These words are very impolite, let the face of drunken dream become iron blue instantly, and then sneer way.

"My friend, I admit that your physique is really good. Even the red prison and others who can suppress it only by their physical strength can't fight back and wipe it out completely. But do you really think that you can eradicate the hateful emperor only with this strength?"

But when it comes to his face, you can only imagine that you can't resist his strong anger

Xue an listened quietly, without any anger. Until she finished, she said faintly: "have you finished? Are you going to do the same? "

"You..." Drunken dream suddenly color change, but soon recovered calm, and then a cold hum, "really toast do not eat and drink penalty!"

As she said that, her eyes gradually showed a bright light, and a strong sense of authority, appeared above her head.

This pressure is changeable, and its use is endless. It is amazing.

At this time, drunken dream changed his humility and said with arrogance: "friend, I will give you another chance. If you are willing to cooperate with me, I will let you go. If you don't want to Hehe, I will completely extinguish your mind! "

Xue an raised his head and looked at the rainbow light on his drunken dream head. He said faintly, "it turns out that he is a master of divination."

"Yes! Why do you think I'm called a drunken dream Drunk dream one face complacent say.

"My friend, although you are physically strong and powerful, your weak mind is your greatest weakness! And you are now on my territory. It can be said that your life and death are all under my control. As long as I want to, I can immediately let you live and die! So I advise you to think about my proposal, otherwise Hum

Although there is no clear meaning behind, but the two cold hum is full of threatening meaning.

Xue an seemed not to hear the threat of drunken dream. Instead, he kept looking at the changeable power of drunken dream. After a long time, he suddenly began to laugh.

"What are you laughing at?" Drunk dream look a change, cold voice shout.

Xue an lowered her eyes and laughed at the drunken dream. "Nothing. I just want to thank you all of a sudden."

"Thank me?" Some of the drunken dreams are confused.

Xue an nodded. "Yes, thank you for reminding me!"

"What do you mean?" Drunken dream look a cold, and then cold voice: "less tricks, now give me a reply, or I can not be polite!"

Xue an ha ha smile, "you just said that the biggest weakness of the strong body skill is what?"

"Of course, it is his weak mind." Drunk dream said.

It's hard to have both fish and bear's paw. If you like the natural and unrestrained Kendo, you must give up the magical effect of Fu cultivation.

If you have the incomparably powerful body of a strong body, you can no longer have the surging and powerful mind of the spiritual monk.

Of course, it's not absolutely impossible, but people's energy is limited after all. It's very difficult to take into account several major cultivation systems unless they are really amazing talents.

As for ordinary people, it's good to be able to make achievements on a path of cultivation!

"That's right!" Xue an nodded, but before he could wait for the drunken dream to speak, he went on to say, "but who told you that I am a strong physique?"

"Well?" Drunk dream a Leng.

What does he mean by that?

What is not a strong player?

Can you be a spiritual monk like yourself?

What a mystery!

Thinking of this, drunken dream's face showed a touch of sarcasm, sneering: "then you are not strong in physical skills, what are you?"

Xue an smiles, and with his smile, you can see the light of Taoism emerging from his eyes.


However, seeing a vast and incomparable power of divinity rising to the sky, even the whole heaven and earth disturbed by it.

The drunken dream was shocked. She looked up to see the power of the divine power. The vast divine power contained in it made her tremble.

Compared with this divine power, one's own divinity is just like a firefly under a brilliant sun, which is not enough for Tao.

At this time, Xue an said in a calm tone: "now, who do you think I am?"

Drunk dream can't even speak, shaking all over.

Xue an smiles, "originally in order not to frighten the snake, I still have some trouble with my brain! But your words remind me! From hate the emperor did not doubt you, so as long as I go back with you, naturally can smoothly sneak into his side

The drunken dream was full of fright, and an ominous premonition suddenly appeared in his heart. He said in a trembling voice, "you You What do you want to do? "Xue an a smile, "don't be nervous, I won't take you what kind of, just borrow your identity to use! But in order not to let you divulge the news, I must wash your mind in advance

Train your mind!

Hearing the four words, the foreboding feeling in drunken dream's heart was finally confirmed.

The so-called baptism and practice of divinity refers to a kind of cruel law among spiritual monks.

When two spiritual monks meet and have a conflict, then the strong one can directly wash the weak side's mind through strong strength.

After the practice of the mind, the convenience will be obedient and obedient.

To put it bluntly, it's like forcibly admitting the Lord.

But such a situation can only happen when the strength is greatly different, and the strong has a crushing advantage over the weak.

But now drunken dream and Xue an just meet this condition!

Thinking of this, drunken dream no longer has the arrogance just now. It stimulates the whole body and instantly incarnates into hundreds of millions. He wants to confuse Xue an in this way, and then take the opportunity to escape from life.

Unfortunately, all this is just her wishful thinking.

When her separation just appeared and her noumenon had not yet started, Xue an's mind had already surged upon her, which directly besieged drunken dream.

Then Xue an just light way: "don't worry, soon good!"

After saying that, the mind carries the supreme power and directly crush it.

"No!" Drunk dream only had time to send out a scream, and then was completely wrapped up by Xue an's mind.

But seeing the light flickering, there was the sound of something being crushed from time to time.

But the process was very fast. After a few breaths, the light gradually died down, and then Xue an's mind faded like a tide.

Only left a blank face in the middle of the drunk dream.

However, when she saw Xue an standing not far away, she quickly withdrew from her eyes. Then she stepped forward, bowed down respectfully, and said in an almost adoring tone: "drunk dream, I've seen the master!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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