Under the intense pain, the red prison was shaking all over, and his eyes were full of fear and fear.

How could he not understand why this young man without the slightest fluctuation of cultivation has such a strong strength.

Just at this time, see Xue an suddenly toward red prison a smile, "wait a minute!"

After that, he disappeared in the same place.

The red prison was stunned.

What is the boy going to do?

Not only he, but the whole audience was puzzled.

However, the red prison soon woke up and realized that this was a rare opportunity to escape.

But just as he was about to turn around and escape.

See a streamer flash, Xue an reappears in the field.

But there was one more in his hands at the moment.

The man shuddered all over, and the blood ran down his forehead, but even so, he could not hide the fear in his eyes.

Seeing this man, the audience was quiet at first, then a low commotion.

Because it was the dog who had just run away.

Originally, everyone thought that Tiangou had escaped successfully, but unexpectedly, Xue an only used a few flicks of his finger to catch the dog back.

This speed is simply shocking and amazing.

Red prison is stupid.

He didn't expect that Xue an could catch Tiangou back, but what was he going to do?

The red prison was filled with doubts.

At the same time, Xue an lowered his head to smile at the dog.

"On that day in the heaven, I saved your life, but I didn't expect that you didn't know how to repent, on the contrary, you intensified. Don't blame me!"

After that, Xue an suddenly raised his hand and held the dog in front of him.

Tiangou was so shocked that he roared: "excuse me, sir. I don't know it's you! I don't dare any more. Please... "


The latter words stopped suddenly, because Xue an had already blasted the dog's head with one blow.

A cloud of blood dispersed.

The body that had lost its head trembled slightly.

But this did not end, Xue an's hands suddenly showed a red flame, and then waved.

This flame is directly attached to the body of the dog, burning up.

The sound of skin being roasted by high temperature, mixed with the sound of muscles and bones smashing, spread all over the audience, and made people shudder.

Then, he heard a very sad howl from the red flame, and then everything returned to silence.

Only the flame still burning, and a strange smell of meat pervaded the audience.

This fragrance smells like The dog meat in the butcher's shop is about the same.

Many people can't help but subconsciously swallow mouth saliva, feel both disgusting and uncomfortable.

And such a decisive killing, of course, also let people fear.

We should know that Tiangou is also a strong one, but in the hands of this young man, it is almost like a lamb to be slaughtered, and it will be destroyed by laughter.

Especially the red prison is like seeing a ghost.

Because the red flame that Xue an used at last was clearly his own life force.

Apart from his own, there is no other person who can.

But this Xue an only absorbed a small flame, can be perfectly displayed, even more powerful than his own use.

This makes the red prison almost suspicious of life.

At this time, Xue an clapped his hands lightly, and then said faintly, "now tell me, where is the real master of this God's purpose! Otherwise You'll end up like this! "

The red prison was shocked, and then shook his head in fear. "I don't know. The God's eye was installed by the Emperor himself. As for where the real master is, I don't know."

Xue an quietly looked at the red prison, did not speak.

Under the pressure of silence, the red prison was sweating all over, but he said calmly: "friend, I really don't know! But I can be sure, no matter who you are looking for, this person must be in the hands of Li hen Tian Jun! And if you trust me, I can take you to the emperor! "

In fact, this proposal contains evil intention.

Because the red prison is very clear that the young man in white is too sharp, and he is not his opponent at all. In order to survive, he has to stay away for a while.

As long as he is willing to put on the trap, even if he is more powerful, he has to put his hands down.

I have to say that the red prison's wishful thinking is very good.

But at this time, Xue an shook his head, "no, I want to see the king of hate very easy, do not need you to lead the way!"

Red prison a Leng, "but..."

Before the words fell, Xue an waved his hand. "Compared with those, killing you is what I am most interested in now."The red prison suddenly changed color.

I have to say, his strength is still very good.

At least in this moment will be the whole body of the divine power are activated, trying to do a fight.

It's a pity.

It's impossible for Xue an to give him the chance.

At the moment when his momentum was about to start, Xue an's body flashed, and the whole person instantly appeared around the red prison, and then four punches were fired one after another.

Because the speed is too fast, fall in the eyes of the public, it turns into Xue an, instantly turns into four, and then Qi blows out a fist.

Even the sound of the fists was so consistent.

Red prison wanted to hide, but until then he was shocked to find that under the power of Xue an's fist, his surrounding environment had been completely blocked, and he could not run away.

Helpless, he can only howl bitterly.

"Boy, don't be wild, the Lord will revenge me!"

Xue an said lightly: "don't worry, he is the one who can't run away."

At the same time.

There was a big bang.

Under the combined effect of these four fists, the red prison in the middle could not even resist, and the whole body was completely exploded like flesh and mud.

But even so, no blood mist spilled.

Because of Xue an's powerful fist power, the space in the middle has been pulled out of the fold, and these blood fog is instantly transformed into nothingness because of the huge high pressure.

Even this red prison is even worse than Tiangou who just died.

At least Tiangou also sent out a scream.

However, the red prison did not even have time to send out the scream before death, and was directly blasted into nothingness.

So far.

The red prison God general, who was entrusted with an important task by the Emperor Li hen, and others were sent to garrison here, and the whole army was destroyed.

There was a dead silence.

No one thought that things would develop into the way they are now.

This young man, who was not favored by anyone at the beginning, actually killed many strong men such as the red prison by his physical strength.

It's just incredible.

But at this time, just heard a burst of applause from the crowd, and then a beautiful female voice full of praise said: "what a powerful body art, it is really a hero out of youth ah!"

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