Of course, not everyone left.

For example, Yan Meishu is standing in the same place with a blank face at the moment.

Xue anchong nodded to her, "you are not from Hentian, so you don't have to erase your memory! And didn't you come with the caravan this time? Then leave the world as soon as possible after the handover with drunken dream! "

Yan Mei Shu lowered his head, and his eyes showed a gloomy color. He said in a low voice: "yes! Thank you very much My Lord

Xue an smiles and turns to leave.

At this time, Yan Meishu raised his head and said with expectation: "my Lord, can we meet again in the future?"

Xue settled down and said without looking back: "maybe! Take care

With that, Xue an strode away.

Yan Meishu looked at Xue an's back in a daze. His eyes were full of gloom and hesitation.

She understood that with Xue an's strength, her previous plans were just wishful thinking!

At this time, Yu Ren came forward and said, "Miss Yan, please hand over with me! After the handover, please leave Li Hentian immediately without delay! After all, my Lord, it's for your own good

Yan Meishu hesitated a little, then said softly, "can I ask who he is going to deal with?"

Yu Ren shook his head. "You'd better not know these things."

Yan Meishu was stunned. Then he thought of something, and felt that his hair was standing up.

Is it possible that.

This thought made Yan Meishu's heart heavy.

Because if her conjecture is true, then Xue an's behavior is simply too bold!

After all The other side is an ancient god that has existed for tens of thousands of years!

Yan Meishu follows Yu blade with a lot of worries.

Xue an goes straight to Xiaotian and smiles.

"What do you think of the play just now?"

Xiaotian was silent for a moment and then said, "you are very good! But I don't understand why you want to keep me and even let me witness the whole journey. Aren't you afraid that I will retaliate against you? "

"Revenge?" Xue an was dumbfounded and looked at Xiaotian deeply. "Now, you can't remember who your real enemy is, but I think you should often feel confused in private."

Wheezing day complexion a change, Xue an seems to have not seen the same, continue to use indifferent tone to say.

"I doubt my identity, what I see, and even whether the memories in my mind are true or false! And these It's the root of your pain

"You You... " Xiaotian asked in amazement.

"How could I know that?" Xue an smiles, "in fact, I can unlock your memory curse now! But that will only alarm him in advance, so I think, if you want to know the reason of everything, then follow me to see him! "

Xue an didn't say who he was!

But Xiaotian is not a fool, naturally understand that Xue an said people should be from hate the emperor.

Somehow, he, who should have been hostile to Xue an, suddenly felt very excited.

It's as if there is a voice in the soul shouting, follow him!

"Good! Then I'll go with you! " Said Xiao Tian in a deep voice.

Xue an smiles, and with a wave of his hand, he unties the shackles of Xiaotian.

Jiang xunnan rushed forward. After two people said a few words, they also left first.

Xue an looked at Xiaotian's back and sighed, "I don't know what kind of mood you will have when you see your real master!"

At this time, drunken dream came forward and said respectfully, "master, what shall we do next?"

Xue an did not speak, but quietly looked at the front, his eyes seem to penetrate the distant horizon, to the distant unknown!

It was not until after a while that he restrained his eyes and looked back at the drunken lady, and then gave a faint smile.

"I remember you said just now that you are the second wife of Li hen Tian Jun?"

Drunken dream nodded, "yes, my Lord!"

"Well, if you say that, there is still a big lady?"

Hearing Xue an mention of the three words, drunken dream's face instantly became very ugly, and then some difficult said: "yes!"

I don't want to talk about this lady.

But Xue an seemed very interested, and said with a smile, "what's her name?"

The drunken dream hesitated for a moment, "she Her name is Ji Huan

"Ji Huan..." Xue an whispered softly, then said with a smile: "you seem to be afraid of her?"

The drunken dream was stunned, and then said with a bitter smile, "my Lord, this Jihuan is the first lady of the emperor who hates heaven! The status is indescribable. Although I was in charge of this marginal city and was honored as the second lady, I was still far from her! And... "

Drunken dream lowered her head and said with some helplessness: "after I was sent to the edge of the city, I stayed for thousands of years. During this period, I never went back. Because this Ji Huan is extremely jealous, she once said that if I didn't have her permission, I couldn't go back at all!"The words are full of complaints and grievances.

Xue an smelt the speech but ha ha a smile, "well, then you will pass a divination book to this eldest lady and print it in the past, saying that there are important things to go back to discuss with her!"

Drunk dream a Leng, spin even to understand come over, and then heavily nodded, "yes! Drunk dream understand

Then she turned and went down to prepare.

Xue an stood in the same place, looked up at the vast sky, slowly took a deep breath, eyes shining bright, "from hate the emperor, finally it's your turn!"

In the city of Li hen, apart from the temple where Lihen emperor lived, the most magnificent building is Dingtian Xuan, which is located on the floating island outside the city.

Because here is from hate the emperor's wife, Ji Huan's residence.

Nature is magnificent and beautiful.

And at this moment.

In this Ding Tian Xuan, Ji Huan is a little bored looking at the atlas in her hand.

At this time, a middle-aged woman came in very respectfully, "madam, have you not chosen yet?"

Ji Huan yawned and threw the atlas out of her hand. "It's boring! They are all ordinary goods. I don't like any of them! Mother Chu, the quality of the goods you have recently provided is somewhat low

The middle-aged woman quickly nodded and bowed and said, "yes, yes! What madam taught you! I will find the right person for you again

Ji Huan waved her hand, "OK, I've heard you more than once! It hasn't been done once. What a waste! "

The Chu mother's face showed sweat, and forced a smile: "madam, we can see the young talents in the divine world are basically here, if not, then I can only find you some delicious fresh meat from outside the divine world!"

Ji Huan giggled and giggled, "OK! Then do it quickly! "

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