"Yes Mother Chu answered in a hurry and turned to leave.

"Come back!" Ji Huan suddenly called out.

"What else can I do for you, madam?"

"What have you been up to recently?" Ji Huan said carelessly.

Mother Chu said in a hurry: "back madam, the emperor is entertaining a distinguished guest recently, and has not shown his face."

"Distinguished guest? What kind of guest? Men and women? " Ji Huan asked one after another.

Mother Chu shook her head. "I heard it was a man. As for the identity, I don't know."

Ji Huan slowly leans on the chair, the expression on the face is cloudy and sunny, until after a while just sneer.

"Distinguished guest Hehe, leaving Hentian is the first day of the divine world. What other guests can be regarded as guests of honor by him? "

Of course, Mammy didn't even dare to hear what she said.

"All right, you go down!" Ji Huan Wo waved impatiently on the chair.

Mother Chu was so relieved that she hastened to give a deep courtesy and left.

But at this time, a bright light suddenly burst into the room. Then fly directly to Ji's phantom.

Such changes made the mother of Chu couldn't help exclaiming.

But Ji Huan didn't even blink her eyelids, because she had already seen that there was a seal of divinity.

Sure enough.

Then he saw that the light was gone and the seal inside was revealed.

But when he saw the imprint on the book, Ji Huan frowned and said coldly, "it's the little bitch drunk dream! What did she send me book prints for? "

With that, Ji Huan raised her hand and called, and the seal fell into her hands.

When you untie the outside Book seal, you have to peep at the information inside.

This Ji Huan can't help but be stunned.

Because the information contained in the seal is very simple, only a few words, but it makes Ji Huan confused.

What is this drunken dream for? How suddenly to return to the city of hatred?

He also said that he had something important to discuss with himself.

What can she do?

These doubts in Ji Huan's mind, so that her face is also cloudy and clear.

The mother of Chu did not dare to lift her head. She could only stand there in terror.

Because she knew better than anyone about the fickleness of this lady Ji.

Until after a good while, Ji mirage just sneered at the book in his hand to print a pinch explosion.

"Mother Chu!"


"Our second lady is coming back from drunk dreams these two days. You know what to do! Right Ji Huan said with a smile.

Mother Chu felt a tight heart and hurriedly nodded: "I understand!"

"Then go down and prepare! Remember, drunken dream is a bitch who wants to come back. If the news is heard by the outside world, or the emperor is disturbed, ha ha, you know the consequences yourself! "

Mother Chu shook her clothes and fought, "yes Yes! I'll get ready now

After that, she was flustered and turned to get ready.

Ji Huan leaned back on the chair and wrote out a divinity Book seal with only one word on it!

And then it was transmitted.

After finishing all this, Ji Huan's mouth showed a sneer.

"Important thing, I'll see what you can do!"

In the edge of the city, when drunken dream received Ji Huan's reply, he immediately told Xue an.

"My Lord, this Ji Huan replied! She agreed with me to go back! " Drunk dream quite excited to say.

Xue an nodded with a smile

"When shall we start?" Yu blade asked.

Xue an looked at the side of the wheezing day, "do you think?"

Xiao Tian said in a deep voice, "I can do it any time!"

"Good! It's not too late. We'll start tomorrow! "

"Yes They all responded.

At this time, Jiang xunnan, who had been standing beside Xiaotian, suddenly said timidly, "my Lord, I Can I go with you? "

Xiao Tian's face changed, "looking for the south, what are you doing? It's not going to play! "

Jiang xunnan is not moved, just quietly looking at Xue an.

Xue an looks at the woman and smiles, "are you going to follow?"

Jiang xunnan nodded and said with a solemn face, "yes!"

"Well, if you think about it clearly, it's very dangerous! Maybe even I can't care about you then

Jiang xunnan turned his head and looked at the worried Xiaotian, then laughed, "I don't need any of you to take care of me. I just want to accompany him to find what he lost!"

Xiaotian was stunned by Jiang xunnan's words, and he was greatly moved and whispered: "seek Looking for the South... "Xue an laughed, "OK! In that case, you should follow along with us. "

Xue an and Zuimeng left the news, the entire edge of the city did not know.

In fact, the edge of the city is now in a strange calm.

All the people who witnessed the whole journey that day had been forced to erase their memories by Xue an, and naturally they could not detect anything wrong.

As for those who didn't go, although they felt something was wrong, they still kept silent in this atmosphere.

So their departure did not stir up any waves.

As the first day of the divine world, the vast area of Li Hentian is extraordinary.

Even at xue'an's speed, it takes a long time to get from the edge of the city to the center of Lihen city.

And along the way, they have gone through many levels of barriers.

These are defensive formations specially set up by Lihen Tianjun, not to stop the enemy, but to know the enemy's information in advance.

As long as there is a level of detection problems, from hate the emperor can know in the first time, and take precautions.

It's a very clever strategy.

However, I didn't expect that someone would muddle through by washing his wife's mind and making it a way to help others.

As a matter of fact, Xue an did not dare to obstruct them.

After all, the smell of drunken dreams is obvious.

Although her power is far less than that of the first lady Ji Huan, she is also the second wife who hates the emperor after all. How dare these subordinates offend such existence.

So this way they did not encounter any twists and turns, very smoothly through the layers of barriers.

Finally, the city of hatred is far away.

People stopped and looked at the magnificent city.

Drunken dream came to Xue an, pointed to the magnificent building floating in the sky and said softly, "my Lord, that's Dingtian Xuan where the lady Jihuan lives!"

Xue an looked up and gazed for a moment, then she laughed, "let's go! Go and meet this lady Ji for a moment

After that, Xue an took the lead and flew straight to the Dingtian Xuan.

At the same time.

Ji Huan, who was sleeping with her eyes closed, suddenly opened her eyes, and a sneer flashed across her gorgeous face.

"It's coming fast!"

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