Xue an nodded. "Let's go."

"Yes Drunken dream quickly answer the way.

Then he took the lead and left the boundary.

Just now, in order to conceal the conversation between himself and Xue an, drunkard set up a spiritual boundary to isolate everything from the outside world.

So in the eyes of outsiders, you can't see or hear what's going on inside.

This can not help but make many people wonder.

Especially when the time passes by, Xue an and drunken dream come out of it. The crowd can't help but start to stir slightly.

"What are the second ladies and the boy doing in there? Why haven't you come out for so long? " Someone said in dismay.

"Who knows! But I think this young man will suffer a great loss. We should know that our second lady is famous for his superb skills. At such a young age, he can't even find the north in a few words. He will bow down and admit defeat! "

This made many people nod their heads frequently. As the aborigines in the edge of the city, they naturally experienced the means of drunken dreams. Therefore, they were all very awed by the second lady and thought that this speculation might come true.

But some people don't think so.

"If you can wipe out all the red prison God generals and others, this young man is not an ordinary person. How could he be fooled by the second lady so easily! But I think this young man is more or less unlucky

"Well? Why do you say that? " Someone asked in surprise.

"Hehe, don't look at the charming appearance of the second lady. You really think she is just a weak woman! Can suppress the edge of the city for thousands of years of time, just can't do it! I have heard that our second lady's cultivation in mind can be regarded as a first-class master! "

This remark shocked many people.

Having been in this marginal city for so long, they have all heard of it.

"So I said, this young man is still too vigorous! His body skill cultivation can be called the top, but because of the congenital defects of the body skill, once this kind of monk meets the same level of mind master, he has little power to fight back! So I guess, now this young man is going to be captured with his bare hands! "

This inference is well founded, and almost everyone nodded.

Only the housekeeper Yu blade looked at the boundary of the spirit with some suspicion.

He always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't say what was wrong.

At this moment.

I saw a shake at the boundary, and then the drunk lady came out of it.

As soon as she appeared, the whole discussion disappeared, and all the people looked at her with bated breath.

But there was no scar all over her body, and there was even a smile on her face.

It makes a lot of people think.

It seems that, as expected, the young man has been subdued by the second lady?

But at a time when people were a little suspicious.

However, he didn't leave after he got out of the boundary. Instead, he stood aside respectfully and seemed to welcome some important person.

This scene made a lot of people stupefied.

What's going on?

Who's coming?

This question has just come to light.

But seeing the light and shadow shaking, Xue an stepped out of it.

When he saw him, he bent down in a hurry, with the same respectful attitude as when he saw his master's maid.

Seeing this scene, the eyes of the whole audience were almost staring out.

What the hell is going on?

The young man didn't die. How did he go in for a while, and the second lady's attitude changed so much that he was so respectful?

Under the whole audience's attention, Xue an stopped and looked around.

Through the place, many people can not help but awe back half step.

Because they found that the young man's eyes were so calm.

Calm people even a little flustered.

At this time, Xue an's eyes stay in the corner of a person's body, a faint smile, and then walked over.

Drunkard followed.

And the place, people all retreat, and then all eyes on Xue an to the person.

This is a middle-aged man with plain appearance and momentum.

But in the marginal City, no one dares to ignore his existence.

Because he is one of the most beloved subordinates of the drunken dream lady, and also a real power figure in the edge of the city.

Housekeeper Yu Ren!

As a matter of fact, when he saw Xue an walk out of the boundary of mind, his expression changed.

And when he saw that the second lady drunk dream actually treated Xue Anzhi so respectfully, the pupil of his eyes was instantly contracted to the size of the needle tip.

But this person's self-cultivation is very deep, all these changes happen in a flash, and then they return to normal, the whole process did not attract anyone's attention.Even when Xue an walked towards him, he didn't feel a bit moved.


Xue an comes to him, stops and looks at him quietly.

In the face of this kind of gaze, Yu blade still doesn't have any color of fear. Instead, he bends down deeply and says in a plain tone, "what can I do for you?"

Xue an smiles.

The smile is full of fun.

"I have to admit, you are a good disguise!"


What do you mean?

What does this Yu blade camouflage?

Everyone looked at each other, all saw the doubts in each other's eyes.

Even drunken dreams are a little suspicious.

Only Yu blade still did not have too much reaction, just a cool smile, "please forgive me for being stupid, the words of adults are too profound, I can't understand!"

Xue an didn't pay any attention to his words. He just said, "my patience is very precious! They're all smart people, so I don't want you to excuse me with this superficial excuse, understand? "

Yu blade's face was pale, but he still forced a smile and said, "my Lord, I am really..."

Xue an impatiently waved his hand, and his eyes grew colder, "when you were sent by the emperor of hatred, you should be very clear about it! Everything is mainly drunk dream, but you should spy on her action secretly. If there is any abnormality, stop or report it immediately! Or will it be wiped out directly? "

As soon as this is said.

There was a dead silence.

People are stupid.

Especially drunken dream, is the whole body huge shock, looked at Yu blade with astonishing eyes.

She had great faith in the housekeeper Yu Ren.

After all, Yu Ren has been with her for hundreds of years, and has been loyal to her and has never made any mistakes.

At that time, when he subdued this Yu blade, he used his means to check it out. He was afraid that he would be a spy sent by us. However, the result was that Yu blade was very innocent without any stain.

That's one of the reasons why she has so much faith in blade.

But I didn't expect that Yu blade was an undercover sent by Li hen Tian Jun to monitor himself.

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