Although the body can't move, the Ji Huan's speech and thinking are normal.

She looked at xue'an with astonishment on her face. After a while, she gradually regained consciousness, and then her face was black and cold.

"What do you want? Don't you know who I am? If you let me go now, I can let bygones be bygones, or you will die without a burial place

Xue an smile, "OK, this scene words don't have to tell me, since I catch you, naturally know your identity!"

Ji Huan's face changed, and she immediately seemed to understand something. She said in an angry voice, "it's the slut in the drunken dream, isn't it? She must have instructed you to do it secretly! This bitch, when I go out, I will kill her

Until now, Ji Huan thought Xue an was a drunk.

Xue an is naturally too lazy to explain this trivial matter to Ji Huan.

He just said faintly: "don't talk nonsense. Now I'll ask you to answer! If you dare to hide I think you should know the method of the spiritual monk! "

Ji Huan was angry in her heart. She thought that her status was so noble that she could not even look up at her.

But I didn't expect to fall into the hands of Xue an today, and listen to this tone, just like reprimand prisoners.

So her heart was naturally full of discontent.

But Xue an has a good habit, that is never used to other people's bad habits.

Therefore, in the absence of Ji Huan's response, he raised his hand is a slap in the face.


The sound made the tea cups on the table vibrate.

Ji Huan was more than ten feet away from the fan, and fell directly on the big bed, which made a huge noise.

Several maids in charge of guarding outside the door could not help but look at each other after hearing these sounds, and then all showed a hint of understanding smile.

Because the sound was so familiar to them.

It seems that madam has already got it!

But it seems that my wife is playing a little big today!

Don't you start abusing at the end of the day?

Why did you hear a slap in the face when you came up today?

In spite of doubts in their hearts, these maids did not dare to make any noise.

Because Ji Huan is known for her moodiness.

If carelessness interferes with her interest, it will surely die.

However, these maids did not think that the lady was lying upright on the bed with her mouth and nose bleeding and her cheeks swollen and high. Then they looked at xue'an, who was walking to the bed with frightened eyes.

She had no idea that Xue an really dared to hit himself, and he was so cruel.

The wound on the face let Ji unreal arrogance become a lot of convergence, at least when you look at Xue an, there is no previous kind of bossy.

Xue an can't help but nod with satisfaction, "very good! It seems that we have reached a cooperation, even he did not use the divination skill to Ji Huan, because it is different from drunken dream.

After all, Ji Huan is the first lady in the name of Li hen Tian Jun, and she is in the city of Li hen.

If you forcibly use the method of divinity to wash or steal her memory, it is very likely to disturb the king of hatred.

In that case, all the previous achievements will be abandoned.

For now, we can only use words to get more information from Ji Huan's mouth.

Think of this, Xue an light way: "that you know this from hate the emperor is doing now?"

Ji Huan smelled a wry smile, "how can I know what he's doing! Although I am his wife in name, I may be better than the maid in his eyes! You are the emperor. He doesn't need my permission to do anything! But... "

Ji Huan said that this meal, for Xue an charm smile, "I heard that he is recently entertaining a distinguished guest from afar, now there is no fault to worry about other things!"

"A distinguished guest from afar?" Xue an slightly Zheng, the light in his eyes twinkled, "do you know who it is?"

"Sorry, I don't know! Oh, it's really hard to lie upright like this! Why don't we make a deal? You let go of my shackles. I promise you, I will never run away. What do you think Ji Huan said with a smile.

At the moment, her swollen face has been restored to its original appearance, only the bloodstain on the corner of her mouth still exists, but this has added a unique charm to her. With the bright smile on her face, it is enough to make the weak minded man fall instantly.

It's a pity.

She met Xue an.

Xue an frowned slightly, not moved by her charm, but slowly raised another hand and said: "not so much! And I just said, I ask you! So next time I find out you're talking nonsense, watch out for the other side of your face

Hearing Xue an's response, Ji Huan can't help but be stunned.

For the first time in her life, she had doubts about her charm.In the past, no matter what you do and what kind of heroes you are facing, you can make them fall in love with just a few words or a few smiles.

Even the original from hate the emperor, are enchanted by their own.

This is also the most proud thing of Ji Huan.

However, she did not expect that all her tricks failed in front of the young man in white.

Is it because you are old and your charm is declining?

No! How is that possible? I'm in the Chinese new year now. It must be the boy who has problems!

Ji Huan's heart began to dream.

At the same time, Xue an said faintly, "now I ask you, do you know where the Chinese gods who were captured by Li hen Tian Jun are now locked up?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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