Hearing Xue an's words, Ji mirage was struck by lightning, and then he understood what the boy wanted to do. He said in horror: "Chinese! Are you Chinese? "

As soon as Xue an saw Ji Huan's reaction, he knew there was a play.

Because the more so, the more it shows that Ji Huan knows the existence of the Chinese people.

This greatly increased Xue an's confidence and nodded: "yes, I am indeed a Chinese! Since you know the Chinese people, you must also know where the Chinese gods are locked up! "

Ji Huan Leng Leng looking at Xue an, until after a good while, just said with a bitter smile.

"Yes, I do know the Chinese people, and to tell you the truth, I witnessed the Chinese gods who were arrested in those years!"

Hearing this, Xue an's eyes were full of light and asked eagerly, "where are they now? Tell me all you know


Ji unreal should a, and then the look on his face became very strange, eyes also showed a look of respect and fear.

"When I was just married to Li hen Tian Jun, I was in favor. Once, I accompanied him to drink wine for three days and nights. Finally, he got drunk and became very excited. Then he took me to a place called The place of the prison

"God prison..." Xue an whispered softly.

"Yes! It's the prison Speaking of this, Ji Huan's eyes showed the color of fear, "that's a picture I'll never forget!"

"At that time, on the ground of the prison, there were huge stone ridges crisscrossed with interlocking teeth, and on that ridge, countless tall gods were bound with iron chains!"

"Some of these gods are dead, but some are still alive! But even if they are alive, the gods are dying because

"For what?" Xue an has been quietly listening, until this time just can't wait to ask.

"Because I see countless poisonous insects gnawing at the bodies of these gods. When a Chinese god falls, these poisonous insects will surge and change A God who is far away from Hentian

Speaking of this, Ji Huan stopped.

It's not because she doesn't want to say it, but because she can't say it anymore.

See a very cold killing will Xue an's body completely shrouded, and even Jihuan's body has been frozen stiff.

Ji Huan couldn't help but cry out in a hurry: "my lord Forgive me, my Lord

At this time, she did not dare to tease as she had just done, because she knew very well that since the young man in white came for the Chinese nationality, there was no room for turning around.

Because the blood feud between Li hen Tian Jun and the Chinese can not be solved at all!

After hearing Ji Huan's plea for mercy, Xue an took a deep breath and then slowly vomited out.

Until the completion of this breath, the killing intention on his body disappeared, and then said faintly: "continue to speak!"

Ji Huan trembled and said, "but even in such a bad environment, no one of the Chinese gods, whether dead or alive, succumbed! Even when Li hen Tian Jun was touring, a giant suddenly rose from the ground, trying to give him a fatal blow

"But it's all in vain! In front of Li hen Tian Jun, the giant's counterattack naturally failed. As a result, his whole body was blasted into a forest of white bones

"At that time, Li hen Tian Jun laughed wildly and said," these Chinese gods are such dead hearted eyes. They are the same at any time! "

"And then?" Xue an light way, calm seems to be listening to a trivial matter.

"And then..." Ji Huan went on to say with some difficulty: "then I followed the emperor from hate into the deepest prison, and then saw a young man with three purposes!"

Xue an's eyes were bright, but he did not speak.

But Ji Huan didn't dare to go on. She secretly looked at Xue an, then bit her teeth, and then went on to say, "at that time, the Lihen emperor persuaded the three eyed God to surrender, but the three eyed God did not speak at all! This silent silence finally made Li hen angry, and then Then he was born and dug out the vertical eye which the God of the three eyes had made


Ji fantasy body under this solid incomparable big bed in a light sound after the moment into powder.

Although the mattress is still intact, but Jihuan or fell to the ground, can not help exclaiming.

Can Xue an still voice cold as ice said: "go on!"

"It is Yes! At that time At that time, when the king of Lihen was doing such bloody and cruel things, the three eyed God always looked at him quietly. His body did not tremble, and even there was a trace of mockery on his face! "

"This made Li hen Tian Jun very angry, but in the end he had nothing to do, so he led me away. This is also the only time I followed the king of hatred to the God prison! When he woke up the next day, he ordered me not to divulge what I had seen

"Behind We gradually separated! So I don't know what happened after that! "Ji Huan finished everything she knew, and then secretly looked at Xue an to see how the Chinese teenager would react.

Xue an's face was heavy and his eyes were shining. After a long time, he said softly.

"How long has it been since you went to the prison?"

"1831 years!" Ji Huan said softly.

Xue an shuddered and nodded, "OK! I got it! Since you have been to the prison, you will know where it is and how to enter it? "

Ji Huan said with a wry smile: "the location of this prison is not special. The entrance is under the temple in Lihen City, but the problem is that if you want to enter there, you must get a guiding lantern!"

"Guiding lantern?" Xue an frowned.

"Yes! The God prison is a very strange place. It is a space gap between the divine world and the heaven and the myriad worlds. There are countless space cracks crisscross in it, which is extremely dangerous. This guiding lantern will guide you to the divine prison! Without it, you will be completely lost in the labyrinth of space, and you will never want to come out in your life. Frankly speaking, the lantern is like the key to the prison! "

"How can I get this lantern?"

Hearing Xue an's words, Ji Huan gave a wry smile, "it's useless. Nobody can believe this from hate emperor. The only guiding lantern is on him and carried by him."

After hearing this, Xue an lowered his head and remained silent.

Ji Huan is a little frightened and waiting, for fear that the young man in white will kill himself because of his annoyance.

But after a while, Xue an suddenly raised his head and said to Ji Huan faintly: "I will solve the matter of the lantern by myself. Now I ask you, are you sure you can enter the prison without disturbing the emperor?"

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