After being baptized by the divine idea, drunken dream obeys Xue an's words without any doubt.

But also therefore, when she thought of her own secrets, which Yu blade knew, her heart began to sink.

At the same time.

This Yu blade lowered his head and sighed.

"It seems that I have underestimated you!"

And he slowly raised his head, "yes! I am the emperor's man

With the voice, Yu's whole state of being changed.

If we say that before the blade is flat, it looks like a small stone.

Now it's like peeling off the stone outside and exposing the jade inside.

Its momentum is just like a sharp sword out of its sheath, which is frightening to the eyes.

All the people watching took a breath of cold air.

Because it can be seen from such momentum that the strength of Yu blade is even stronger than that of drunken dream.

As for the general of the red prison, it is no better than him.

At this time, Yu Ren said faintly, "I'm really curious! How do you see that? Is it my disguise

Xue an faint smile, "I just said, your disguise is really good! Otherwise, it is impossible to hide the drunken dream of specializing in divinity in hundreds of years! Unfortunately, no matter how you disguise, in front of me, it's just a joke

Speaking of this, Xue settled down, and there was a flash of bright light in his eyes, "because in front of me, everything is nothing."

"You are really powerful," Yu Ran said with a sneer! If I'm right, you've already washed the drunken dream into your mind

Xue an nodded. "That's right."

"Hum!" Yu renleng snorted, turned his head and looked at the drunken dream. "Second lady, I appreciate your trust in me for hundreds of years, but you shouldn't try to fight against the emperor! I don't think I've heard all your complaints about the emperor before, but this time, you can't hide it! "

Drunken dream suddenly color change, angry, "bastard, die for me!"

With that, the mind of drunken dream came.

But Yu blade just snorted coldly, and a more powerful spirit came out of his body, and then directly hit each other.

After a big bang.

But seeing the drunken dream staggering back a few steps, just calculate to stand firm.

But Yu's body just swayed slightly.

The power is superior to the judge.

Under this, the face of drunken dream becomes extremely ugly, can't help looking at Xue an.


Hearing this address, people were not too shocked.

Because they have been shocked to the point of numbness.

Who knew that the situation would turn around at this time.

Yu blade, who has always been honest and tolerant, is actually a spy sent by the emperor.

The powerful second lady was also forced by this young man to train his mind and become his servant.

This pile by pile has made many people cold.

Because they have a premonition that something earth shaking will happen.

At the same time.

Xue an looked at Yu blade with a smile and said, "no wonder it's hard to hide it for so long. It turns out that a second personality loyal to the drunken dream is constructed through a powerful mind, while his master's personality is asleep for a while. In this case, even the drunk dream can't find it! Am I right? "

Yu blade grinned grimly, "don't talk nonsense. Since you dare to fight against the emperor, you should accept your fate."

With that, Yu blade's body showed pieces of knife light, and then went straight to Xue an like a snowflake.

These swords are all transformed by the spirit of Yu blade. They are incomparably fierce and amazing.

Unfortunately, when this knife light came to Xue an's body week, it was like a snowflake under the scorching sun. It quickly melted away and became invisible.

Yu's face changed, but he also knew that Xue an was not an easy person, so he did not expect to defeat Xue an with one move.

A mysterious seal flashed in his eyes, and then a seal came down from the sky with great force, and pressed directly on xue'an.

Although it was only halfway there, the ground that had been pressed rumbled down and a big pit was sunk.

Yu blade's face turned white and his whole body was shaking slightly.

This kind of strong moves also put great pressure on him. He had to overdraw the cultivation of his whole body in order to exert it reluctantly.

But the effect is amazing.

You can see that the space oppressed by the Dharma seal shows the curved ripples of Dao Dao, and then it falls down.

Such prestige, even if the body is immortal strong body, also have to drink hate on the spot.

But Xue an faced such a startling blow, but just smile, "a little bit interesting!"

Then he suddenly raised his hand and directly held the powerful blow like the collapse of heaven with one hand.Bang!

When the palm of the hand touched the seal, Xue an's hair was shaken and fluttered.

But that's all.

Besides, Xue an didn't even blink his eyelids.

On the contrary, he did it with all his strength. Because of the anti shock force of the force, he was shocked to vomit blood and flew dozens of feet away.

Blood spilled all over the floor.

After he was forced to stand still, a look of horror finally appeared on his face.

Because his attack was based on the true story of Li hen Tian Jun, and with all his strength, he could even strangle a strong man who had just entered Dalai.

I didn't expect to be broken by this young man with one hand.

How strong is his strength?

At the same time.

See Xue an tiny smile, "the move is good, but your strength is too bad, simply can't play out!"

Then he saw Xue an holding the Dharma seal and suddenly smashing it to the ground beside him.


After a big bang.

Shaking the earth, all the onlookers were shaken to the ground and flew away in a hurry. They looked at the scene in front of them.

As soon as the smoke and dust dispersed, a deep pit appeared on the ground.

And Xue an stands at the edge of the pit, smiling at Yu edge in the distance.

"What else is new? Use it together! I've got them all! "

Yu blade trembled all over, looked down at the pit in front of him, and then shook his head.

"You are very good! I'm not your match

Yu blade shows self-knowledge, because even the seal given by Emperor Tianjun can't defeat Xue an. Relying on his own strength, it is even more impossible.

But speaking of this, he raised his head and looked at Xue an with some ridicule.

"If you want to kill or cut, you can! Anyway, you can't live very long, because I have already sent the situation here to the emperor in the form of a letter from God just now! The emperor will never let you and this drunken dream! Ha ha ha

Say, Yu edge arrogant laugh.

The face of drunken dream became extremely ugly.

Because if the emperor knows these things in advance, the master and his plans will all be lost!

But at this time, Xue an also laughed, and then raised his hand, in the palm appeared a small God reading book seal.

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