a hundred Zhang away with the last bit of strength. Then he turned around and looked at Xue an with the most frightened eyes.

Because he was pinched and burst twice in a row, the strength of the red prison has been greatly damaged, as if he had lost his resistance.

At this time, Xue an said faintly: "you don't ask us what hatred there is between us? I can tell you now! Because of this! "

With that, Xue an raised his hand and pointed to the vertical eye between the red prison forehead.

"How did you get that eye between your forehead? Do you need me to tell you?"

Red prison face crazy change, "you You are! "

Xue an nodded. "Yes, I am!"

The red prison was frightened and wanted to die, because he suddenly wanted to understand a lot of things.

Why did the emperor send himself to guard the marginal sea with a lot of worries.

The root of everything is because of this young man!

Then his origin will be revealed!

Probably from Chinese!

As soon as you feel numb, you can't help thinking You... "

You've been for a long time, and he didn't say anything later.

Xue an stood on the void and said faintly, "now tell me where your real master is, and I can let you go!"

Red prison trembled and finally woke up, but he did not respond to Xue an's words, but turned and ran.

He was able to live for so long in lihentian and become the most powerful general under Lihen Tianjun. What's more, he is good at seeing the situation clearly.

Now this young man is obviously not good at coming. If he wants to live, he'd better run as far as he can.

I will tell you the news after I go back!

The red prison thought in his mind that he would flee if he urged his whole body to practice.

But at this time, in front of him came a sigh, "why can't you guys be honest and obedient? Do I have to do it? "

The red prison was scared to death, but the action in his hand was very fast. He raised his hand and patted Xue an.

However, Xue an didn't even hide. When he flicked his finger, he shook the palm of the red prison, and then two fingers appeared in front of the red prison's forehead without hesitation!

After a muffled sound, he heard a shrill howl from the red prison, and then he covered his forehead with his hand and retreated in horror.

And Xue an held the bright and bright eye in his hand, and said faintly, "with you, you deserve such a divine eye?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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