Hearing the voice, the audience turned their heads together, and their eyes all focused on one person.

She walked out, her face full of admiration, and bowed to Xue an, who stood aloof from the sky.

"The edge of the city, drunk dream! Yes, my Lord

That's right!

It was the second lady who was drunk.

And to see her appear, the audience is also a burst of uncontrollable uproar.

"The second lady appears! What would she do about it? "

"According to the law, the red prison is the God General under the emperor, and belongs to the same family as the drunken dream lady. Now that the red prison has fallen, the drunken dream lady should take revenge for him!"

"Yes, especially if it happened in the edge of the city, the drunken dream lady will never give up!"

"But what about her attitude now?"

"Who knows, watch first!"

People are discussing, that housekeeper Yu blade suddenly looks around coldly.

As far as the eye could see, everyone felt a shiver all over the body and lowered his head in a hurry. All of them did not dare to speak any more.

At this time, Xue an lowered her head and looked down at the charming and moving woman on the ground, without speaking.

This silence is so oppressive that it shakes the mind of the strong in general.

But this drunken dream lady did not have the slightest movement, even the smile on the corner of her mouth had not changed.

How can we see the light in Xue an's eyes? Do you want to avenge the red prison? "

Drunk dream smell speech cover mouth a burst of Jiao smile, a good interpretation of what is a smile and baimeisheng.

Then she glanced at Xue an with all kinds of amorous feelings. She said with a smile, "you can really joke. Even the red prison God is not your opponent. How dare I have the courage to fight against you as a weak woman?"

Many people were stunned by the words, and then looked at each other with consternation on their faces. They all saw the suspicions in each other's eyes.

Is this drunken lady really not going to revenge? But isn't she afraid of blaming her after the emperor knows about it?

In this strange atmosphere, Xue an suddenly laughed, and then said meaningfully: "weak woman? You say you are a weak woman

The smile on drunken dream's face was stiff, but soon returned to normal, "in front of adults, I am not a weak woman?"

The smile on Xue an's face gradually converged, and then the whole person suddenly appeared on the ground and said in a cold voice, "I don't like other people to talk nonsense, especially women! So Say the point

Such an attitude, let the drunken dream lady's eyes flash a flash of anger, but her self-control skills can be much better than the red prison, at least the smile on her face did not change. Then raise your hand.

A thin curtain of light enveloped all the people except xue'an.

Xue an did not have any movement, has been watching the drunken dream action coldly.

It was not until the curtain of light had taken shape that drunken dream gave a smile. "My Lord, now the outside world can't hear our conversation, so that we can say what we really want to say!"

Xue an is not sure.

Drunken dream then said: "my Lord, if I guess correctly, you should be from the Chinese nationality, and this time I came to lihentian to eradicate Lihen emperor!"

If such words were heard by others, they would all be silly.

Because when the drunken dream mentions to hate the emperor, his face is full of unabashed disgust.

Xue an's expression moved, and then nodded, "that's right!"

Drunk dream smile more brilliant.

"Sure enough! In that case, my Lord and I are not enemies, on the contrary, we are allies. "

"Oh? Why do you say that? " Xue an asked lightly.

Drunken dream with incomparable indignant tone said: "because I want to kill this old thief more than you!"

After that, she secretly looked at xue'an, but found that there was no expression on xue'an's face.

This made Zuimeng bite his teeth in secret, and then sighed: "the Lord must know that I am the second wife of Lihen Tianjun, but this old thief of Li hen has no feelings with me. On the contrary, he only wants to squeeze on me. For thousands of years, I have had enough of such days. I..."

"Wait a minute!" Xue an interrupted her impatiently.

"Well?" Drunk dream a Leng.

Xue an light way: "I am not interested in listening to you have any hatred and entanglement, so say the point!"

Drunken dream by Xue an's words make his face blue and white for a while, obviously disturbed the propriety.

But she can stand in the edge of the city for thousands of years, it is not easy for her, so she just took a deep breath, then recovered her calm, and then slowly said, "it's very simple! I want to cooperate with adults and find a way to eradicate this king of separation and hatred! "

"Cooperation?" Xue an asked with interest."Yes, cooperate!" Drunken dream a face to say solemnly.

"I have witnessed with my own eyes that your strength is really extraordinary, but you may not know that this king of hatred has existed for tens of thousands of years. He is a real giant in the divine world, and his strength is unfathomable! Therefore, it is absolutely impossible to eradicate him by yourself! "

"But with my help, it would be different! Although I hate the emperor, I have been submissive for thousands of years, so I have not been on guard against me! "

"As long as you think of a way to mix with the hatred of the emperor, you and I will work together, and naturally great things can be achieved!"

After that, drunkard looked at xue'an with pride and waited for his nod.

In her opinion, this matter is absolutely certain.

After all, there is no loss to Xue an, but it will greatly improve his chances of success.

Xue an did not speak, just quietly watching the drunken dream.

It was not until a long time later that Xue an narrowed her eyes and said, "it sounds good, but unfortunately, I'm not interested."

The smile on drunken dream's face instantly solidified and exclaimed: "no Not interested? "

She had no idea that Xue an refused.

Xue an nodded. "That's right."


Xue an smiles, "why Do you want me to tell you? What's your plan in mind? You should be the most youthful yourself

The face of drunken dream instantly became very ugly, and a cold light flashed in his eyes, "you..."

Xue an said faintly: "your abacus is really good. Join hands with me. If you really eradicate Li hen Tian Jun, everyone will be happy. If you can't, you can immediately change your face and sell me to Lihen Tianjun to ask for merit and reward!"

"So no matter from which aspect, you are sure to make a profit!"

"It's a pity..." Speaking of this, Xue an raised his head, and his face was as cold as ice. "Do you really think that I still need such goods as you to help me deal with a God who is far away from hatred?"

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