Yu blade's laughter stops suddenly, and then looks at Xue an's mind Book seal as if he had seen a ghost.

"This How could that be possible? Where did you get it? "

Yu Ren can't believe his eyes. If it wasn't for the seal of his own mind, he even thought it was forged by Xue an.

Xue an laughed and shook it. Then he said, "I'm sorry, since I entered the banquet hall, I've completely blocked the world around me. No idea or secret method can break through. It's the same with you!"

Yu blade's eyes gradually widened, and then he exclaimed in disbelief: "I don't believe it! In this Li Hentian, no one can block the heaven and earth except the emperor? "

"Is it? But I just blocked it. What can you do? If you don't believe it, you can try it Xue an said with leisure.

As soon as Yu blade bit his teeth, he forced all his spirits to move. In an instant, he printed hundreds of seal seals. With a wave of his hand, these seals flew straight to all directions.

Xue an didn't stop him, and even looked at him with a smile in his arms.

Sure enough.

Just a few miles away from these book seals, an invisible barrier suddenly appeared, and they were smashed into pieces.

Hundreds of crackles were heard.

The fire light reflected on the blade's face was like dead gray.

It was not until these seals were completely smashed that Xue an chuckled and said, "now, can you believe it?"

Yu blade trembled all over, then looked at Xue an with the eyes of ghosts and gods, and finally lowered his head with a gloomy face, and said in an astringent voice, "kill me! I give up! "

"Kill you?" Xue an smiles and shakes his head. "Who says I'm going to kill you!"

Yu edge hears the speech a shock, then raises the head to look at Xue an with a blank face.

Don't kill me?

What does he mean by that?


Yu blade suddenly remembered something, and his eyes suddenly showed a startled color, "you You... "

Xue'an showed his white teeth and laughed, "it seems that you have guessed it! That's right. I'm going to wash your mind away! After all, if you die suddenly, you will be suspicious of the king of heaven

Yu blade's whole body was shocked, and then his eyes showed a decisive color. Without hesitation, he initiated his cultivation and prepared to die by self explosion.

But how could Xue an give him the chance.

Xue an raised his hand.

The surging mind surged past like a tide, and then wrapped Yu blade directly.

And at the moment of contact, Yu blade's body and spirit were frozen, making him unable to move at all.

Yu blade can only watch Xue an's mind go straight to his own sea of knowledge. His eyes show a burning despair, but soon, these lights quickly fade down.

Xue an looks at this Yu blade with approval.

Although he was a man who hated the emperor, what he had just done showed that Yu blade had a lot of backbone.

Such a man, even an enemy, deserves respect.

But that doesn't change anything about Sheehan.

Xue an will not change his plan because of some so-called appreciation.

In the end, after about half a cup of tea, Xue an's mind retreated like the tide, leaving Yu blade standing in the same place.

Xue an light way: "see me, still do not salute?"

In blade Leng a Leng, this just sober up, and then bow to salute, "see the master!"

This time, all the audience were stunned.

In such a short time, the spirit of drunken dream was washed and practiced by the young man, and Yu blade's real identity was exposed, and then he ended up with the same result.

Many people have lost their ability to think.

Yan Meishu's mouth is open, staring at Xue an's figure.

Once upon a time, she thought the teenager was just an ordinary person.

But it was only now that she realized how ridiculous her previous thoughts were.

What he did was beyond Yan Meishu's understanding.

So that her heart suddenly gave birth to a sense of loneliness.

Because she suddenly understood that her previous feelings were just wishful thinking!

In his own identity, may not even touch his shadow!

Thinking of this, Yan Mei Shu lowered his head and said nothing.

Jiang Xun Nan, who was guarding the roaring sky, said in a soft voice: "Wow, what a powerful Terran! Lord Xiaotian, do you know this man

Xiaotian looked at him in silence until Jiang xunnan asked, "I don't know you!"

"But he seems to value you very much! And just now I heard from the dead red prison that he was still a Chinese! Do you know what this Chinese is? ""The Chinese..." Wheezing day recites these two words, in the eye suddenly showed the color of pain.

"It seems familiar, but I still can't remember it!"

Just then.

Xue an nodded with satisfaction, then turned to look at the audience.

Eyes reach, many people are guilty of lowering their heads.

Xue an faint smile, "just what you all saw?"

All of them were nervous, and then the one who saw the opportunity quickly shook his head, "no, no, no, my Lord, we didn't see anything, we didn't hear anything!"

"Yes, yes, yes! We didn't see or hear anything! "

The crowd began to clamor, saying that they had just suddenly become blind and deaf, so they did not see anything.

Xue an did not speak, just looked at it quietly with a smile on her face.

Until after a while.

The drum noise of the crowd gradually fell down, and finally returned to silence.

Then Xue an just light way: "you think, I will believe your words?"

This question made many people's heart beat faster.

Then someone forced a smile and said, "well What do you mean, sir

Xue an's mouth showed a faint smile, looking at the speaker, "do you say?"

Many people sweat from their foreheads.

Does he intend to kill all the witnesses present?

The idea made a lot of people's hair stand on end.

At this time, Xue an, you are lazy! I will erase this memory for you

With that, Xue an waved his hand, but saw countless deities explode directly, and then flew into everyone's eyebrows.

These people were stiff and their eyes were full of horror.

But soon, all the memories of this period in the sea were erased.

When the mind returned to Xue an's back, the eyes of all the people present were at a loss, but soon they all dispersed.

Because Xue an gave them an instruction in the end, when they got home, these memories would disappear completely.

At that time, they won't even remember coming to the Lord's house today.

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