Thinking of this, Ji Huan said in a deep voice: "mother Chu!"

At an order, the mother of Chu rushed in, "madam, what's your order?"

"Drunken dream that bitch has come, you go outside the door to meet it!"

"Yes Mother Chu turned and was about to leave.

"Hold on!"

Mother Chu was stunned, "madam, what's the matter?"

Ji Huan's face changed. Finally, she bit her teeth and stood up and said slowly: "forget it, I'll go! Order down, let all the people dress up to travel, I want to let this bitch understand, who is the real lady! Don't think you can yell at the edge of the city for a few days


At this time, the drunken dream and his party have come to the gate of Dingtian Xuan.

But the gate is closed, and there is no watchman.

Yu Ren was surprised and asked in a low voice: "second lady, what's going on? Does this lady not know that we are coming

Drunk dream smell speech wry smile, "how can she not know that we are coming, I think she just wants to give us a demoralization! After all, this Ji Huan can do anything! "

"What shall we do?" Yu Ren is a little surprised.

Drunken dream turned his head and looked at Xue an, "my Lord, we..."

Before he finished speaking, Xue an suddenly waved his hand, motioned for drunken dream to be silent, and then said with a smile: "it has come!"


What's coming?

Drunk dream just a Leng.

See the closed door suddenly opened, and then from the fish out of two teams of well-dressed maid servants.

After they came out, they separated on both sides and stood with their hands down, as if to welcome some important person.

Then, there came a strong smell.

Then listen to a burst of tender smile.

"Oh, isn't this my drunken sister?"

With the voice, but see a huge team out of the door.

In front of the team, she was a beautiful woman with extremely bright clothes, but she was so gorgeous that she did not dare to look directly at her.

I saw her eyes flow, toward the drunken dream is a burst of Jiao smile.

"Tut Tut, I haven't seen you for thousands of years. Why are you so mature? Is it that the marginal city is too barren? "

These words are extremely mean, as if in ridicule drunken dream old.

Therefore, after hearing this, drunken dream could not help but flash a faint anger in his eyes, but immediately, these looks disappeared, and then stepped forward and bowed down to salute.

"Drunken dream, I've met sister Jihuan!"

Ji Huan sneered, but he was very helpful in his heart.

She enjoyed it.

She naturally knew that drunken dream was very dissatisfied with herself, but because of her identity, she had to salute herself obediently and call out her sister even though she hated herself.

This kind of lofty and irresistible feeling is Ji Huan's favorite.

So she laughed happily, "Oh, why are you and my sisters so polite?"

With that, her eyes moved and she looked at the people behind the drunken dream.

These people didn't care too much about the drunkard.

But when she saw Xue an standing on the side, she was shocked, and then froze in place.

At the moment, Xue an is still wearing the white clothes he usually wears.

Between the victory of snow in white, he himself is like a pine in the snow, with a long body and extraordinary bearing.

And then look at the face, under a pair of sword eyebrows is a pair of deep eyes like the sea.

These eyes seem to have a magic power.

Ji Huan felt that although he just looked at it, but the whole person could not help indulging in it, unable to extricate themselves.

Ji Huan is the top lady in the divine world, but she is good at fishing. She especially likes those young people.

Because of her status and status, she has seen countless amazing people.

But until seeing Xue an, Ji Huan suddenly felt that compared with the young man in white in front of him.

Before those so-called amazing talent peerless generation, all became mediocre, it is not worth mentioning.

This shock from the soul level, let Ji Huan stay in place, for a long time did not speak.

This time, the audience can not help silence down.

Drunken dream secretly looked at Ji Huan, she naturally knew what kind of virtue this lady was, and she couldn't help sneering in her heart.

As for the mother Chu who followed Ji Huan, she naturally understood her wife's intention better, but it was a little indecent to be so rude.

Therefore, she coughed gently and reminded her in a low voice: "madam, the second lady must be very tired after a long journey. Why don't you go in and have a rest?"

This words finally will fall into the infatuated state Ji Huan to wake up.She was also surprised by her gaffe. She coughed awkwardly and nodded, "that's right! Come in, please

Said, she looked at Xue an deeply, this just don't give up to turn around, lead and go in front.

Mother Chu nodded to her drunken dream at this time, "second lady, please!"

Xue an and others followed him into the Ding Tian Xuan.

Only after coming in, can we have a glimpse of the grandeur and vastness of this Dingtian Xuan.

Even it has become a world of its own. All kinds of beautiful scenery are more beautiful.

However, drunken dream was not in the mood to enjoy these things. She quietly approached Xue an and said in a low voice, "my Lord, this Ji magic is not an easy person, and she is extremely greedy and lustful! Judging from the expression she just looked at you, she has obviously moved her heart to you. You see... "

Drunken dream finally hesitated.

Because she didn't know what Xue an planned.

She was afraid that Xue an would get angry again because of this, and she lost her sense of propriety and disordered her plan.

However, xue'an just laughed at it. "This Ji Huan looks pretty good."

Having said this, he walked forward with his head raised.

Left a drunken dream, a face muddled to stand there.

What do you mean?

Is it true that adults are also attracted to this Ji Huan?

Maybe it's possible!

After all, Ji Huan's appearance is unique.

What's more, what men don't like?

Thinking of this, I can't help laughing bitterly in my heart.

I'm afraid it's not so simple!

After all, Ji Huan is famous for eating people and not spitting up bones!

I don't know how many amazing young people died in her hands!

I hope your honor Can you stay awake!

Drunkard followed the procession in a reception hall.

There is no need to say that the decoration is luxurious.

And when they were seated, they just had a sip of tea.

Ji unreal then some can't wait to say: "drunken dream sister, this little brother looks down is some face, don't know is you who person?"

Drunk dream hesitated for a moment, just about to speak.

One side of Xue an put down the teacup in his hand, smiling at the Ji Huan.

"She is my master!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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