Drunk dream is stupid.

It's not just because of Xue an's words.

But because she was shocked to find that there was a trace of shyness in Xue an's smile.

This feeling makes drunk dream shudder.

Because as a person who had seen Xue an's means, she did not believe that Xue an would show such a green smile.

But her face was confused.

Ji Huan is a light in front of her eyes.


So, is this young man the disciple of drunken dream?

Tut Tut, accepting such a "beautiful and delicious" male disciple, this drunken dream is obviously not as conservative as in the rumor!

And Xue an's slightly green smile makes Ji Huan's heart surge.

That's what she likes the most.

In addition, Xue an's identity is a drunkard disciple.

This makes Ji Huan have a kind of pleasure of taking love with a knife.

She has a quirky habit. The more people have something, the more she likes to snatch it.

So the smile on her face was even stronger.

"It turns out to be the disciple of sister Zuimeng! In this way, you should also call me master Niang

Xue an smiles, then lowers his head, as if he is a little shy.

This is not only a drunken dream, but also Xiaotian and Yuren, etc.

Their heads are full of question marks.

What are you doing, my lord?

But Ji Huan's excited face was flushed. If it wasn't for the presence of too many people, she really wanted to rush on and eat the "little fresh meat" into her mouth.

The more she thought, the more itchy Ji Huan felt. She couldn't help but wink at mother Chu secretly.

This mother Chu is an old man who has been following Ji Huan for many years.

Therefore, he stepped forward and said with a smile, "second lady, you must be very tired for coming from afar! Why don't you go down and have a rest? "

Drunken dream and Yu Ren have not responded.

Xue an nodded, "yes, I'm a little tired! Why don't I go down and have a rest first? "

With that, he would get up and say goodbye!

Mother Chu's eyes lit up, and then she said enthusiastically, "in this case, please follow me!"

With that, he led Xue an out.

Before leaving, Xue an looked at drunken dream and others, nodded imperceptibly, and then went away.

Drunk dream and other people in a shock, suddenly understand what, can't help all shut their mouths no longer speak.

And see Xue an follow mother Chu go.

Ji Huan's heart can't help but be more excited.

After a while, when she saw Mother Chu returning to the reception hall, she winked at herself quietly.

Ji Huan could not wait to stand up, pretending to be anxious to say: "Oh, suddenly remembered that there was an urgent matter not done, mother Chu!"

"My subordinates are here!"

"You are here to accompany the drunken dream sister, they talk, I will go back soon!"


Ji Huan was smiling at the drunken dream, "sister drunken dream, you wait for me here for a while."

A strange color flashed in the eyes of drunken dream, but he soon recovered his full face with a smile, "OK, sister Jihuan has something to do! I'll just have a rest here! "

Ji Huan left the reception hall happily.

And when she left, mother Chu was smiling and chatting with drunken dream.

But she did not notice the strange look in the eyes of drunken dream and Yu Ren.

It's like It's like gloating.

At the same time.

Xue an sat in the room specially arranged for him by mother Chu.

The room is so magnificent that even the tables, chairs and benches are carved out of flawless jade.

But it was the big bed in the house that caught the most attention.

The whole bed even needs to be as big as a room. It's needless to say that Diao Liang Huadong still exudes a warm and ambiguous smell. People with a little less determination will feel confused and unable to self-control when they smell it.

But Xue an did not have any expression, just sat at the table, quietly waiting for something.


When he heard the footsteps coming from outside the door, a cold smile appeared in the corner of his mouth.

At this time, the door was quietly pushed open.

I don't know when I've changed my costume and stepped in.

At this time Ji Huan and just have been completely different.

If just Ji Huan is a well-dressed lady, now she is like a banshee who enters the house at night, full of fatal temptation.

And when she saw Xue an sitting at the table, she was stunned.

You should know that those men who have always met often lose their senses after entering this room. Some of them even wait for themselves to come in, and they are already lying on the bed, indulging in gentleness.But I didn't expect that the young man in white was so calm. When he sat there, he even gave Ji Huan a feeling of loneliness.

But soon, Ji Huan recovered to consciousness, and then greedily licked her lips.

She loves that feeling.

She even couldn't wait to hear the white clad boy groaning under her control.

So she walked over and said, pretending to be surprised.

"Childe, how could you appear in my room?"

The voice is cold, but with endless charm.

Xue an raised his head, quietly looked at the Ji mirage, and then laughed.

"Your room?"

From so close, Ji Huan can even smell the faint fragrance from Xue an.

It made her so excited that she couldn't help herself, so she chuckled.

"Yes, this is my room indeed!"

"I don't know, then, that mammy just brought me here! Since it's the lady's room, I'll leave! "

Then Xue an got up and left.

But Jihuan how willing to give up the mouth of "fat" fly away, so Jiao smile a flash, and then blocked Xue an's way.

"What? Come to my room. I'm trying to get into trouble! It turns out that I'm going to go so lightly? " Ji Huan said with a smile, greedy in his eyes could not help swallowing Xue an.

Xue an raised his eyebrows slightly and said with a smile: "what about the lady?"

"Of course From me Said, this Ji unreal then full face infatuated to rush over.

It is not a warm embrace to greet her.

On the contrary, it pours into the air.

This let Ji Huan heart a Leng, at this time, in her ear came Xue an Na cold voice.

"I'm sorry, I never did you!"

Ji unreal whole body a shock, at the same time, see a slender hand stretched over, in the time between a point in her eyebrows.

Ji Huan was shocked, and then stood in place, unable to move any more.

Then he saw Xue an's action ceaselessly, the light in his eyes flashed, and he reached for his hand in the void, and directly grabbed a very strange Rune from Ji Huan's body.

When Xue an wrapped the seal layer by layer with his mind to make sure that he would not contact with the outside world again, he was relieved.

He is not afraid of this Ji Huan, but he is very clear that there is an aura planted by Li hen Tian Jun.

So to be on the safe side, he has to do it!

And after finishing all this, Xue an just raised his head to rush in the eye is full of startled color Ji Huan to smile.

"Hello, get to know each other again. My name is Xue an!"

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